Popeye the Slayer Man Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In Popeye the Slayer Man, a group of friends sneak into an abandoned spinach canning factory to film a documentary on the legend of the 'Sailor Man,' who is said to haunt the factory. The producers state: "We can't wait for audiences to get a load of this gory and scary version of Popeye... We went old-school and focused on using real practical effects, and not relying on CG for the gore." Popeye the Slayer Man is directed by American filmmaker Robert Michael Ryan.
Short filmTranscript
00:00What the hell is all this stuff for?
00:05It's the equipment I checked out for my documentary.
00:09Oh, is this that pirate man thing you were going on about in class the other day?
00:12Sailor Man.
00:14Tonight's the last night we can get inside.
00:18They are, you know, aware of the charming stories circulating about this place.
00:23I don't believe in ghost stories.
00:25He's not a ghost.
00:27The Sailor Man is real.
00:31Ah! Ah!
00:34He doesn't take kindly to visitors stopping at his doorstep.
00:39If she's just doing some school project, then why won't she just pick the phone up?
00:43Oh yeah? What should I do?
00:44She said they're going to be at the old candy factory, right?
00:47Let's go down there.
00:49Do you know where the factory closed down 20 years ago?
00:52There was a spinach contamination.
01:12You're a monster!
01:14I am what I am.