Skeleton Crew - The Skeleton Crew Talks Star Wars - Plot Synopsis: SKELETON CREW follows four children -- Wim (Ravi Cabot-Conyers), Fern (Ryan Kiera Armstrong), KB (Kyriana Kratter), Neel (Robert Timothy Smith) -- who end up on an adventure to make their way home after being lost in the galaxy following a discovery they make on their home planet.
directed by Jon Watts, David Lowery, the Daniels (Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert), Jake Schreier, Bryce Dallas Howard, Lee Isaac Chung (Various Episodes)
starring Jude Law, Ravi Cabot-Conyers, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Kyriana Kratter, Robert Timothy Smith, Tunde Adebimpe, Kerry Condon, Jaleel White, Nick Frost
release date December 3, 2024 (on Disney Plus)
directed by Jon Watts, David Lowery, the Daniels (Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert), Jake Schreier, Bryce Dallas Howard, Lee Isaac Chung (Various Episodes)
starring Jude Law, Ravi Cabot-Conyers, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Kyriana Kratter, Robert Timothy Smith, Tunde Adebimpe, Kerry Condon, Jaleel White, Nick Frost
release date December 3, 2024 (on Disney Plus)
00:04Need you to take the control
00:06Okay, so I first discovered Star Wars when the first film was released in the cinemas
00:13I remember it just blowing my tiny mind
00:16I've never seen anything like it from there on
00:18Running around my yard or schoolyard and arguing over who'd be Han and who'd be Luke was just a big part of my childhood
00:26I always wanted to be Han. Yes. I bet you have well depended
00:30I probably wanted to be Vader sometimes as well knowing me
00:33If that is your destiny
00:35My dad knows everything there is to know about Star Wars pretty much like the when I got the script for the first time they
00:41Like sent it over
00:42He gave me a little cheat sheet to know a little bit more about Star Wars and like all the like references and the aliens
00:49You know all this stuff my dad introduced me, but also my brothers
00:52I remember walking down on the stairs one day and they're playing a new hope but I heard all the sounds and I was like
00:58Oh my gosh, and then I saw Princess Leia and I was like
01:03That's right, my dad's been really one time is a new hope and I remember him just showing me all the movies
01:09I don't remember really liking them out of them
01:11I also remember him like taking me to the theaters to go see I think like Force Awakens rise
01:16It was like kind of a bonding moment for me my dad
01:19I like grew up with all the Star Wars movies. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board
01:26Charming to the last so the very first thing that we ever worked on together was a lightsaber fight starring Ford and I did
01:34All the lightsaber Photoshop. We had to export all the frames and do it all by hand airbrush tool
01:39Yeah, there was a lot of work, but I think it turned out great
01:42My favorite scene in all of Star Wars has to be the end of Return of the Jedi the final lightsaber battle between
01:48Skywalker Darth Vader when the music starts to come up and oh my god, he's turned to the dark side
01:56I'll never turn to the dark side to be invited to be a part of this universe was just a
02:02True thrill, you know, there's something to be said for the play out of the movie
02:08As a child assuming roles running around wanting to be space pirates or saviors in that world was a leap of the imagination
02:16which is really at the heart of what my job is and so
02:19Becoming an actor and then being asked to be an actor in that universe is like a beautiful full circle. It still feels really
02:28Real it's it's really exciting. I loved the script when I read it for the first time. It's such a nice
02:32It was different to see this kind of story in Star Wars 2
02:35I think it's really nice. I kind of changes when you'll see the emotions to all these
02:40Classic movies that we all kind of grew up with. It's really beautiful and I'm so honored to be part of that
02:45I think what was interesting about being asked to actually work on a Star Wars series within the Star Wars world
02:50I suddenly felt yeah a real reverence for it and a real admiration and appreciation for it
02:55It was like being asked to actually work on a Star Wars series
02:58So reflecting on that has been really a lovely part of the whole process