• l’année dernière
"Deadlier Than the Male" is a captivating 1967 British crime and mystery film that brings a fresh twist to the classic detective genre. Directed by Ralph Thomas, this film features the suave Bulldog Drummond, portrayed by Richard Johnson, who is tasked with uncovering a sinister plot involving two deadly female assassins, Irma Eckman (Elke Sommer) and Penelope (Sylva Koscina). The film is a notable homage to the James Bond series, blending adventure, intrigue, and a touch of humor.
In "Deadlier Than the Male," viewers are introduced to a world where beauty and danger intertwine. The story kicks off with an explosive scene where Irma, disguised as an air stewardess, executes an oil tycoon aboard his private jet using a booby-trapped cigar. This thrilling opening sets the tone for a film filled with glamorous settings and clever plot twists. As Drummond investigates the mysterious deaths linked to Phoenician Oil, he encounters the lethal duo who will stop at nothing to protect their interests.
The film's title references Rudyard Kipling's poem "The Female of the Species," suggesting that women can be just as dangerous as men. This theme is explored through the cunning and resourceful nature of the female characters, making "Deadlier Than the Male" a unique entry in the spy genre. The film's mix of action, suspense, and wit keeps audiences engaged as Drummond races against time to thwart their plans.
With its stylish cinematography and memorable performances, "Deadlier Than the Male" remains a classic example of 1960s cinema that appeals to fans of spy thrillers and mystery alike. The film also features a catchy title song performed by The Walker Brothers, adding to its charm and nostalgia. Don't miss out on this thrilling adventure that showcases the allure of danger wrapped in glamour!