• last year
Siccin 2 (2015) is the second installment in the Siccin horror franchise, directed by Alper Mestçi. This Turkish supernatural horror film continues to explore themes of black magic, family curses, and the consequences of tampering with the occult. The story revolves around Hicran, a grieving mother tormented by the death of her son, and her husband Adnan, who hides dark secrets. The couple's life spirals into chaos as they confront horrifying apparitions and unearth family ties steeped in tragedy and supernatural malevolence.

The movie is lauded for its strong atmosphere, intense storytelling, and effective use of psychological and supernatural scares. It deepens the franchise's reputation for creating uniquely chilling experiences rooted in Islamic folklore.

Release date: July 10, 2015 (Türkiye)
Director: Alper Mestçi
Language: Turkish
Distributed by: Netflix
