MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse Afrique - 20/11/2024
00:00Let's go for the review of the African news.
00:12Let's start with Chad, the country has benefited from the aid of 36 billion francs EFA from Germany.
00:19Announcement made during a business visit on the 18th of this week in Chad of the German minister,
00:26Svenja Skåls, information to be read on the newspaper of Chad.
00:31The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chad, Abdelrahman Kulmala, met Minister Svenja Skåls
00:38to discuss bilateral cooperation in key areas such as education and health.
00:45The German minister praised Chad's efforts in its political transition and its fight against terrorism.
00:52Germany, via the ADIZ, is committed to supporting the sustainable development of the country.
00:57The two ministers have agreed to strengthen their collaboration through concrete projects, notes the source of information.
01:06In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the National Independent Electoral Commission conducted an evaluation of the electoral process on 15 and 16 November 2024 in Kinshasa.
01:17This initiative, led by Deniz Kalimah Kazady, aims to identify the successes and challenges of current electoral mechanisms, informs AFRICOM in its columns.
01:27The recommendations formulated could reform the proportional representation system, favoring better inclusion of women and marginalized groups.
01:38These changes are crucial to ensure more transparent and effective elections in the future, especially in 2028.
01:49In South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa expressed his concern about the health of illegal miners trapped in the Steel Fountain mine,
01:59where the police blocked their access to food and water.
02:03According to AFRICA News and Information, the South African president stressed that the lives of these workers should not be compromised in the context of their confrontation with the police.
02:15Ramaphosa called for respect for the rights of the miners, while recognizing that the situation could become explosive.
02:23More than 1,000 illegal miners are still underground, despite the efforts of the authorities to get them out, notes the online newspaper.
02:33South Sudan is facing a humanitarian crisis exacerbated by the massive influx of refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan, with more than 810,000 new arrivals since April 2023.
02:46According to APA News, the United Nations warns that nearly 60% of the South Sudanese population could suffer from acute food insecurity by 2025.
02:59While children are particularly vulnerable, with 2.1 million threatened with malnutrition, UNICEF is calling for immediate action to respond to the nutritional needs and the profound causes of this crisis.
03:14Health. To finish, Cameroon is facing a cholera epidemic alert in the northern extreme region, with 17 confirmed cases in Marwa, says the information site Kwasi.
03:26Health authorities have intensified prevention and stabilization measures to contain the spread of the disease.
03:34The cases were detected in a precarious health condition context.
03:39A vaccination campaign has enabled more than 7 million people to be protected between January 2022 and October 2023.
03:47However, officials are calling on the population to adopt strict hygiene practices, including hand washing and drinking water, according to Kwasi.
04:00That's all for this African news item for today. Thank you for following it.