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Den of Thieves 2 Movie (2025) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Actors Gerard Butler and O'Shea Jackson Jr. return in the sequel to 2018's action-heist hit Den of Thieves. In Den of Thieves: Pantera, sheriff "Big Nick" O'Brien (Butler) is back on the hunt in Europe and closing in on Donnie (Jackson), who is embroiled in the treacherous and unpredictable world of diamond thieves and the infamous Panther mafia, as they plot a massive heist of the world’s largest diamond exchange. Den of Thieves 2: Pantera is entirely written and directed by American producer / writer / filmmaker Christian Gudegast.
00:00You got to be loaded isn't it enough it'll never be enough
00:08It's not about the money
00:14It's about the challenge
00:18Let's go let's go can I get in can I get your head and get out we're clean we clean
00:28Don't anyone even know when I was there
00:33When I are part of this weird symbiosis, you see you only exist
00:40Because me where is that they fired your ass
00:45I'm broke, and I'm sick of being a hunter your next job. I'm gonna do with you. I want to meet these Panthers
00:56We're to up the world diamond center the most secular building in continental Europe the score is 800 million euros
01:04So no more being sheriff for you
01:09At that our people's feelings they all fit right in
01:15We will perform a
01:19Time descent
01:22That will move us undetected as the cameras cycle through that's fucking involved three seconds to green light
01:32There are no dead zones, so we'll have to create one
01:41You feeling it yeah, I'm feeling it
01:45You gotta be fucking loaded
01:48Isn't it enough they don't ever be enough
01:56You stole something that belongs to us
02:02We stole diamonds from the mafia like I fucking knew now what swim I can't swim that far
02:08I'm negatively buoyant. Don't you know David Goggins?
02:17What's our six was our police headlights
02:28Can you lose them fucking trying these dudes are drivers, let's just shoot
02:35And the top goes gangster
