• last year
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Wednesday that the Latin American nation has a judiciary independent from the gringos, defending sovereignty against the colonialist stance of the United States. “The imperialist agenda wants to surrender our independence,” said the president, while highlighting that they want to impose a new carmonazo. “They believe and feel drunk with power with the support of the US imperialist elite,” he added.


00:00:00that are here today in a pride activity that is the installation of the National Electoral
00:00:15Commission to the election of the judges and magistrates.
00:00:24They are joining us here, the President of the Supreme Court of Justice and the representative
00:00:33head of the Supreme Court of Justice, Magistrate Tania de Melio, and Attorney General Tariq
00:00:41Williams Saab, and the President of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso, Vice President
00:00:49of the National Electoral Council, Minister of Education Héctor Rodríguez, and Head
00:00:58of District Raúl Fernández, and Minister of Popular Power for Communes, which is the
00:01:08body established by the organic law that was approved recently by Ángel Parra, and also
00:01:17representatives and deputies from the committee that work in the reform of the organic law
00:01:27of special jurisdiction of justice of communal peace.
00:01:32And the defender of the people, we greet him.
00:01:35We were saying this is a bright election because when a law is sanctioned and then approved
00:01:42by the President, it is comforting that weekly social politics are activated, and as in the
00:01:55Fourth Republic times, it does not remain unpunished.
00:02:00That law that is part of a deep consultation in the whole national territory with the communal
00:02:07councils, with the communes, with the Supreme Court of Justice, with the National Electoral
00:02:13Council, and all of the entities related to this process in a way established in our Constitution
00:02:22in the Article 258, a special way of administration of justice, a close justice, justice of proximity,
00:02:32justice for getting closer the differences between neighbors and communities, justice that
00:02:42also conforms an element that forces to the universal and direct election of the judges of
00:02:51And that is precisely the reason for we are here today in the room of the National Assembly
00:03:01of the Fourth Republic, because the Constitutional law forces us to choose in a direct universal
00:03:07way the judges of peace.
00:03:10Therefore, we have defined 5,000 communal circuits that correspond to 3,600 communes
00:03:20and groupings of communal councils around certain territory, communal circuits.
00:03:27What do we call communal circuits?
00:03:29Well, it's a territory that is established and has a commune or communal council linked
00:03:38to that circuit that have a voting center in the territory of the communal circuit and
00:03:50also has a population living in that territory.
00:03:54That is how it is established in the law.
00:03:58We are going to choose up to three judges of peace in each of the communal circuits.
00:04:07This means that in December 15, 30,000 judges of peace will be chosen, 15,000 principal
00:04:19main judges, and it will be carried out with the support of the National Electoral Council.
00:04:28A voting center will be established in each of the communal circuits, which means 5,000
00:04:35voting centers.
00:04:36All of the inhabitants of the communal circuits over 15 years old will vote, which
00:04:44ensures the participation of young people that have active participation in the communal
00:04:52Those over 15 years old can participate.
00:04:57The identification is the only requirement to participate.
00:05:03We will have the elements of security at the National Electoral Council.
00:05:08It's a simple ballot that after the process that is starting today, people will be able
00:05:18to choose the candidates that will be running for communal councils or for their choice.
00:05:27This will be put in a ballot and people will be able to vote up to three times in the election
00:05:37It starts today, and from today the electoral committees will be established in each communal
00:05:46There will be 5,000 electoral committees, and in all of the communal circuits, these
00:05:57electoral committees for a circuit will publish the electoral program.
00:06:03There is a period for the election of candidates and a period for the electoral campaign that
00:06:09will end Friday, December 13.
00:06:13And December 15, the event of the election of the judges will be held.
00:06:19And that same day, since there is an electoral commission for each communal circuit, every
00:06:27communal circuit will proclaim their winners and establish who are the judges of the communes.
00:06:38Then this information goes to the electoral committee of the nation, and in December we
00:06:46will have 30,000 new judges of communal peace.
00:06:57Good afternoon.
00:07:05All of the authorities of the public powers here present, I thank you for this invitation.
00:07:14I thank the President of the Legislative Power of Venezuela, the National Assembly,
00:07:22the Unlegitimate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, and
00:07:33the Board present here, Deputy Pedro Infante, Vice President.
00:07:41I also thank the invitation and the presence of the magistrates,
00:07:49Beatriz Rodríguez, President of the Supreme Court of Justice,
00:07:57Magistrate Tania D'Amelio, President of the Constitutional Group,
00:08:07and also the presence of the President of the Moral Power, the Citizen Power,
00:08:15Fourth Constitutional Power of Venezuela, Dr. Tarek William Satt, Attorney General of the Republic,
00:08:30and also in the Civic Power, we have the Defender of the People,
00:08:37and the President of the Electoral Power, the Fifth Power of the Country,
00:08:46Dr. Elvis Amoroso. He is also here, Vice President of the National Electoral Council,
00:08:59Dr. Carlos Quintero, Deputy President of the National Assembly, Francisco Amelias,
00:09:09Minister of Education and Vice President of Government for Social, Hector Rodríguez,
00:09:20Minister of Communities, Ángel Prado, so-called Ángel Comuna Prado,
00:09:28Secretary General of the Organization, Jorge Arreaza,
00:09:38a special guest, the head of the government of the capital of Caracas.
00:09:48It's still called Caracas Capital or Capital District.
00:09:51Yes, that is right. Deputies, fellow mates
00:10:03who have participated in the consultation and the creation of the reforms of the law,
00:10:12Deputy Celaflores here, President, it's very important, this event,
00:10:19and coming to the National Assembly brings me memories because in these spaces where we arrived
00:10:31in a young stage, young age, we carried out efforts for Venezuela. Our first step
00:10:37was to close Santa María to the corrupt person of the Fourth Republic. It was the first thing we
00:10:48did when we came here in November 1998, an open space for the constitutional process and the
00:10:58election of the National Constitutional Assembly of 1999. We were here also as constitutional
00:11:08in the spaces of the Federal Legislative Palace, which is the patrimony of the nation.
00:11:17And from these spaces, constitutionals, I remember a young captain of the army
00:11:27who was ordered by Commander Chavez to the constitutional labor to bring
00:11:33voice to the youth. I remember the young constitutional defender of human rights
00:11:43coming from El Tigre, a poet, today Attorney General of the nation, a man that defends justice,
00:11:51a fighter for justice. And I remember we were very young. These spaces,
00:12:07we need to remember the debates that were carried out here because in spite that we have a solid
00:12:15majority of 135 constitutionals in the elections, in the elections of July 25, 1999, we won 131.
00:12:32We had a majority, an overwhelming majority,
00:12:37which was handled in a democratic way, opening the doors to these legislative spaces that
00:12:49for 168 years were closed to the people, opening spaces for the social movements
00:12:57in the great process of collective elaboration of the Bolivarian Constitution of 1999.
00:13:07Pride of our nation. Defender of our homeland. Moral strength and spiritual strength.
00:13:20Because the first step that our revolution took with our commander ahead was
00:13:28creating a constitutional revolution. Establishes the framework, legal framework,
00:13:37that with the Magna Carta was going to rule our country. It's been a long time.
00:13:54It's going to be 25 years since then. We were 25 years ago in the consultation phase.
00:14:02The constitution was approved and we went to the streets of the neighborhoods and
00:14:09looking for the votes because it's the only constitution in the history of 200 years of
00:14:15republic that was consulted and the people voted in a sovereign way in December 15, 1999.
00:14:26The only one. No one else did it. It was done by Hugo Chavez.
00:14:33Something that hurts the imperialism and the enemies of Venezuela wherever they are
00:14:39and those who envy Venezuela because there are a lot.
00:14:421999. For that moment, it was established a path for justice. First, it was given the character
00:15:04to the Venezuelan state as a proposal for Commander Chavez to constitute the state as a
00:15:17democratic right, social, fundamental, and of justice. Those are the elements that make up the
00:15:25new state. Here was established in a very clear way the participatory character of our democracy.
00:15:39We left behind the corrupted democracy that represented elites, the farce that meant 40
00:15:52years of corrupt and rotten democracy. We started a new way of building the basis of a new state
00:16:11and the basis of a new society, a new state for a new society, and a new society for a new state.
00:16:22It is an indivisible category, as it was in Bolivar, the Republican Venezuelan category
00:16:31of equality and freedom. Those who can follow the way of thinking of Bolivar
00:16:40in the fields of South America will see that these are two vital categories that Bolivar
00:16:46promulgated before the Congress of Angostura, but after in the libertarian campaign that took him to
00:16:57Pichincha, Jorinho, and several locations 200 years ago to Ayacucho, equality, and freedom.
00:17:07We have the task to build a new state, a new basis, and a new society of equality and freedom
00:17:19in a sovereign nation, an independent nation, where Venezuelans rule.
00:17:28There are some who promulgate going back to the colonization time and being followers of
00:17:41multimillionaires and North American elites. There are some who act as slaves and followers
00:17:51and go to the North Americans to ask for economic aggressions, sanctions, invasions,
00:18:05and to deliver Venezuela to them, to the North American empire, as an expression of domination.
00:18:16That is not a new contradiction it has already 200 years old,
00:18:26but there are some opposed to the homeland from Venezuela, Miami, and other places
00:18:34that caused the self-destruction of Venezuela and held the flags of colonialism.
00:18:47We also have a magnificent art of independence and sovereignty to build a new state, a new society,
00:18:54a new country. In that path, we are today more than ever on the right side of history.
00:19:04We are also on the right path, taking the steps that are needed.
00:19:10Yesterday, 25 years ago, we took the brave steps that were needed with a great leader ahead
00:19:19of us. That came from the academy of the army of Venezuela, from the barracks of the army of
00:19:30Venezuela, linked with the Indians, the farmers, the Venezuelans of everyday life. We were able
00:19:46to build and open the path of history of the 21st century. Still, we have the challenge to
00:19:57complete the Bolivarian task of regeneration, moral, political, and institutional of our republic.
00:20:05Here, we have the way very early was defined in the article 253,
00:20:18Constitutional Target, Willensat. Here, we have the secretary of the Constitution
00:20:25that carried out notes, and this task was recorded in the archives of the National Assembly.
00:20:39In the National Library, we narrate the debates of all the chapters of the Constitution,
00:20:48the Constitution as a whole, each of the articles. I will say that here in this room, I remember we
00:20:57were summoned because we were 131 constitutionals,
00:21:16and there were four constituents of what was called at the time the opposition.
00:21:27The opposition had Alhambra Vercaria, who left the country and was part of the coup d'etat,
00:21:36and of the project of dissolving the public powers, and with bad activities,
00:21:47pretending to change the Constitution. It was recorded like that in the press
00:21:53by then President Javier Pérez. Also, Virgilio Ávila Vivas, who was elected by Caracas in the
00:22:00government administration of Carlos Javier Pérez, the second government of Pérez,
00:22:08Dr. Jorge Olavarría, who by then followed the reactionary activities.
00:22:20He was beloved by the young people of Venezuela.
00:22:26He had a magazine that denounced the state of the
00:22:38Society of Accomplices called by him. At the time, he was able to support the candidacy of
00:22:44Commander Chávez. Then, he was elected constituent, and what we can recognize and
00:22:51remember of him is that he was a great speaker, but his positions were retargeted specifically
00:23:08in the indigenous communities. Also, Claudio Fermin, the former presidential candidate,
00:23:15we knew him there. From there, two articles were written, Article 253 and 258.
00:23:28Article 253 talks about justice in a country that is part of just and unarmed citizens,
00:23:41and is established in a republic for the law. It is a very advanced concept for the 21st century
00:23:52that corresponds to the bodies of the judicial powers
00:23:59through the procedures determined by the law and executes its sentence.
00:24:06The system of justice is constituted by the Supreme Court of Justice,
00:24:12and I am saying this today, 25 years after. It is a powerful justice system of Venezuela
00:24:19in a permanent phase of changes, renewal, and fighting forever against corruption. I
00:24:27congratulate the Supreme Court of Justice, magistrates, for your strength and honesty,
00:24:35and your fight against evil. The system of justice is constituted by the Supreme Court
00:24:43of Justice, other courts determined by the law, the public ministry, and the research bodies
00:24:56and officials of justice, the panel system, and look what is here,
00:25:08the alternative media of justice revolution. This is revolution. Article 258 means
00:25:18that law will organize justice of peace in communities. Judges of peace will be elected
00:25:26by universal voting, direct and secret. Law will concede mediation and anything needed for the
00:25:45resolution of conflicts. Attempts of legislation on this regard were made, and some steps were
00:25:59taken, but without a doubt, with the approval of the reforms of the law by the National Assembly,
00:26:11in a process of consultation and debate with the popular power that has established the basis
00:26:20and the way and organization of the justice of peace. Today, in our territories, we are
00:26:29paying a historical debt of 25 years, and we are heading to the election of the judges of peace
00:26:36with the advanced reform of the law made by the National Assembly. We are heading to the election
00:26:41of judges of peace, and this is how it should be done in all spheres of life in this minor
00:26:52corridor that has our people inside the constitution, everything with the constitution,
00:27:01everything, nothing out of the constitution, nothing against the constitution. That is our slogan
00:27:13that we must congregate in neighborhoods among young people, women, men, communities,
00:27:29and link it, create a fusion as a whole, all of the powers of our republic, the greatest power
00:27:40of our republic, the sovereign people, the power of the people, the organized people, the people
00:27:50having their sovereignty and the public powers and the governments
00:27:58following the leadership of the people. It is always said that there is a lot to be done yet,
00:28:07always a lot of things to improve, to change, that we are on the right side of history,
00:28:15on the right path. Nobody doubts it. This is the path of the sovereign, free homeland to build
00:28:25the greatest happiness as possible. Nobody doubts it, but there is always a debate that
00:28:32changes are needed, improvements are needed, some things lack yet, and who is going to do it?
00:28:41Who is going to do it? The imperialist elite of the United States is going to
00:28:49make the changes that Venezuela needs linked to a fascist current that wants to deliver
00:28:58our independence. Are they the ones who are going to do these changes?
00:29:06They want to impose a new coup d'etat of so-called Carmonazo.
00:29:16To those who want a new Carmonazo and are drunk in power with the support of the imperialist
00:29:24elite of the United States, I only tell you, don't underestimate the Venezuelan people.
00:29:36Don't underestimate what Venezuela has in the military-police-civical fusion.
00:29:47You are going to regret it if you bother the secret constitution of Venezuela,
00:29:57their peace, and its people. You will regret it. I know what I'm saying.
00:30:02The best way for us to defend our country
00:30:15is by putting into practice the philosophy of Muhammad Ali.
00:30:23Do you remember Muhammad Ali? Any of you? You can look it up on YouTube.
00:30:30Muhammad Ali said,
00:30:39in the box, dancing as butterflies and spiking as bees.
00:30:46He was saying, the best way to defend is attacking. I say, the best way to defend
00:30:53Venezuela and the right to peace, political stability, tranquility, economic autonomy,
00:31:03and development, the best way to take care of our country is to advance in the structural
00:31:10task of change with the people. That's what I believe, the change of the election of the
00:31:16judges of peace. Right now, in the 5,000 communal circuits, next December 15, it's the best way to
00:31:24carry out popular sovereignty, grant peace, and say to the imperialism, don't bother Venezuela.
00:31:33It's a challenge of peace, and we need to take it to the bases now, Angel, Hector, Jorge,
00:31:49fellow mates here. That's how we need to do it. If you want peace,
00:32:00defend it in your territory. Carry out your sovereignty in your territory. If you want
00:32:09substantial changes to improve your country, we need to achieve these changes in each territory,
00:32:15each community, each neighborhood, each family, each man and woman.
00:32:21If you want things to change for the best, and our country to consolidate its path of prosperity,
00:32:29we need to carry out changes where everyday life Venezuelans live. Only we can do it.
00:32:40I could tell you that the time of manipulative elites and manipulating public powers is past
00:32:52history. Today, we have independent public powers. And when I say independent,
00:33:03it's, I mean, independent from mafia, independent from oligarchies, independent from
00:33:11the North Americans. Today, we have a judicial power that is independent from the North Americans,
00:33:18from the empire, from the world powers. A country like Argentina can't say that it has an independent
00:33:32judicial power because the judicial power of Argentina is the hands of the extreme right.
00:33:40And each judge responds to the desires of multimillionaires of the extreme right.
00:33:50The most important judges of Argentina live, spend more time in the United States than in Argentina,
00:33:57and are controlled by the North American embassy in Venezuela. They know what I'm saying is what
00:34:06they call the judicial party, the judicial party of the multimillionaires of the extreme right,
00:34:13the North American embassy. Same thing was happening in Venezuela. To set an example,
00:34:20we have the civic power, the attorney's officer at the hands of oligarchies, multimillionaires,
00:34:29and North Americans in Venezuela. No, it is at the hands of men and women of the people,
00:34:38professionals of the highest level. And we can review that way each public power,
00:34:46the National Assembly, what was said at a time of the Congress of our Republic.
00:34:52Every day, Venezuelans, what do they see?
00:35:03Pedro Infante, your father, also your grandfather called Pedro Infante.
00:35:11Imagine at that time, Pedro Infante was the son of our homeland.
00:35:21He dances, smiles, and sings as well.
00:35:31If the great generation is the one that doesn't breathe, yours is the one that doesn't smile.
00:35:38You are brave. You need to learn to smile and to laugh. It's free. And it's good
00:35:49to see a person smiling.
00:35:58There are some who have still a great smile, and he has great humor.
00:36:07That is the National Assembly, because that is a key question for our country,
00:36:15the question of who rules the powers of the state, the country, and who has the responsibility
00:36:33to consolidate the great changes so that Venezuela, in a harmonic way, continues to
00:36:45go to the path of economic recovery and social rights and shared happiness.
00:36:55I'm always very happy. Every night, you go to La Guaira or to any neighborhood of Caracas,
00:37:06or you visit Valencia, Porto Cabello, or Porto La Cruz, Barcelona that we visited recently.
00:37:13What you see is people having fun, people happy, families sharing public spaces.
00:37:28We haven't seen it in a long time. It's something that I've never seen. Our people
00:37:37are enjoying the happiest way possible, in a way to share their right to peace,
00:37:52especially in these beautiful times where we expect Christmas. These times where Christmas
00:38:04is present in every home, every school, every park. These are beautiful times
00:38:14to continue with carrying out tasks to achieve these great expectations that are great hopes
00:38:24of our people. The people were proclaiming a slogan recently taken from the
00:38:361994, when you were children, still, the year 1994. You were 13 years.
00:38:48How old were you, Hector, at that time? 12 years old. How old were you? 12 years old.
00:39:08I'm not going to ask to anybody else.
00:39:10At that time, the Bolivarian hurricane took to the streets.
00:39:25March 26, 1994, before Sunday, people were screaming at the streets and painting the walls.
00:39:41And hope was in the streets. That slogan was taken by the people this year,
00:39:47hope is in the streets, because we celebrated 13 years of that moment.
00:39:56And when our people take that slogan, Jesus proclaims it seriously. Hope is in the streets,
00:40:05and hope is to move forward in peace, in national union with harmony and independence,
00:40:16carried out all of the changes that are needed. And we have debated recently with millions of
00:40:22men and women in thousands of assemblies. That is why I have this strength, this energy, optimism.
00:40:31And every step we take in the right path, I know we are consolidating the path of peace for
00:40:41Venezuela. And I know that in December 15, we are going to consolidate that path. And nobody will
00:40:52avoid the people from voting. Nobody will stop peace in Venezuela, and that we have
00:41:01beautiful and happy Christmas in Venezuela. Nobody will stop us from having a great January 1,
00:41:11and a great and happy year 2025. They won't be able to do it. If they haven't done it,
00:41:22they won't do it. I know what I'm saying. We are ready to face everything.
00:41:30But most of all, we're ready to triumph for the right to peace, to equality to the Venezuelan
00:41:38Union. Those who are born and are still to be born need to know we are born to
00:41:51triumph and to see the imperialism defeated.
00:42:01We're taking an important step for the democratization of justice in Venezuela.
00:42:09I would like to, if I'm allowed by the President of the National Assembly,
00:42:16that the magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice and magistrate president of the Constitutional
00:42:22Court as heads of the justice system, grantors of the justice in the country,
00:42:31to deliver their points of view of this step that our country is taking. Do you allow me to do it?
00:42:43President Carizlia Beatriz Rodríguez.
00:42:50Good afternoon, President. All of the authorities present here today, deputies, ministers,
00:42:59all of the powers of the Venezuelan state here, thank you for this invitation.
00:43:08That brings us hope and joy. We share what you were mentioning. Hope is in the streets,
00:43:17and to achieve this, we need to work hard and we need commitment and love for our homeland.
00:43:25From the Supreme Court of Justice and the judicial powers, we have assumed with
00:43:35all of the magnitude of what it represents to us to get justice close to the people
00:43:45that they see it as something close near, not as something far away. And without a doubt,
00:43:51justice of peace is the inspiration, and the comedy is carried out by Magistrate Daniela
00:44:00Amelio, second vice president of the Supreme Court of Justice since 2022.
00:44:11And she assumed this task with all the strength that characterizes her as a Venezuelan woman,
00:44:19and started a deployment at the national level, gathering with communities and organizations,
00:44:29listening to each of the sectors, and taking to the Supreme Court of Justice the voice of the
00:44:40people that was present in each gathering. This enriched the debates, and when you were
00:44:50at the opening of the judicial hearing, you invited us to reaffirm the justice of communal
00:45:00peace. And that brought us a lot of happiness because we had something, it was something
00:45:11that we knew, and that encouraged us to deepen the paths of love and security with the people.
00:45:18And we went to the streets, not only the comedy that is headed by Magistrate Amelio,
00:45:26but all of the magistrates at the national level to accompany and enrich the extraordinary work
00:45:36from the national assembly, all of the authorities, presidents, deputies,
00:45:45the ministry of communes, all the social organizations, social movements,
00:45:51the people in general. And we participated there in this strength that
00:46:00leads us today to have this possibility of the election of our judges by the people,
00:46:08by the popular vote. And I thank God mainly for all of this strength,
00:46:20joint strength, that we are able to achieve this on December 15th.
00:46:27And here as president of the electoral court, it's wonderful to see this reality.
00:46:38And that is our purpose to defend the will of the people, even if it doesn't please some sector.
00:46:47And that is going to be achieved on December 15th,
00:46:52the will of people to choose these judges of peace. Thank you very much, president.
00:46:56Thank you to all the people of the Supreme Court of Justice, magistrates and judges of the country.
00:47:12The magistrate president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Dr. Tania Amelio, has been
00:47:22an enthusiast of the justice of peace for several years. I would like to know
00:47:34your vision regarding this beautiful process that is going on.
00:47:39Good afternoon. Blessings for everybody.
00:47:48Thanking God for this space. Thanking the president of the National Assembly, our president,
00:47:55and all the fellow mates here present. This opportunity, I say opportunity because for me,
00:48:02I'm very happy and pleased of hearing the communities and what they wanted at that time
00:48:17is that we carried out an electoral process and judges were elected by the people of these
00:48:28territories. And that dream is achieved today, the dream of the neighbors and the communities.
00:48:37So this brings definitely joy and happiness to these people that was demanded this project to
00:48:46be fulfilled. And this project comes to humanize justice. That is the word for me to define this
00:48:53project. The project that humanizes the Venezuelan justice.
00:49:04That is the connection of the people, the debate in that place, in that territory,
00:49:14because definitely while we were sharing with fellow mates and participating in the judicial
00:49:21revolution, how is it possible that exists a person that in a community, in a certain conflict,
00:49:32and some contradiction happened and today they are detainees for eight, five years. And when you go
00:49:43to the judicial revolution, you say, what happened in that territory? Well, they didn't reach an
00:49:49agreement, didn't work. And is that a need by homicidal? This will allow that these cases are
00:50:00not judged. This with a permanent training of these men and women, because people were afraid
00:50:10of something. People were saying like, I don't want to be a judge, appoint somebody else.
00:50:18That's what people were saying in the communities. So I today say to these fellow mates that in
00:50:26your candidacy, you need to have the security that there will be a training, a permanent training.
00:50:36If something didn't work, it's because we leave them alone. And in this training that we
00:50:45carried out with these fellow mates, Alexa does judge us. It's a permanent training in the space
00:50:52where they will be in each of the communities because we need to differentiate. This is no
00:50:58justice because there are people that explain things that they don't know. That is why we need
00:51:08to carry out a campaign that informs the people, the labors of the judges, the requirements.
00:51:18There are other people who are misinforming. One thing is the justice of peace.
00:51:28It's the way neighbors can consulate. If they have children, that is something that the people
00:51:45don't understand. Reconciliation and re-encountering the communities. And that
00:51:52judges who know them and respect them are essential. The one who has excellent behavior
00:52:03is the one who's going to be chosen, who have an important relevance to that community.
00:52:09Sorry for taking too much time. And I'm moving my hands because I'm nervous. Thank you for this
00:52:17opportunity. We believe that this project is going to be consolidated in the communities because
00:52:27we have a great team and we're going to advance to make this a reality. Thank you, President.
00:52:33There is something like saying, Magistrate,
00:52:44everything about this land has its time and moment.
00:52:56Everything that is going to happen under the sun has its time and its moment. And the time of God
00:53:02is perfect. The time of God has arrived for the justice of peace. And Venezuela is at the forefront
00:53:10setting an example for the peoples of the world. The justice of the everyday Venezuelans is
00:53:17possible. To live as a society, we need harmony and justice in the territories and the communities.
00:53:25It's a great and beautiful idea, which generates passion. Look what Bolivar was saying
00:53:36in the Angostura speech. Bolivar was clear about it.
00:53:41Bolivar was an exceptional human being. He was the expression of an exceptional movement
00:53:58of our America. He was the greatest among the greatest. He wouldn't be
00:54:08feared to say that he was, because the enemies of Venezuela, those who opposed freedom and the
00:54:19ones pointed out by Bolivar with his sentence, the United States of America, are destined to
00:54:29unleash misery in America. And now they want to set sanctions on Venezuela. I repudiate the
00:54:41criminal attempt to name a law of war against Venezuela as Bolivar.
00:54:50And I give back to you, imperialists of North America, the sentence of Bolivar. You seem to be
00:55:02destined to unleash uncertainty and war in the world, and you can't with Venezuela and with this
00:55:13trash law. The trash law asked for last names. Committing great crimes, international crimes,
00:55:34general attorney, great crimes. When you support a law of war against the people of Venezuela,
00:55:47against Venezuelan businessmen and Venezuelan workers, it's an association for crime on a
00:55:57national and international level. And those who are allied to that law will face the consequences.
00:56:10Luckily, the National Assembly is going to approve a law against blocking and defending Venezuela
00:56:19that is going to be called Libertador Simón Bolívar Law. I congratulate the National Assembly.
00:56:29And as former president of the National Assembly and head of state, I want to
00:56:39demand readiness in approving this law. And I ask the people of Venezuela to support
00:56:49this law. To the workers, women, grandparents, the people in the street to fight against this
00:56:59trash law that we are going to defeat also. This law will bite dust and we are going to defeat it.
00:57:13So that we learn to respect the homeland of the liberators of America. Back to the issue.
00:57:27Here in the speech of Angostura, pure wisdom. Those who haven't read the speech of Angostura,
00:57:38I advise you to do it. He wrote it during the night.
00:57:47So it inspires during the night, which is different.
00:57:52That's why it's different to read it in the morning. Look what the
00:57:56liberator says. Love for the homeland. Love for the laws. Love for the magistrates.
00:58:15That the soul of a Republican should absorb. Republicans love the homeland, but they don't
00:58:23love its laws. Because these have been dangerous and were the source of evil for its time.
00:58:37They haven't been able to love its magistrates.
00:58:41And the new ones are barely known. If we don't have a secret respect for the homeland,
00:58:56for the laws and authorities, society is a singular conflict man to man, body to body.
00:59:05205 years after, in the framework of the constitution, laws, it will be so good for
00:59:20the country that the people know their magistrates and debate and instruct the people in laws and
00:59:31the constitution to keep building a powerful justice in Venezuela. I congratulate you for
00:59:37the passion you have. I have some questions here. I don't know who's going to answer them.
00:59:45Dr. Rodríguez, as the head of the legislative power,
00:59:49you are in charge of ratifying the public powers, mainly in January 10.
01:00:06Look, there are powers that come from popular vote, presidents, governors, mayors, deputies,
01:00:22and the wise constitution establishes mechanisms for the other powers that come
01:00:31from transparent processes of the civic society. The president of the republic is not the one that
01:00:38appoints, but the civic society in a mechanism that comes to the legislative power and each
01:00:53magistrate, each president, each authority was part of this process that reached the presidency
01:01:06of the assembly. So, I want the presidency of the assembly to answer this question.
01:01:12How are elected the judges of peace? What's the authority that is going to rule the process
01:01:20at a national level? How is this carried out? That's the first question.
01:01:29And the second question, how are judges of peace going to work? It means that there's
01:01:41an instance in the communal circuit. It's at your hand, president.
01:01:49I would like to answer the first question, and the second question will be
01:01:58given to the special commission.
01:02:00The activation of the election goes through the sanction of law, promulgation and approval by you
01:02:12as president of the republic, the reduction of the rule of the law. There's a draft that is
01:02:22going to be done by tomorrow, and then the installation that is happening today
01:02:29of the National Electoral Commission to elect their communal peace judges.
01:02:37This commission is going to be
01:02:42conformed by magistrate Tania D'Amelio, minister Rodriguez, the head of the government of Caracas,
01:02:49the vice president of the National Electoral Council, Carlos Quintero,
01:02:54the vice president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez. What is the mission of this
01:03:03commission? To activate the electoral commissions, one for each state, and immediately we activate
01:03:15the commissions of each communal circuit, which means that when the teams gather,
01:03:25the communal circuit we activate, the electoral commissions are associated and conform
01:03:35an electoral commission of the communal circuit. Do you accept questions?
01:03:45There's a national commission. When is it going to be installed? Today. So, we are in the act
01:03:53of installing. You have to ratify it as an authority, and then an electoral commission
01:04:03will be implemented for each. $5,000 for... That is correct. Then we activate the electoral
01:04:18commission of the communal circuit. We're going to have the change of electoral commission,
01:04:24national, state, or circuit. The mission is to promulgate the missions and rules and requirements
01:04:37to be a communal peace judge. The agenda and the electoral campaign on the way that people are
01:04:46going to vote. They will run from Monday 25 to Wednesday 27, who are running communal council,
01:04:57work teams of the communes, social organizations, social movements, neighbor organizations,
01:05:04and even someone can run to be a communal peace judge. After this running process,
01:05:16Friday, November 29, the list of candidates for communal peace judges will be published
01:05:24for each communal circuit. So, we will have 5,000 lists of candidates in each communal circuit.
01:05:32What is going to be promulgated is the name of the candidates of the communal circuit,
01:05:38and each of these names is going to be linked to a number,
01:05:44until number 100, because at the moment of the voting, the name of the candidate will be
01:05:52published with the number linked to it, and when voters go to have the ballots,
01:06:02they are going to put in three names. If he votes for number one, two, or three,
01:06:11the three who get the majority of votes are going to be judges, and the fourth one,
01:06:18fifth one, and sixth one are going to be the substitute judges. That is going to take place
01:06:26on election day. Running for candidacy will close on November 29, and December 5,
01:06:39the electoral campaign starts. We expect that it is a constructive campaign that is not based in
01:06:46marketing, in the use of resources to promulgate a candidacy, a campaign based in debate.
01:06:57Electoral commissions should promulgate the assemblies of citizens so that candidates go
01:07:03there to debate, to inform a head of the community that they accomplished their requirements.
01:07:14The campaign will close on December 13, and on December 15, the election will be carried out,
01:07:22the election of the coming peace justice, and the electoral commission of the coming
01:07:31circle will reveal the results and reveal the winner. We will have 5,000 results and
01:07:4230,000 coming peace judges elected. The National Electoral Council will provide
01:07:50the technical support for the development of the process and also the security for this event.
01:08:01Until the winners are named, I would like Deputy Carolina, along with Deputy Juan Carlos Sieta,
01:08:09to explain the second question asked by the President, how the body is going to work.
01:08:32Good afternoon, President. Good afternoon, everybody. I would like to explain the issue of collective decision.
01:08:46Explain in Article 7. In Article 4, it is established that up to three
01:08:54coming peace judges are going to be elected for each coming circuit. A collective decision,
01:09:03remembering the indigenous communities, I would like to say that we have a collective decision
01:09:11instance where, based on the experience of everybody and accomplishing all of the law
01:09:19requirements to be a coming peace judge, they are going to decide ahead of the controversy
01:09:27that may arise, a decision that does not belong to one person but three. Among those three
01:09:39coming peace judges might be a familiar family conflict and some people express their opinion
01:09:48and then three people decide in a collective way the people expressing their will, not only one
01:09:56but three. Good afternoon, President. There is a very important element in this reform
01:10:07related to the role of the popular power in the regulation and controlling the actions of the
01:10:19coming peace judges. Regarding Article 5, in the commune and the communal council,
01:10:25two instances are created to regulate the coming peace judges. The council of
01:10:35peace, coming peace, and both instances have the role to control and take care of the decisions
01:10:51made by the coming peace judges. There is an essential element in this law, which is the
01:10:59exercise of democracy in the election and regulation and control. The popular power is
01:11:07able to demand the resignation of a coming peace judge if it does not comply with the requirements
01:11:18but can regulate the functioning of that peace judge. We are in the presence of a beautiful law
01:11:25that is going to allow us to take an important step in terms of the transformation of the
01:11:31justice process you mentioned, President. Thank you very much, Deputy Juan Carlos Sierra and Deputy
01:11:39Carolina Garcia. We have been enthusiastic in the process of consultation and debate,
01:11:52something that only exists in this historic time, never before existed something that has never
01:12:04existed before. We need to take care of what we have. Those who don't take care of what they have
01:12:19are left to ask. We need to preserve the construction of new institutions that are
01:12:29truly popular and answer to the honesty and ethics of a new era. We need to move forward
01:12:45in the Magna Carta that is very well defined. There are some who think that 25 years after,
01:12:58it is the time to carry out amends in the Constitution. That is a debate that we need to
01:13:10carry out with the Department of State. We have permission for the spokesperson of the
01:13:24Department of State to open up debates about the functioning of our institutions.
01:13:30There are some who say yes, a minority of poor who have left the country and outside of the
01:13:38country conspired against us. Who do we ask permission to carry out the election of Communist
01:13:45judges? 15,000 main Communist judges, 15,000 substitutes, 3-1 or 3-4 community. Who do we
01:13:59ask permission from? The Senate of the United States. Who do we ask permission from? Lincoln.
01:14:11Call Lincoln on the phone to ask him for permission to carry out elections on December 15 in
01:14:18Venezuela. They think that Venezuela is a colony. Since they treat us as colonized slaves,
01:14:26plus the extreme right, they believe that the whole country has a colony mentality.
01:14:36Don't make a mistake with Venezuela. We are a people with value and dignity.
01:14:46There is institutionality, democracy, and a nation that is consolidating its right to peace.
01:14:53It's very important everything that is happening right now. In that sense, I would like to
01:15:03hear the opinion of the Attorney General who has fought for the issue of human rights, justice,
01:15:13justice of peace. And we have a challenge because it's not only about carrying out this process,
01:15:22but also about training the people first, and then the judges that are elected.
01:15:34Create a training system that is interactive and permanent that allows this to improve with time.
01:15:45And this institutionality that is arising is truly a consolidation of
01:15:54community dialogue and of preventing, healing, justice, peace.
01:16:03Thank you, Mr. President. Greetings to all the people present here, the organizers of this
01:16:10activity. Greetings to the President of the National Assembly, the deputies,
01:16:19members of the public power. What I would like to point out about this law is the
01:16:28concept of consolidating popular justice and develop, in real time, a justice of the streets
01:16:42beyond a court, beyond an office, and get closer with the figure of a peace judge,
01:16:57the people to live under the concepts of ethics. Because I have realized, President,
01:17:10when we carry out the activities of deployment of the public ministry that we started in 2018,
01:17:17public ministry goes to your community and hears to your complaint in Paris. And we
01:17:26installed, in a very successful way, the public ministry visits your comment.
01:17:33And the denouncements that we get the most when we carry out these activities,
01:17:40luckily, are not grave crimes, those crimes that are, but also we have, what we have is
01:18:03the crimes of coexistence. And attorneys go to solve the problem that for some people
01:18:12might be small, but for some it's important. Because it's a problem of coexistence where
01:18:18there are moments that even could cause an escalation of violence. So, what is better
01:18:28is that peace judges in an incredible number, we're talking about 15,000,
01:18:38in that community itself, make the people part of that justice system. I think that Venezuela is
01:18:50at the forefront in the world in this issue because of all of what we have learned,
01:18:58all of what we have developed. And I think this is going to create values in spite of the
01:19:08propaganda that exists about normalizing phenomena against values.
01:19:21And here in Venezuela, family values, something that makes me glad, family values in these
01:19:31countries. The traditional family is growing more and more every day in the sense of father,
01:19:40mother, children, siblings, the community coexisting peacefully. And I think the human
01:19:48right, the most important human right of a nation is the right to peace. Because for me,
01:19:59this includes everybody, even the right to life, because peace grantees the right to life
01:20:08and the right to freedom. Peace grantees the right to physical integrity. All of the individual
01:20:17rights are accomplished in the right to peace. So, it's very beautiful that this is called
01:20:26Peace Judges. I congratulate the public ministry in this effort to strengthen,
01:20:37integrate in every place needed to be part of this system of justice and make Venezuela
01:20:46an example in the world of a new civilization, because we are creating a new civilization.
01:20:53Thank you very much. A new civilization of love, a civilization of peace. And as President Xi Jinping
01:21:06says, the construction of a humanity of shared destiny, where Venezuela is a power of peace,
01:21:16a shared destiny of justice, of equality. And we are able, with the legacy of our parents,
01:21:26our founders, to continue to build, to construct a new historic time and consolidate it forever.
01:21:39Let them deal with themselves with their delusional thoughts, last names, and the empire,
01:21:51with their delusional behavior. They think they are the owners of the world and nobody rules
01:22:06nobody rules Venezuela from the north. You probably rule your slaves,
01:22:17you rule your followers, but the Venezuelan people is not ruled by anybody of the north.
01:22:30Venezuela's people are the owners of their destiny and their land,
01:22:39and also owners of the greatest dream, a dream that is expressed in this room that
01:22:47brings so many memories. This room is a work of art. We were part of its creation by 2005.
01:22:59It's been 18 years since I visited this room. Francisco de Miranda was
01:23:10the one that created this great Columbia project. He imagined South America united in just one block
01:23:24in a homeland called Columbia. He came as Quijote in three vessels. He was promised hell
01:23:35in the United States for years, and a sabotage was committed in his trajectory. In Haiti,
01:23:46it also happened the revolution of the Jacobino's Haitians. He reached the
01:23:56Vela de Coro on August 3, 1806, and he had the flag that was going to be
01:24:06the head of the army's liberators of South America, blue, red, and yellow.
01:24:15He had the project of a great homeland, the flag, the spiritual strength.
01:24:23That is why it fills me with energy to be here and share with the media.
01:24:29Magistrates were alive. Everything has been transmitted live.
01:24:38We have here, for example,
01:24:44the work of art of a great artist that I met in 2005, Edgar Alvarez Estrada,
01:24:54the great artist of Francisco de Miranda. There we have a picture of
01:25:06Francisco de Miranda. There we have it, preserved in spite of the past of the time.
01:25:13Seems like he is getting out of the picture to speak to us.
01:25:18It's an excellent work of art.
01:25:35There we have it.
01:25:36That is the first picture I would like to show you.
01:25:57Then we have this picture.
01:26:06Dr. Jorge Riguez, you as a poet and artist.
01:26:23This color expresses the past of the time and reflects the transcendence of his ideas.
01:26:33Then we have a picture of Miranda by pencils. Picture number three.
01:26:50Miranda was a friend of the first ministers of London and left a legacy.
01:27:03Miranda was
01:27:13part of the Russian army.
01:27:21There we have a picture of Miranda in pastel tones that
01:27:29expresses the personality of this artist,
01:27:36Hector Rodriguez, since you were governor of Miranda state for seven years.
01:27:43It's incredible because Miranda is around us. Then a marvelous idea out of the time,
01:27:53because Miranda that we know is Miranda in La Caraca, that was kidnapped by the Spanish empire
01:28:04and dies in Cadiz. In that barrack where he served, he fought in Melilla,
01:28:16carnal in Melilla. Then Miranda in La Caraca.
01:28:27In these two pictures, here we have number one.
01:28:37There Miranda is reflected.
01:28:43Please show the entire picture.
01:28:46Do me a favor.
01:28:54There we have Miranda free, already free in the streets.
01:29:03Miranda is here with us carrying his sword to defend Venezuela.
01:29:12We are a country of peace, but we are warriors of peace, President of the National Assembly,
01:29:20authorities of the Republic, and peace will be achieved, will continue,
01:29:27and will be our great triumph. Thank you for this invitation, President Jorge Rodriguez.
