Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 8 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 9 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 10 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 8 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 8 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 9 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 10 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 8 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 8 Completo HD
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:00:07oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:00:13No hay ningún misterio, solamente que la estaba
00:00:16cuidando de ustedes porque esa chica es mi novia.
00:00:20¿Cuánto tiempo llevan siendo pareja?
00:00:22Pues aproximadamente un par de meses.
00:00:24Arturo, ¿no puedes decir dónde se conocieron?
00:00:27Saliendo del gimnasio.
00:00:28Wow, qué sorpresa, ¿y desde cuándo se enamoraron?
00:00:31Bueno, yo desde el primer segundo en que la vi.
00:00:34Y platícanos, ¿tienen planes para formalizar?
00:00:36¿Quieres que te cuente todo?
00:00:38Lo que sí te puedo decir es que tenemos planes
00:00:40de hacer muchas cosas juntos.
00:00:42Gracias, ¿eh?
00:00:43Oye, nos faltaron estos.
00:00:44A ver.
00:00:46Explícanos más, por favor.
00:00:49Mi hermano acaba de salir del hospital.
00:00:52Por favor, los médicos le dijeron que tiene que descansar.
00:00:54Tenemos que irnos.
00:00:55Muchas gracias por el apoyo.
00:00:56Gracias, ¿eh?
00:01:04¿No vamos a esperar a Luis?
00:01:06Mi padre, le son muy cansado.
00:01:08Bueno, ¿cómo no?
00:01:10Primero el susto del accidente
00:01:12y después el escándalo con la prensa.
00:01:14Es que, a ver, yo no entiendo.
00:01:16¿Qué hacía Arturo con la hija de la sirvienta?
00:01:19De tu hermano se puede esperar cualquier cosa.
00:01:22Mira, Paula, no empieces.
00:01:23Que mi hermano estuvo grave.
00:01:25A ver, tranquila, ¿sí?
00:01:26Sabemos perfectamente cómo es Arturo.
00:01:29Para mí todo lo que rodea a la señora García
00:01:31es muy raro.
00:01:32Apenas si la conocemos
00:01:33y ya está metida en muchas cosas de la familia.
00:01:36Yo creo que lo mejor sería que esa mujer
00:01:37no regrese a la casa.
00:01:39No lo puedo creer.
00:01:41Por primera vez dices algo que tiene sentido, cuñada.
00:01:45Yo también estoy de acuerdo.
00:01:47Lo mejor es que esa señora no regrese.
00:01:56¿Buenos días?
00:02:00¿Tú de verdad estás saliendo con esa mujer?
00:02:04Entonces, ¿por qué dijiste eso?
00:02:06Bueno, no todavía.
00:02:08¿Por eso la citaste en el hotel?
00:02:10Arturo, ¿no te dije que no podías estar mezclando
00:02:12el trabajo con tus vicios?
00:02:13¿Qué estás diciendo?
00:02:14¿Qué estoy diciendo?
00:02:16Ella fue la que estuvo ahí el día del casting.
00:02:18En el hotel.
00:02:19Bueno, pues yo no la cité.
00:02:20Ah, pues era ella la que estaba ahí esa noche.
00:02:23Y para colmo, es la hija de la señora García.
00:02:26Que sepas que la traté muy mal.
00:02:27Ah, qué raro.
00:02:28Tú siempre estás de buenas.
00:02:29Qué raro.
00:02:31Muy chistoso, tú.
00:02:32¿Ya ves?
00:02:33Mira, yo no sé qué pretende esa señora ni sus hijas,
00:02:37pero tú no puedes seguirle el juego.
00:02:44Ay, estas muchachas.
00:02:45Todo lo tienen que poner yo...
00:02:48Perdón, perdón, perdón, perdón.
00:02:50Ahí tiene que estar uno atrás de ellas
00:02:52viendo que hagan las cosas bien.
00:02:55Pues yo lo veo bien.
00:02:57No, bueno, pues así no es como me dijo
00:02:59la señora Cecilia que tenía que ser.
00:03:01No hablé como si conociera a mi mamá.
00:03:03Pues es que en el poco tiempo que hablé con ella,
00:03:07me dijo lo mucho que le importaba cuidarlos.
00:03:10¿Y su hija?
00:03:11¿Cómo sigue?
00:03:12¿Ya se repuso?
00:03:13Ay, muchas gracias por ver.
00:03:15No, no, no.
00:03:16No, no, no.
00:03:17No, no, no.
00:03:18Ay, muchas gracias por preguntar.
00:03:21Ella está mejor,
00:03:22aunque todavía necesita de algunos cuidados.
00:03:26Pues debería estar con ella.
00:03:28Necesita cuidados, necesita a su madre.
00:03:30No, no, no, no me puedo dar ese lujo, señora.
00:03:32Tengo que trabajar para mantener a mi familia.
00:03:37Buen día.
00:03:38Buen día.
00:03:39Buenos días.
00:03:41Buenos días.
00:03:43Señor Portilla, mire,
00:03:45ya está su periódico junto a su desayuno,
00:03:48como a usted le gusta.
00:03:59¿Necesita algo, señor?
00:04:02Preparan el cuarto de Arturo, ya vine para acá.
00:04:05Ay, bendito sea Dios que ya está bien el señor Arturo.
00:04:09Con mucho gusto.
00:04:11Que tengan un buen día.
00:04:14Buen día.
00:04:21Después de que me enteré de lo del accidente,
00:04:23me preocupé mucho.
00:04:27No te hubieras molestado en venir.
00:04:30¿Y cómo estás?
00:04:32¿Te has sentido bien?
00:04:34Pues gracias a Dios no me pasó nada.
00:04:37Me da gusto oír eso.
00:04:40Porque si lo piensas bien,
00:04:43pudo haber sido mucho peor.
00:04:48Ni lo digas.
00:04:50Lo bueno es que esa situación no pasó a mayores.
00:04:55¿Y por qué no me habías contado nada?
00:04:57¿De qué?
00:04:58De que estabas saliendo con Arturo Portilla.
00:05:01No estábamos saliendo.
00:05:03Lo acompañé porque estaba muy borracho.
00:05:07A mí me puedes decir la verdad.
00:05:09Te estoy diciendo la verdad.
00:05:11Aquí, nena.
00:05:12Es la verdad.
00:05:13¿Entonces por qué Arturo dijo que era tu novio?
00:05:22¿Quién te acompañaba?
00:05:23¿Por qué tanto misterio?
00:05:24Porque esa chica es mi novia.
00:05:27¿Cuánto tiempo llevan siendo pareja?
00:05:30Pues aproximadamente un par...
00:05:31¿No puede ser?
00:05:35¡Ay, ya cuéntame!
00:05:36No, es que no hay nada entre nosotros, te lo juro.
00:05:40A ver, pícale otra vez.
00:05:41Quiero ver otra vez.
00:05:42Sí, sí, sí, espérame.
00:05:45¡Oye, nos salieron nervios!
00:05:46¡A ver, mi hermano!
00:05:47¡Mi hermano acaba de salir del hospital!
00:05:50¿Es su hermano?
00:05:56Fíjate que he estado pensando en todo lo que pasó últimamente.
00:06:02¿A ti no te parece raro tanta presencia
00:06:04de la señora García y sus hijas?
00:06:08¿A qué te refieres?
00:06:09Es que todo me parece mucha coincidencia.
00:06:13Primero, que una de las hijas
00:06:14estuviera en el mismo accidente con Arturo.
00:06:20Esas son tonterías de tu hermano.
00:06:21Sí, pero es que...
00:06:23También está lo de la hija menor.
00:06:25Fue una de las participantes
00:06:26en el concurso de la línea deportiva.
00:06:29Me parece muy raro.
00:06:31A ver, te recuerdo que gracias a esa chica
00:06:33Arturo está vivo.
00:06:35Así que sea una coincidencia o no,
00:06:37eso fue lo que hizo que Arturo estuviera con nosotros.
00:06:39No vamos a discutir en esto.
00:06:43Y tú, Leonardo, tienes cosas más importantes
00:06:45de las cuales ocuparte.
00:06:47Que estar perdiendo el tiempo en chismes.
00:07:05¿Estás bien?
00:07:07¿Ese desgraciado es el hermano?
00:07:11No lo puedo creer.
00:07:13Pero me voy a ir.
00:07:15¡Me voy a ir!
00:07:16No entiendo.
00:07:18Me voy a ir.
00:07:24¿Dónde está?
00:07:26¿De qué hablas?
00:07:27¡No puedo creer que no me di cuenta
00:07:29que es su hermano!
00:07:34Ese tipo me humilló.
00:07:36Ese tipo me humilló, Jimena.
00:07:38Pero no se va a quedar así.
00:07:40A ver, ¿te tranquilizas
00:07:42y me explicas qué está pasando, por favor?
00:07:44¿Dónde está el billete? ¿Dónde está el billete?
00:07:46¿Qué billete?
00:07:47Mi mamá.
00:07:49Seguro lo encontró y lo agarró.
00:07:52¿Por qué hizo eso?
00:07:56Entonces, cuando llegue Arturo,
00:07:58quiero que seas muy atenta con él.
00:08:01Sí, mamá.
00:08:02Atenta, pero bueno, tampoco demasiado.
00:08:05A nadie le gustan las lagartonas.
00:08:07El punto es que sepa
00:08:09que tú estás aquí para ayudarle.
00:08:14Y seguro él va a sacar el tema
00:08:16de lo de la sangre.
00:08:17Pero si no lo saca él,
00:08:19lo sacas tú.
00:08:21Acuérdate que le salvaste la vida
00:08:23con tu sangre.
00:08:26No, pero tampoco seas tan obvia, por favor.
00:08:29Saca el tema de forma delicada,
00:08:33Sí me estás entendiendo, ¿verdad?
00:08:35Sí, mamá.
00:08:37Me acerco, pero no tanto.
00:08:39Que se dé natural.
00:08:41Ya entendí, te lo prometo.
00:08:53Hola, Francisco, ¿cómo estás?
00:08:55Muy desconcertado por la actitud de Arturo.
00:08:57Lamento que haya tenido un accidente,
00:08:59pero hay mentiras que no se pueden ocultar.
00:09:02Y me parece un exceso de cinismo
00:09:04que por ese accidente Priscila se haya enterado
00:09:06que ya estaba con una muchacha.
00:09:08Francisco, quedamos que lo que pasara entre nuestros hijos
00:09:11era asunto exclusivamente de ellos.
00:09:13Es muy fácil decirlo cuando tu hijo está bien,
00:09:15en cambio Priscila,
00:09:16Priscila es la burla de todo el país.
00:09:18Y lo lamento mucho, créeme.
00:09:20No dejo de pensar que por mi cercanía contigo
00:09:22fue que Priscila conoció a Arturo.
00:09:24¿Qué quieres decir?
00:09:25Que voy a tomar distancia de tu familia.
00:09:27Hemos sido amigos durante toda la vida.
00:09:29Pero primero está mi hija.
00:09:31Te lo entiendo muy bien.
00:09:32No voy a volver a tener ningún trato contigo.
00:09:34Todo lo que sea negocios
00:09:35lo van a ver con los abogados de mi compañía.
00:09:37Francisco, estás tomando una decisión muy precipitada.
00:09:40No, no, Luis.
00:09:41Más bien siento que tardé en darme cuenta
00:09:43de lo que tenía que hacer.
00:09:50No puede ser.
00:10:01Uy, qué barbaridad.
00:10:03Todo aquí es tan bonito.
00:10:05Nada más.
00:10:09Señora Cecilia.
00:10:17Qué bonito.
00:10:19Ah, no, no.
00:10:20Lo único que no me gusta es esta cosa.
00:10:23Sin piernas, sin brazos.
00:10:26Rosa, ¿sabes si ya llegó Arturo?
00:10:31Es usted.
00:10:33¿Qué hace?
00:10:35Pues estaba limpiando.
00:10:37¿Con la mano?
00:10:42Si está buscando al joven Arturo, no ha llegado.
00:10:45Pero si quiere, yo le aviso cuando llegue.
00:10:47No le va a servir de nada
00:10:49hacérsela muy útil.
00:10:53Entiendo que su hija estuvo involucrada
00:10:56en el penoso accidente.
00:10:58Y que su otra hija donó sangre.
00:11:00Ah, no, no.
00:11:01No fue nada.
00:11:02No, no, no.
00:11:03Sí fue.
00:11:04Pero tampoco fue para tanto.
00:11:06Conozco muy bien a las mujeres como usted.
00:11:09No sé a qué se refiere.
00:11:11¿Como yo?
00:11:13Yo solamente estoy haciendo mi trabajo.
00:11:15Me imagino lo que está buscando.
00:11:17Pero déjeme decirle
00:11:18que mi familia ya no le debe nada.
00:11:20Y no, no se moleste.
00:11:23Yo escucho cuando llegue el joven Arturo.
00:11:26Con permiso.
00:11:28Ay, no, no.
00:11:31¿Cómo me cae gorda esta?
00:11:34Se creela muy, muy.
00:11:36Con sus gremios.
00:11:38Esa corona.
00:11:43Amiga, ¿qué haces aquí?
00:11:45¿Por qué no me dijiste
00:11:46que la chava que está con él
00:11:47en el hospital es su novia?
00:11:49No, a ver, yo no tengo ni idea
00:11:50de qué me estás hablando.
00:11:51Arturo lo acaba de denunciar
00:11:52a toda la prensa del hospital.
00:11:56Arturo lo acaba de denunciar
00:11:57a toda la prensa desde el hospital.
00:11:59No, no lo puedo creer.
00:12:01Yo tampoco lo puedo creer.
00:12:05Buenos días, familia.
00:12:09¡Eres un cínico!
00:12:12Qué bonita bienvenida.
00:12:18¿Es neta que está saliendo
00:12:19con la hija de la sirvienta?
00:12:21¿Qué os?
00:12:25Me creí que me iban a hacer
00:12:26una fiesta de bienvenida.
00:12:28Sin pena, ¿eh?
00:12:43Su llamada será transferida
00:12:44al buzón.
00:12:45Deje su mensaje.
00:12:48Ay, mi amor.
00:12:50Seguro estás manejando.
00:12:52Solo te marcaba para decirte
00:12:55que te extraño mucho.
00:12:57Ya quiero verte.
00:12:59No me gusta que estemos así.
00:13:04¿Qué haces, hija?
00:13:05Nada, nada.
00:13:07Es que...
00:13:09Es que me dio hambre
00:13:10y es bien tarde.
00:13:12Ay, bueno, toma lo que quieras.
00:13:14Pero poquito.
00:13:15Y sé discreta, ¿eh?
00:13:17Sí, ma.
00:13:19Ya llegó Arturo,
00:13:20pero nos pidieron
00:13:21que lo dejáramos descansar.
00:13:23¿Entonces qué hago?
00:13:24Pues estar atenta
00:13:25a lo que necesite cuando sea.
00:13:27Tienes que ser tan dulce
00:13:29como tú sabes.
00:13:30Acuérdate de lo que hablamos.
00:13:32Sí, mamá.
00:13:34Es que yo no entiendo
00:13:35que ves de divertido
00:13:36todo lo que está pasando, Arturo.
00:13:38Hermano, diviértete más.
00:13:41Sonríe o la vas a pasar mal.
00:13:43No, no, pues ve lo que ocasionan
00:13:44tus juegos, Arturo.
00:13:46Ya vamos, vamos.
00:13:49Ay, qué bueno que ya estás aquí.
00:13:50Ven acá.
00:13:51Hola, tía.
00:13:52Ay, ay, ay, ay,
00:13:58¿Cómo estás?
00:13:59Tu papá está muy molesto.
00:14:01Ay, ya ves que si le dio gusto
00:14:03que regresara a la casa
00:14:04no como a otros.
00:14:05¿Por qué?
00:14:06Tu papá está molesto
00:14:08y me pidió que te ayudara a instalarte.
00:14:11Que nadie te molestara
00:14:12para que descansaras.
00:14:13Gracias, pero me siento muy bien.
00:14:16Qué bueno.
00:14:17Pero ve a acostarte
00:14:19porque más tarde tu papá
00:14:20quiere hablar contigo.
00:14:23Haber sabido que iba a ser así
00:14:24mi recibimiento
00:14:25me hubiera quedado en el hospital.
00:14:26No, pues.
00:14:28Oye, Arturo,
00:14:29esto no es un juego.
00:14:31Todos los actos
00:14:32tienen sus consecuencias
00:14:33y tarde o temprano
00:14:34hay que pagarlas.
00:14:39Y sí,
00:14:41la vida es un juego.
00:14:45Yo puedo.
00:14:46Yo puedo.
00:14:47No sube, sube.
00:14:48Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
00:14:51Me preocupa mucho tu hermano.
00:14:56Voy a instalarlo.
00:15:11Hasta con reja de vigilancia y todo.
00:15:14Está impresionante la casa.
00:15:18¿Estás segura de que no quieres
00:15:19que te espere?
00:15:20No, no te preocupes.
00:15:22Yo tengo que hablar con mi mamá
00:15:23y no sé cuánto me voy a tardar.
00:15:25Y tú mañana te levantas temprano
00:15:26si es que.
00:15:28Vale, está bien.
00:15:29Pero cualquier cosa que necesites
00:15:30me marcas.
00:15:31Gracias por acompañarme.
00:15:32Mi amor.
00:15:51Soy Valeria Sánchez García,
00:15:53hija de la señora García.
00:15:55Me urge hablar con ella.
00:15:56¿Se encontrará por ahí?
00:16:08¿Cómo estás, hijo?
00:16:10Bien, sí, pa.
00:16:11¿Cómo te sientes?
00:16:12La verdad,
00:16:13como si hubiera vuelto a nacer.
00:16:15Ay, Arturo.
00:16:17Priscila, lo que pasó no fue un chiste.
00:16:19Ya lo sé.
00:16:21Pues no parece.
00:16:23Me llamó Francisco.
00:16:25Ah, sí.
00:16:26¿Qué quería?
00:16:27¿Qué quería?
00:16:31que va a tomar distancia de nosotros
00:16:33por lo que le hiciste a su hija.
00:16:35Papá, Priscila es una intensa.
00:16:36Ya le dije mil veces
00:16:37que no quiero nada con ella.
00:16:39Debiste decirle
00:16:40que tenías una relación
00:16:41con la muchacha del accidente.
00:16:43Eso es lo que hace
00:16:44la gente madura, Arturo.
00:16:46Pues habla con honestidad.
00:16:50No sé a qué juegas,
00:16:52pero estás lastimando
00:16:53todo a tu alrededor.
00:16:55Perdí la amistad de Francisco
00:16:57por tu culpa,
00:16:58porque resulta
00:16:59que tú estás saliendo
00:17:00con la hija de la madre llaves.
00:17:03lo de Valeria acaba de pasar.
00:17:04Apenas nos estamos conociendo, papá.
00:17:06Pues espero que con ella
00:17:07hagas lo correcto.
00:17:09Porque además
00:17:10le debes la vida a su hermana.
00:17:13¿Por qué?
00:17:15Ella donó sangre para ti.
00:17:16Yo no sabía.
00:17:18Qué linda.
00:17:19Bueno, luego la agradezco.
00:17:20Sí, porque gracias a ella
00:17:21estás vivo.
00:17:24Así que deja de jugar
00:17:25con las personas, Arturo.
00:17:27Por favor.
00:17:33¿Qué haces aquí?
00:17:36Tenemos que hablar.
00:17:37No, no, no.
00:17:38Podemos hablar en la casa.
00:17:39Ahorita estoy trabajando
00:17:40y no quiero que te vean aquí.
00:17:41No me importa.
00:17:42Basta, Valeria.
00:17:44Déjate de necesidades
00:17:45y déjame trabajar.
00:17:47Hablamos cuando salga.
00:17:49No, señora.
00:17:50Me vas a escuchar ahorita.
00:17:51Pero no.
00:17:55¿Por qué me dices eso, papá?
00:17:56¿Tú crees que no me doy cuenta
00:17:57cómo eres con las mujeres?
00:17:59Yo no juego con ellas.
00:18:00Te exijo que las respetes
00:18:02y que también respetes esta casa.
00:18:04Bueno, ya no.
00:18:05No, me vas a escuchar.
00:18:07Quiero que estaría lo que fuera
00:18:08porque mi mamá estuviera aquí.
00:18:14¿Qué dices?
00:18:15Lo que escuchaste.
00:18:17Desde que mi mamá se fue,
00:18:19no soporto estar en esta casa.
00:18:22Ella nunca va a regresar.
00:18:27las cosas
00:18:31Sí, ya me di cuenta.
00:18:32Para mí tampoco es fácil.
00:18:35Pero no por eso me comporto
00:18:36como un idiota.
00:18:39No, no, no, no.
00:18:41No por eso me comporto
00:18:42como un idiota
00:18:44y lastimo a todos.
00:18:46Por tu bien,
00:18:57¿Qué, qué, qué cosa?
00:19:13¡Ay, qué bárbara!
00:19:16¿Dónde está el dinero?
00:19:18¿Qué dinero?
00:19:19Ay, mamá, no, por favor.
00:19:21Conmigo no te vas a la que no sabes.
00:19:23Tú agarraste el dinero
00:19:25que dejé en mi tocador.
00:19:26¿Me lo das, por favor?
00:19:27Mira, no puedo creer
00:19:28que dudes de tu madre.
00:19:29Un solo centavo no te vas a gastar.
00:19:31¿Me lo das, por favor?
00:19:33Lo que estás de veras, ¿eh?
00:19:35Ya te dije que no tengo nada.
00:19:37Ni siquiera sé de qué dinero hablas.
00:19:39Muy bien.
00:19:40Tienes dos.
00:19:42El primero, que me lo des.
00:19:43¿Me lo das?
00:19:44No, ya.
00:19:45OK, perfecto.
00:19:46¡Entonces te voy a dar una escándalo a ti!
00:19:52Puedo perder mi trolloso.
00:19:56Entonces ya sabes qué hacer.
00:20:00Está bien.
00:20:01Sí lo tengo.
00:20:05Si no quieres gastar
00:20:07este dinero en tu familia
00:20:08y te lo quieres,
00:20:09te lo quieres quedar
00:20:11sobre tu conciencia, ¿eh?
00:20:13Este dinero no es mío
00:20:15y lo tengo que devolver.
00:20:17Ya ves.
00:20:18Ya ves, eres una egoísta.
00:20:19¿Qué son esos gritos?
00:20:25¿Qué te pasa?
00:20:26¿Qué significa esto?
00:20:33Bueno, no sé si mi papá
00:20:34ya se sienta listo
00:20:35para involucrarse en todas esas cosas,
00:20:37pero mañana lo vemos.
00:20:38Yo me encargo de esa junta, ¿eh?
00:20:39Esta mañana.
00:20:40Ahora sí, mi amor.
00:20:42Mi papá se va a dar cuenta
00:20:43de lo que soy capaz.
00:20:45Todos los asuntos de la compañía
00:20:46están bien,
00:20:47aunque él no se para en la oficina.
00:20:48Ah, qué bien.
00:20:49¿Por qué estás así?
00:20:50Nada de lo que yo diga aquí importa.
00:20:52Parece que no tengo voz ni voto
00:20:54en esta casa.
00:20:55¿Sigues con eso?
00:20:56A mí no me gusta
00:20:57que me traten así.
00:20:58A ver, mi amor.
00:20:59Pero ¿sabes qué?
00:21:00Es tu culpa.
00:21:02si no puedes pelear por tu lugar
00:21:03como primogénito,
00:21:04¿cómo te voy a pedir
00:21:05que luches
00:21:06porque respeten a tu esposa?
00:21:08No, mi amor.
00:21:09No me digas eso.
00:21:10Es la verdad.
00:21:11Entonces, vámonos.
00:21:12Buscamos una casita
00:21:14solo para nosotros dos.
00:21:15Ay, no, no, no, no.
00:21:17Es que no se trata de huir.
00:21:19Eso es justamente
00:21:20lo que quieren tus hermanos,
00:21:21que te vayas
00:21:22para quedarse con esta casa
00:21:23y tener el camino libre
00:21:24mientras tú y yo
00:21:25estamos en nuestra casita.
00:21:27Mi amor,
00:21:28si tan solo te vieras
00:21:29como yo te veo.
00:21:30¿Qué es lo que ves?
00:21:33A un hombre
00:21:34que puede mucho más.
00:21:36Y es por eso
00:21:37que sigo aquí a tu lado
00:21:39porque sé que algún día
00:21:40te vas a dar cuenta
00:21:41de todo lo que eres capaz
00:21:42de hacer.
00:21:43Tú mereces ser
00:21:44el ala de la compañía
00:21:45y esta casa.
00:21:46Es que todo esto
00:21:47es tuyo
00:21:48y tus hermanos
00:21:49lo tienen que respetar.
00:21:50Eres el primogénito.
00:21:51Mi amor,
00:21:53tú sabes que sin ti
00:21:54no puedo.
00:21:56vamos a luchar juntos
00:21:57por lo que nos pertenece.
00:22:06Lo siento mucho, joven.
00:22:08Mi hija solamente vino
00:22:09a pedirme algo,
00:22:10pero ella se altera.
00:22:12Yo le voy a pedir,
00:22:13señora García,
00:22:14que si tiene asuntos
00:22:15que resolver,
00:22:16los maneje
00:22:17en la puerta de servicio.
00:22:18Sí, sí, sí.
00:22:20Esto no vuelve a pasar.
00:22:21Ella ya se va.
00:22:22No me voy a ir.
00:22:23No me voy a ir.
00:22:24No me voy a ir.
00:22:25A ti te andaba buscando.
00:22:26Qué bueno que te veo.
00:22:28No se me olvidan las caras.
00:22:30Esto es tuyo, ¿no?
00:22:32Se te olvidó el día
00:22:33que me humillaste.
00:22:35¿Te acuerdas?
00:22:47Yo quería con el corazón
00:22:51No le hacía caso a mi cabeza
00:22:56Acepté problemas y pobrezas
00:23:00Creyendo ciegamente en sus promesas
00:23:04No le deseo a nadie mi experiencia
00:23:09Usado, abandonado y dando penas
00:23:13Se fue con mi inocencia en la maleta
00:23:18La ambición ahora es mi consejera
00:23:23Cueste lo que cueste me levantaré
00:23:28Hoy sé que valgo mucho y ahora cobraré
00:23:33Castillo, dinero, apellido
00:23:37Yo hago mi propio destino
00:23:42Cueste lo que cueste me robinaré
00:23:46Y todo lo que quiera lo voy a tener
00:23:52Ni gratis, prestado, ni fiado
00:23:56Lo quiero todo de contado
00:24:00Hoy sé que llore yo
00:24:02A que llore otro
00:24:05Pues que llore el mundo
00:24:22No voy a hacer nada
00:24:24Gabriela no le va a perdonar a Tomás
00:24:25que haya metido a su hermana en la cárcel
00:24:27De verdad, lo siento
00:24:28No me toques
00:24:30Lunes a viernes, 6.30 de la tarde
00:24:32Aunque su vida peligra
00:24:33Por su culpa estoy encerrado aquí
00:24:35¿Quién eres?
00:24:36Su deseo de hacer justicia se mantiene
00:24:38Esto no era parte del plan
00:24:39No te preocupes por tu identidad
00:24:41Estás a salvo conmigo
00:24:42Aunque a un alto costo
00:24:43En esta vida se pueden dar muchas cosas, Pina
00:24:45Ten mucho cuidado en este lugar
00:24:47Sin miedo a la verdad
00:24:48Este sábado, 11 de abril
00:24:50A la Toña le están haciendo competencia
00:24:52Ya les conseguí famulla
00:24:53Personal de limpieza
00:24:54Y en esas puestas, Rosa
00:24:55Rosa la derriba
00:24:56O Rosa la derriba
00:24:57¿A qué buscas?
00:24:58Es mi casa, chaperita
00:24:59Vine comprando
00:25:00Para hacer equipo en contra de Rosa, ¿no?
00:25:02Se nos cayó
00:25:03En 40 y 20 sabemos hacerte reír
00:25:06Este jueves al terminar el lote
00:25:08Alejandra rompe su compromiso
00:25:10No me voy a casar
00:25:11No hay boda
00:25:12Y punto
00:25:13Rafael también
00:25:14No es el momento
00:25:15No es el momento
00:25:16No es el momento
00:25:17No es el momento
00:25:18No es el momento
00:25:19No es el momento adecuado
00:25:20Para embarcarnos en un matrimonio
00:25:22Pero siguen los problemas entre ellos
00:25:24Y pensé que yo creí
00:25:26Que podía pasar algo entre usted y yo
00:25:28¡Hasta nunca!
00:25:29Lunes a viernes a las 2.30
00:25:30Por las estrellas
00:25:32La familia es nuestro lugar seguro
00:25:34Ningún maltrato físico
00:25:36Disciplina, que es muy distinta
00:25:38Yo me adoraba
00:25:40Y ellas se mantuvieron unidas
00:25:42En todo momento
00:25:43Juntas nos agarraron
00:25:44Juntas nos refundieron
00:25:46Siempre juntas
00:25:47Mujeres asesinas
00:25:48Este sábado 9 de la noche
00:25:50Con las estrellas
00:25:52Una bella amistad nace entre Erika y Marilu
00:25:55Con el paso de los años seguirán siendo mejores amigas
00:25:58Pero la vida les sonríe más a Marilu
00:26:01Despertando celos en Erika
00:26:03Su amistad se vuelve tóxica
00:26:05Y Marilu no piensa fallar a la promesa
00:26:07Que se hicieron de verse siempre
00:26:09Como hermanas
00:26:10Capítulo de estreno
00:26:12Esto es tercer grado deportivo
00:26:14El futbolista mexicano es conformista
00:26:16¿Por qué se conforma, David?
00:26:17La manera en que los futbolistas desarrollan
00:26:19Lo que los entrenadores piensan
00:26:21En México es muy pobre
00:26:22No son inteligentes
00:26:24Los futbolistas, por su parte
00:26:25Cada vez exigen más los estelares
00:26:27Tercer grado deportivo
00:26:28Todos los lunes
00:26:29Al terminar en punto
00:26:30Por las estrellas
00:26:31Si en la semana estás que te lleva el chanfle
00:26:34Estoy enojado
00:26:36Aquí en la vecindad
00:26:37Tenemos expertos para ayudarte
00:26:39Dígame, dígame, dígame
00:26:40¿No tomo muy malas noticias?
00:26:43Gracias, chavo
00:26:44No, por favor
00:26:46Sabemos hacerte reír con el chavo
00:26:49Lunes a viernes con las estrellas
00:26:51Cuando parezca que no encuentras una salida
00:26:53Y necesitas una guía
00:26:55El dicho abre las puertas de su cafetería
00:26:58Tú te puedes meter a una casa
00:26:59Nada más porque sí grabar
00:27:00¿Qué hubiera pasado
00:27:01Si el dueño de la tienda
00:27:02Te hubiera denunciado?
00:27:04Solo estoy aquí para apoyarte
00:27:06Necesito esa ayuda
00:27:07La tiene
00:27:08Como dice el dicho
00:27:09Historias que conectan contigo
00:27:11Aquí para hacerte reír
00:27:13Nos ponemos manos a la obra
00:27:16Que la diversión sea para todos los tamaños
00:27:19Y descubras que un buen investigador
00:27:21Puede ver a través de la máscara
00:27:23Así son los domingos en
00:27:25Chócalas, compañito
00:27:27Más vale sola
00:27:29Y ¿Quién es la máscara?
00:27:31Por las estrellas
00:27:34Estas son las noticias en punto
00:27:35La convención nacional republicana en Miwoki
00:27:38Es una celebración de identidad
00:27:39Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates
00:27:41De personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar
00:27:43Las autoridades siguen buscando
00:27:45La fuente de esta contaminación
00:27:46Cada noche tu punto de encuentro
00:27:48Con la información
00:27:49En punto
00:27:51Por las estrellas
00:27:52Cada semana
00:27:53Se testigo de las jugadas
00:27:55Más espectaculares
00:27:57Igual en todo lo que tiene que ver con el deporte
00:28:01Fuera de lo común
00:28:02En el programa que siempre tiene
00:28:04Mucho más
00:28:06Más deporte
00:28:08Este domingo
00:28:0911 de la mañana
00:28:10Con las estrellas
00:28:12Les dijeron que tenían que ser
00:28:14Más rápidas
00:28:16Más ágiles
00:28:18Más fuertes
00:28:20Que este juego
00:28:21Era goza de hombres
00:28:22Pero se dieron cuenta
00:28:24Que nadie
00:28:25Podía definirlas
00:28:27Las mejores jugadoras en México
00:28:29Están en la liga MX femenil
00:28:31En VIX
00:28:32Aunque su vida peligra
00:28:34Por su culpa estoy encerrado aquí
00:28:36¿Quién eres?
00:28:37Su deseo de ser justicia se mantiene
00:28:39Esto no era parte del plan
00:28:41No te preocupes por tu identidad
00:28:42Estás a salvo conmigo
00:28:43Aunque a un alto costo
00:28:44Esta vez van a dar muchas cosas Pina
00:28:46Ten mucho cuidado en este lugar
00:28:48Sin miedo a la verdad
00:28:50Este sábado 11 de la noche
00:28:53Este sábado te esperamos a las 10.30
00:28:55Aquí en Cuéntamelo Ya Al Fin
00:28:57Nos engalanamos con la impactante voz
00:28:59De una española bien mexicana
00:29:00La Natalia Jiménez
00:29:01Y te vamos a contar de la actriz
00:29:03Que fue rechazada por ser muy sexy
00:29:05La Scarlett Johansson
00:29:07Vamos a repasar los escándalos
00:29:08De la Miley Cyrus
00:29:10Aquí en Cuéntamelo Ya Al Fin
00:29:12El salir de la rutina
00:29:13Viaja como entrenador
00:29:14De la selección de fútbol
00:29:16Con un montón de maletas
00:29:18Los llevará a un destino
00:29:19Lo muy prometedor
00:29:20Es de bien mala educación
00:29:22Interrumpir a alguien
00:29:23Cuando está en su rancho
00:29:28En Más Vale Sola
00:29:29Sabemos hacerte reír
00:29:30Este domingo 8 de la noche
00:29:32Estos vecinos
00:29:33Recibirán muchas sorpresas
00:29:35Se busca
00:29:37Y soy yo
00:29:40Tú y yo
00:29:41¿Somos novios?
00:29:43Vamos a enterarnos todos juntos
00:29:44Si es niño o niña
00:29:47En Vecinos
00:29:48Sabemos hacerte reír
00:29:49Este domingo 5.30 de la tarde
00:29:51Aquí para hacerte reír
00:29:52Nos ponemos manos a la obra
00:29:54Que la diversión sea
00:29:55Para todos los tamaños
00:29:57Y descubras que un buen investigador
00:29:59Puede ver a través de la máscara
00:30:01Así son los domingos en
00:30:03Chócalas compañito
00:30:05Más Vale Sola
00:30:07Y ¿Quién es la máscara?
00:30:09Por las estrellas
00:30:11Estas son las noticias en punto
00:30:13La convención nacional republicana
00:30:15En Miwoki
00:30:16Es una celebración de identidad
00:30:17Han reportado un aumento
00:30:18En el número de rescates
00:30:19De personas en peligro
00:30:20De ahogarse en el mar
00:30:21Las autoridades
00:30:22Siguen buscando
00:30:23La fuente de esta contaminación
00:30:24Cada noche
00:30:25Tu punto de encuentro
00:30:26Con la información
00:30:27En punto
00:30:29Por las estrellas
00:30:30En el Ángel de Aurora
00:30:31Algunas declaraciones
00:30:32Darán un giro inesperado
00:30:34Yo quiero seguir cerca de ti
00:30:35Y yo te amo
00:30:36No, no, no
00:30:37No, no
00:30:38No, no
00:30:39Yo te amo
00:30:40¿Usted está celosa?
00:30:41Queda usted detenida
00:30:42Y el amor
00:30:43Se mantendrá incondicional
00:30:44Necesito mamá
00:30:45Me dijiste mamá
00:30:47Falta un ejecutivo
00:30:50Lunes a viernes
00:30:514.30 de la tarde
00:30:53En Empieza Temprano
00:30:54Sabemos que los primeros años
00:30:55Son clave
00:30:56Para el desarrollo
00:30:57De niñas y niños
00:30:58Tú ya tienes
00:30:59Lo que se necesita
00:31:00Sigue su curiosidad
00:31:01Mira lo que le interesa
00:31:02Extiende sus ideas
00:31:03Tórnense en las actividades
00:31:04Y conversen
00:31:05Descubre más consejos
00:31:06En Empieza Temprano
00:31:07Un programa de Fundación Televisa
00:31:08Con apoyo de Broom
00:31:09La familia es nuestro lugar seguro
00:31:10Ningún maltrato físico
00:31:11Disciplina que es muy distinta
00:31:12Yo lo adoraba
00:31:13Y ellas se mantuvieron unidas
00:31:14En todo momento
00:31:15Juntas nos agarraron
00:31:16Juntas nos refundieron
00:31:17Siempre juntas
00:31:18Mujeres asesinas
00:31:19Este sábado
00:31:20Nueve de la noche
00:31:21Con las estrellas
00:31:22Te damos una cordial bienvenida
00:31:23Qué manera tan calurosa
00:31:24De recibirlo a un mujer
00:31:25A una mujer
00:31:26A una mujer
00:31:27A una mujer
00:31:28A una mujer
00:31:29A una mujer
00:31:30A una mujer
00:31:31A una mujer
00:31:32A una mujer
00:31:33A una mujer
00:31:34A una mujer
00:31:35A una mujer
00:31:36A una mujer
00:31:37A una mujer
00:31:38A una mujer
00:31:39A una mujer
00:31:40A una mujer
00:31:41A una mujer
00:31:42A una mujer
00:31:43A una mujer
00:31:44A una mujer
00:31:45A una mujer
00:31:46A una mujer
00:31:47A una mujer
00:31:48A una mujer
00:31:49A una mujer
00:31:50A una mujer
00:31:51A una mujer
00:31:52A una mujer
00:31:53A una mujer
00:31:55A una mujer
00:31:56A una mujer
00:31:57A una mujer
00:31:58A una mujer
00:31:59A una mujer
00:32:00A una mujer
00:32:01A una mujer
00:32:02A una mujer
00:32:03A una mujer
00:32:04A una mujer
00:32:05In this life you learn a lot of things, Pina
00:32:07Be very careful in this place
00:32:09Without fear of the truth
00:32:11This Saturday at 11pm
00:32:13Tere arrived with all the weight of the law
00:32:15And they sent me
00:32:17To take care of the order
00:32:18I won't cover the gas leaks with gum again
00:32:21You just have to stand by my side and that's it
00:32:23But I better give her the reason
00:32:27Grab me there
00:32:28In Bola de Loco we know how to make you laugh
00:32:31Friday at the end of the noughty
00:32:35Oh, oh, oh, oh
00:32:37Oh, oh, oh, oh
00:32:40Oh, oh, oh, oh
00:32:43No matter what happens, I'm going to like you
00:32:48No, I didn't forget anything
00:32:50Because that was what you were looking for that night
00:32:54All this time...
00:32:55Valeria, Valeria, please, please, please, daughter
00:32:58What's wrong?
00:32:59That man is very bad, mom
00:33:01But what's going on here?
00:33:03What are those screams?
00:33:06Oh, it's you
00:33:09Arturo is not in a condition to receive visitors
00:33:11So it's best if you leave
00:33:13I'm not here to see Arturo, ma'am
00:33:15But don't worry
00:33:17I've already clarified what I wanted
00:33:20Excuse me, miss
00:33:24Be careful, my love
00:33:25Be careful
00:33:36Excuse me
00:33:37Mrs. Garcia
00:33:40I don't think Arturo and his eldest daughter
00:33:43have a relationship
00:33:45So I don't want you to come looking for him
00:33:47Let this be the last time
00:33:54A relationship
00:34:05A relationship
00:34:15You know what's wrong with me?
00:34:17Sometimes I feel like it's too much
00:34:19Too much? Too much for what, my love?
00:34:21All you have to do is remember the man you were
00:34:23when we got married
00:34:24Do you remember?
00:34:25The one I fell madly in love with
00:34:27That passionate man who decided everything
00:34:30The one who wanted to fight for whatever
00:34:32and whoever it was to defend what was his
00:34:34Do you remember?
00:34:36Yes, only you make me feel that way
00:34:38Well, it's because I believe in you
00:34:41Leonardo, I know what you're capable of
00:34:43And that's what keeps me here with you forever
00:35:01Mr. Nicolás
00:35:04I wanted to apologize for the scandal my daughter caused
00:35:09Don't worry, ma'am
00:35:11I'm sure this is a misunderstanding
00:35:13Because someone as polite as you
00:35:16wouldn't be able to insult a woman
00:35:21You can tell by the look on her face
00:35:24One more thing
00:35:30She forgot
00:35:34Good night
00:35:53Son, aren't you going to have breakfast?
00:35:54No, Mom, I don't have time
00:35:57Look, if you want, I'll make some eggs for the Mexican
00:36:00But I'll hurry up and make you a sandwich
00:36:02No, Mom, really, I'll buy water on the way
00:36:04I don't like that you're eating on the street, Juan
00:36:08Look, son, I don't want us to keep fighting
00:36:11Then why is it so hard for you to understand me, Mom?
00:36:13Because the only thing that awaits you with that girl
00:36:15is a life of suffering
00:36:17Can you imagine having a mother-in-law, Ofelia?
00:36:19Look, for the love of God, Juan, one of two
00:36:22Either you're going to stay away from us
00:36:23or you're going to end up being a toy for that lady
00:36:26All that will change when Mar and I become a family
00:36:28That's not how things are
00:36:31Especially when you bring kids into the world
00:36:33Listen to me, it's just going to get complicated
00:36:36Son, I know you're in love
00:36:38But that woman won't let Mar have a peaceful life
00:36:42Then you have to respect my decision, Mom
00:36:57The perfume
00:37:02Oh, no, no, no, I have to go back
00:37:06Where's your sister?
00:37:07I don't know
00:37:09She left when I was taking a shower, Mom
00:37:11That girl is only hiding from me, but she's going to hear me
00:37:14I think she went to work
00:37:15Oh, just an excuse
00:37:17Yesterday she fell asleep and today she's leaving early
00:37:21But she has to tell me what she's up to
00:37:23And above all, why didn't she tell me
00:37:25that she's Arturo Portilla's girlfriend?
00:37:28Yes, that's what Mrs. Graciela told me
00:37:31No, it can't be, Mom, I would have found out before
00:37:34Well, I say they are together
00:37:35Because, let's see, why would that woman lie to me?
00:37:39No, I don't think so
00:37:41Oh, what are you doing? Chatting?
00:37:44I'm looking for Arturo's social media
00:37:46He posts everything, Mom
00:37:48I was taking care of you because that girl is my girlfriend
00:37:52How long have you been together?
00:38:02Sir, he's not walking
00:38:04He shouldn't be standing, he should be lying down
00:38:07He's resting, sir, resting
00:38:09I'm tired of being in my bed
00:38:11You scared me, too
00:38:13If you need something, we can bring it
00:38:15Yes, look, I can't find my tablet
00:38:17I already looked for it, but can you help me?
00:38:19Yes, of course, of course
00:38:22Let's see, over here
00:38:25It shouldn't be there, but well
00:38:26Good morning
00:38:28Hey, nice to see you, are you better?
00:38:30What are you doing standing? You're convalescent
00:38:33I'm looking for my tablet, it's nowhere
00:38:35I'm looking for it and looking for it and nothing
00:38:37Yes, I have it
00:38:38And why do you have it?
00:38:40I grabbed it by accident, I thought it was mine
00:38:43It's in my room, I'll bring it to you
00:38:45Thank you
00:38:49How's the contest going?
00:38:50Do you remember that I'm leaving the hospital?
00:38:52Yes, yes
00:38:54Well, since you're so worried, I'm going to try to do everything
00:38:58I'll bring it
00:39:00Here, sorry
00:39:02Thank you, don't worry
00:39:05And thank you for asking
00:39:08Get well
00:39:13Could you make me something to eat?
00:39:15Of course, sir
00:39:16Thank you
00:39:17Some chilaquiles with cream, avocado, onion
00:39:23But they have to be the same
00:39:24Of course
00:39:29Come on, honey
00:39:32Come on, honey, don't cry
00:39:35It's just that those women are changing my son
00:39:41Juan doesn't tell you, he's good
00:39:43And how he cheated on me and Gloria
00:39:46I don't know, you're right
00:39:51He's very excited about Mar
00:39:54But he's going down a very dangerous path
00:39:57He's just going to be the puppet of those bastards
00:40:00And I'm not going to allow that
00:40:03Well, what would happen if...
00:40:06If we talk to him, as a family
00:40:10Without screams, without anger, without anything
00:40:13And we explain to him
00:40:15What are our problems, our concerns
00:40:17With Mrs. Garcia and her daughter
00:40:21I feel like it's too late for that
00:40:25It's just that I can't keep overlapping what he does
00:40:28But what else do we have to do?
00:40:30Well, I don't know, I can do something
00:40:34I can unmask that woman
00:40:36I can tell Gloria the whole truth
00:40:38So they can kick her out of the Portilla mansion
00:40:41That they're going to abuse her
00:40:43But they leave my son alone
00:40:50Her name is Valeria Sánchez García
00:40:53I need you to investigate her
00:40:55What do you need me to find out?
00:40:57Everything, who she is, what she does
00:41:00Where she lives, where she meets Arturo
00:41:02I will do that
00:41:05Yes, yes, any detail is important
00:41:15Hey, what did we agree on about the contest?
00:41:17I think it would be a good time to resume it
00:41:20What are you talking about, Arturo?
00:41:21You have to be resting
00:41:23I feel perfectly fine
00:41:24Besides, working is going to be very good for me
00:41:26Didn't you hear me?
00:41:27You have to rest
00:41:29The doctors recommended you to rest
00:41:31Let them rest, I'm fine
00:41:33Arturo, don't be stubborn
00:41:36Look, let's do one thing
00:41:38Rest today and we'll resume tomorrow, ok?
00:41:47I love you
00:41:48You too, brother
00:41:56It's her
00:42:02It's her
00:42:10Straighten your back so that your abs work well
00:42:13Very good
00:42:14Do 4 sets of 20, please
00:42:16Good morning
00:42:17Hi Valeria, what happened?
00:42:19I just came to tell you that the doctor recommended me another day
00:42:22Without doing physical activity
00:42:24But I'm already processing the disability
00:42:26With what they gave me in the hospital
00:42:28Thank you for letting me know, but I don't need you to process anything
00:42:32You're not going to need the disability?
00:42:35And since you're here, I'm going to ask you to take all your things out of the locker, please
00:42:40What? Why?
00:42:41Because you're fired
00:42:43But you can't fire me
00:42:44Of course
00:42:45The rules of the gym are very clear
00:42:48The instructors can't get involved with the clients, ok?
00:42:51I've never gotten involved with any client
00:42:54Oh, no? And Arturo Portilla?
00:42:56With a job, and I know him
00:42:58Well, he said something else
00:42:59Everyone already knows they're together
00:43:01But that's not true
00:43:02It's not true
00:43:04He and I are nothing, why don't you believe me?
00:43:11Why did you give the tablet back to your brother?
00:43:14That doesn't matter
00:43:15Because I already understood what you told me
00:43:17What did I tell you? What are you talking about?
00:43:19That I have to be smart and careful in the way I play my cards
00:43:23Ok, yes, my love, but from there you could get more information
00:43:26Let's see, I'm going to wait for Arturo to come back with the contest
00:43:30And then everything will come to light
00:43:33His relationship with the other girl
00:43:35The coincidence that one of the finalists is his sister
00:43:39And the fact that this lady is here
00:43:43My dad is going to end up very disappointed with Arturo
00:43:47Well, I hope your plan works, my love
00:43:49Arturo is out of control
00:43:52He's going to fall alone and everyone will know all his lies
00:44:04I can't believe this man is so naive
00:44:17I'm angry
00:44:23Not all are bad news
00:44:26Thank you, Chavo
00:44:27You're welcome
00:44:34Vera found my sister's medal in your office
00:44:36But she had nothing to do with the fire
00:44:39Go get her, quick!
00:44:40You reported my sister without talking to me?
00:44:42Talk to whoever, but get her out of there
00:44:45I'm not going to do anything
00:44:46Gabriela is not going to forgive Tomas for putting his sister in jail
00:44:49I'm really sorry
00:44:50Me too
00:44:51Monday to Friday, 6.30pm
00:45:16Some statements will give an unexpected twist
00:45:19I want to be close to you, I love you
00:45:21Are you jealous?
00:45:22You're under arrest
00:45:23And the love will remain unconditional
00:45:26I need a mom
00:45:27You called me mom
00:45:29I need an executive
00:45:32Monday to Friday, 4.30pm
00:45:45Entertainment, sports, and climate
00:45:48Wake up, a new episode of N+.
00:45:50Monday to Friday, 7.00am to 9.00am
00:45:52With the stars
00:45:54Family is our safe haven
00:45:56No physical abuse
00:45:58Discipline, which is very different
00:46:00I loved him
00:46:02And they stayed together at all times
00:46:05Together we were caught
00:46:06Together we were repressed
00:46:07Always together
00:46:08Women killers
00:46:10This Saturday, 9.00pm
00:46:12With the stars
00:46:14In Empieza Temprano, we know that the first years are key for the development of girls and boys
00:46:19You already have what you need
00:46:21Follow your curiosity
00:46:22Look at what interests you
00:46:24Extend your ideas
00:46:25Take turns in activities
00:46:27And talk
00:46:28Discover more tips at
00:46:31A program by Fundación Televisa with support from BRUM
00:46:34They're making La Toña a competitor
00:46:37I already got you, famuyas
00:46:38Personal cleaning
00:46:39Next, well, Rosa
00:46:40Rosa the top or Rosa the bottom?
00:46:42What are you looking for?
00:46:43It's my card, miss
00:46:45I came with Fran
00:46:46To be a team against Rosa, right?
00:46:48We fell
00:46:49In 40 y 20, we know how to make you laugh
00:46:52This Thursday at the end of the Noti
00:46:54Here to make you laugh, we get down to work
00:46:57Let the fun be for all sizes
00:47:00And you discover that a good researcher can see through the mask
00:47:04That's how Sundays are in
00:47:06Chocalas Compayito
00:47:08Más Vale Sola
00:47:10And Who's the Mask?
00:47:12Por las Estrellas
00:47:14The family is our safe place
00:47:16No physical abuse
00:47:18Discipline, which is very different
00:47:20I adored him
00:47:21And they stayed together at all times
00:47:25Together they grabbed us
00:47:26Together they melted us
00:47:27Always together
00:47:28Women Assassins
00:47:30This Saturday, 9 at night
00:47:32With the stars
00:47:34Sign up for the first night race
00:47:36Great from the heart of Club America
00:47:38This Saturday, December 7
00:47:41Invite your family and friends
00:47:433 categories
00:47:443, 5 or 10 kilometers
00:47:46Secure your place and sign up at
00:47:52Great from the heart
00:47:54Enjoy your mornings with us
00:47:56At 9, guests, advice
00:47:58And the best of the dance floor
00:47:59In Las Estrellas Bailan en Hoy
00:48:01A great energy
00:48:02The score for you is an 8
00:48:04And at the end
00:48:05Find out everything about the famous
00:48:07Reports, recipes and more
00:48:08In Cuéntamelo Ya
00:48:09It could be the sixth Backstreet Boy
00:48:12From Monday to Friday
00:48:13With the stars
00:48:14When it seems you can't find an exit
00:48:16And you need a guide
00:48:18El Dicho opens the doors of his cafeteria
00:48:21You can get into a house
00:48:22Just because you want to record
00:48:23What would have happened
00:48:24If the owner of the store
00:48:25Had reported you?
00:48:26Forgive me
00:48:27I'm just here to support you
00:48:29I need your help
00:48:30The store
00:48:31As the saying goes
00:48:32Stories that connect with you
00:48:34Although his life is in danger
00:48:36Because of him I'm locked up here
00:48:38Who are you?
00:48:39His desire to be justice
00:48:40Is maintained
00:48:41This wasn't part of the plan
00:48:43Don't worry about your identity
00:48:44You're safe with me
00:48:45Although at a high cost
00:48:47Many things happen in this life
00:48:49Be very careful in this place
00:48:51Without fear of the truth
00:48:52This Saturday at 11 at night
00:48:55They were told they had to be
00:48:58More agile
00:49:02That this game
00:49:03Was for men
00:49:04But they realized
00:49:06That no one
00:49:07Could define them
00:49:10The best players in Mexico
00:49:12Are in the women's MX league
00:49:14In VIX
00:49:16This Saturday we'll be waiting for you
00:49:17At 10.30
00:49:18Here in Cuéntamelo Ya Al Fin
00:49:19We'll show off
00:49:20With the impactful voice
00:49:21Of a very Mexican Spanish woman
00:49:23Natalia Jiménez
00:49:24And we'll tell you about the actress
00:49:26Who was rejected
00:49:27For being very sexy
00:49:28Scarlett Johansson
00:49:29We'll go over the scandals
00:49:31Of Miley Cyrus
00:49:33Here in Cuéntamelo Ya Al Fin
00:49:35If you're in the week
00:49:36That the chanfle takes you
00:49:37I'm angry
00:49:39Here in the neighborhood
00:49:40We have experts to help you
00:49:42Shut up, shut up, shut up
00:49:43Not all are bad news
00:49:45Thank you
00:49:46Thank you Chavo
00:49:47No problem
00:49:49We know how to make you laugh
00:49:51With El Chavo
00:49:52Monday to Friday
00:49:53With the stars
00:49:54The complete summary
00:49:55Of the entire sports week
00:49:57In the most watched program
00:49:59For generations
00:50:00Spectacular what Cristiano Ronaldo
00:50:02Has done
00:50:03That continues
00:50:04And continues
00:50:05And continues
00:50:06Impacting news
00:50:07And everything you missed
00:50:09On Action
00:50:11This Sunday
00:50:12Two in the afternoon
00:50:13With the stars
00:50:14Vera found my sister's medal
00:50:16In your office
00:50:17But she had nothing
00:50:18To break in the fire
00:50:19Go get her, quick
00:50:21You reported my sister
00:50:22Without talking to me
00:50:23Talk to anyone
00:50:24But get her out of there
00:50:26I'm not going to do anything
00:50:27Gabriela won't forgive Tomás
00:50:28For putting her sister
00:50:29In jail
00:50:30I'm really sorry
00:50:31Don't touch me
00:50:32Monday to Friday
00:50:336.30 in the afternoon
00:50:34Sign up for the first night race
00:50:36Grandes de Corazón
00:50:37Of Club America
00:50:38This Saturday, December 7
00:50:40Invite your family and friends
00:50:42Three categories
00:50:43Three, five, or ten kilometers
00:50:45Make sure your place
00:50:46Sign up at
00:50:52Grandes de Corazón
00:50:54Alejandra breaks her commitment
00:50:56I'm not getting married
00:50:57There's no wedding
00:50:58And period
00:50:59Rafael too
00:51:00It's not the right time
00:51:01To get married
00:51:04But there are still problems
00:51:05Between them
00:51:06And I thought
00:51:07Something could happen
00:51:08Between Tomás and me
00:51:10Monday to Friday
00:51:11At 2.30
00:51:12For the stars
00:51:14Although his life is in danger
00:51:15Because of you
00:51:16I'm locked up here
00:51:17Who are you?
00:51:18His desire to do justice
00:51:19Is maintained
00:51:20This wasn't part of the plan
00:51:21Don't worry
00:51:22About your identity
00:51:23You're safe with me
00:51:24Although at a high cost
00:51:25You're going to learn
00:51:26A lot of things, girl
00:51:27Be very careful
00:51:28No fear of the truth
00:51:29This Saturday
00:51:30At 11 p.m.
00:51:31We give you
00:51:32A warm welcome
00:51:33What a warm way
00:51:34To welcome someone
00:51:35To La Catedra de Risa
00:51:36An unprepared individual
00:51:37Is like a chicken taco
00:51:38But without chicken
00:51:39And Cantinflas
00:51:40Is waiting for you
00:51:41To arrive quickly
00:51:42If you're going to kill me
00:51:43This Saturday
00:51:44We spend a day
00:51:45With the devil
00:51:46And on Sunday
00:51:47We have class
00:51:48With the teacher
00:51:49With the stars
00:51:50This is third grade
00:51:52The Mexican footballer
00:51:53Is the best
00:51:54In the world
00:51:55In the world
00:51:57The Mexican footballer
00:51:58Is conformist
00:51:59Why is David conformist?
00:52:00The way footballers
00:52:01Develop what coaches
00:52:03In Mexico
00:52:04Is very poor
00:52:05They're not smart
00:52:06The footballers
00:52:07On their part
00:52:08Are demanding more
00:52:09The stars
00:52:10Third grade sports
00:52:11Every Monday
00:52:12At the end
00:52:13On point
00:52:14For the stars
00:52:15Stay informed
00:52:16Of all the sports events
00:52:18How to end
00:52:19The drought
00:52:20Of 13 years
00:52:21Without a title
00:52:22Comments and interviews
00:52:23The mentality
00:52:24Is this
00:52:25Go for more
00:52:26Go for more
00:52:27And much more
00:52:28Sports contact
00:52:31And Fridays
00:52:3211.30 at night
00:52:33With the stars
00:52:43Arturo, are you okay?
00:52:44Yes, thank you
00:52:45We were very worried about you
00:52:47When we heard about the accident
00:52:48Thank you very much
00:52:50It was nothing serious
00:52:51Thank you
00:52:53Give me a second
00:52:54Hey, I need to talk
00:52:55To Valeria Sánchez
00:52:56I looked for her inside
00:52:57And I couldn't find her
00:52:58She's not here, sir
00:53:00But she's supposed to be
00:53:01Giving classes, right?
00:53:02Miss Valeria
00:53:03Doesn't work at the gym anymore
00:53:08I had to fire her
00:53:09For not following
00:53:10The company's policies
00:53:12The regulations
00:53:13Are very clear, Mr. Portilla
00:53:15The staff
00:53:16Is not allowed
00:53:17To get involved
00:53:18With the clients
00:53:19Yes, but you know
00:53:20That I'm not just any client
00:53:21I'm a lawyer
00:53:22Yes, but you know
00:53:23That I'm not just any client
00:53:24I'm sorry
00:53:25Besides, this place
00:53:26Is very exclusive
00:53:27You know that
00:53:29Everyone already found out
00:53:30That she worked here
00:53:32I want to talk to the owner
00:53:33It's a very big chain
00:53:35And the decision
00:53:36Doesn't depend only on me
00:53:37But you didn't have to fire her
00:53:38I'm just doing my duty, sir
00:53:41I'm very sorry
00:53:42Well, I'm going to talk
00:53:43To all my contacts
00:53:44And I'm going to tell them
00:53:45The stupid policies
00:53:46They have in this place
00:53:52What if I pay the rent?
00:53:54What am I going to do
00:53:55If I don't have a job?
00:53:56I'm sure you'll find something
00:53:58I can check in the gym
00:53:59That's near my house
00:54:00To see if they're looking for people
00:54:02I'd appreciate it very much
00:54:07Girl, you're very good
00:54:08At what you do
00:54:09And you'll see
00:54:10That by tomorrow
00:54:11You'll have something
00:54:17Who's talking to you so much?
00:54:19It's Arturo
00:54:20Well, answer him
00:54:21I don't have anything to talk to him
00:54:23Besides, because of him
00:54:24I'm like this
00:54:25And you know what?
00:54:26I'm not going to let him
00:54:27See me like this
00:54:28I'm going to the bathroom
00:54:44I'm Jimena
00:54:45Valeria's friend
00:54:47Please tell me where you are
00:54:49I need to talk to her
00:55:28There's nothing to worry about
00:55:31That girl is going to pass
00:55:33She's going to stop being the note
00:55:35Just like it happened to you
00:55:38No, you're wrong
00:55:41I was already in magazines
00:55:42Before starting my relationship with Leonardo
00:55:45They were catalogs
00:55:46Not magazines
00:55:48Although for the quality
00:55:49Of what they publish now
00:55:50I don't see much difference
00:55:52Look, I just hope
00:55:53That all these scandals
00:55:54That Arturo is setting up
00:55:55End soon
00:55:58So you don't have to worry
00:55:59About us anymore
00:56:00And you can go back home
00:56:02No, I think it was already
00:56:03Too many days of visits
00:56:05Oh no
00:56:06Don't worry
00:56:08Unlike you
00:56:09I do have a house
00:56:10To which I can go
00:56:13Of course
00:56:14When my brother
00:56:16Decides it's time
00:56:34I'm going to get a job
00:56:35Oh no, no, no
00:56:37Why don't you
00:56:38Drink another tea?
00:56:40Why do I have to
00:56:41Get a job, Jimena?
00:56:43But I think you might
00:56:44Like it
00:56:46Look, in fact
00:56:47I'll invite you
00:56:58This is fine
00:57:03You and I need to talk
00:57:08What are you doing here?
00:57:09You should be resting
00:57:11If you had answered me
00:57:12I'd be talking to you
00:57:13From my bedroom
00:57:15The thing is
00:57:16I have absolutely nothing
00:57:17To talk to you about
00:57:19Friend, please
00:57:20Sit down
00:57:21Drink your tea
00:57:22And listen to it
00:57:32I'm listening
00:57:35I know you were kicked out
00:57:36Of the gym
00:57:40I also know
00:57:41That you don't have
00:57:42I also know
00:57:43It's all my fault
00:57:46I want to help you
00:57:48No, thank you
00:57:49I absolutely
00:57:50Don't want anything
00:57:51From you
00:57:55I miss you, honey
00:57:56I don't like it
00:57:57When we're apart
00:57:58Let's talk
00:58:00I miss you more
00:58:01I can't live without you
00:58:04Good morning
00:58:05Why aren't you doing anything?
00:58:06No, yes
00:58:07Yes, I am
00:58:08You're not doing anything
00:58:10Excuse me
00:58:11I'm going to clean the living room
00:58:12No, no, no
00:58:13You should water the plants
00:58:14Yes, of course
00:58:15Whatever you say
00:58:19No, come, come, come
00:58:22You should go
00:58:23And clean Cecilia's studio
00:58:24The other time I came in
00:58:25I saw it and it was very dirty
00:58:26Of course
00:58:28Excuse me
00:58:35Can you hear me?
00:58:38I want you to be
00:58:39My personal trainer
00:58:43So you're going to be my girlfriend?
00:58:47I don't know who you think I am
00:58:49But I don't like these games
00:58:50As you see
00:58:51Don't go
00:58:52What do you want?
00:58:54What are you playing at?
00:58:55Why are you looking for me?
00:58:57I'm not like the million women
00:58:58That chase you
00:58:59That you like
00:59:00And they're all beautiful
00:59:01Look at me
00:59:03I'm not like the models
00:59:04That you like
00:59:06And what if I like you like that?
00:59:11And what if maybe
00:59:12I'm tired of that kind of women
00:59:13And I want something real?
00:59:16You have something special
00:59:20And maybe my eyes are seeing
00:59:21Something that you don't see
00:59:22And that's why I want to be
00:59:23All the time close to you
00:59:32What the hell are you doing here?
00:59:35Since when are you together?
00:59:38I just came to tell you
00:59:39That I'm going to continue
00:59:40With my project
00:59:42And I suggest you, brother
00:59:44Don't mess with me
00:59:46I'm not willing to let anything
00:59:48Interfere between us