• last year
新闻报报看 | 过去一个半月,国内接连发生了好几宗中学生在学校坠楼的死亡意外,引起社会关注,令人遗憾的是,昨天槟城再添一宗校园坠楼案,槟城恒毅中学一名中三女学生惊传从学校高楼坠下,震惊全校,警方也在案发现场找到死者留下的遗书。(主播:蔡心慧、黄界錤)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30Yesterday afternoon, a female student fell from a building in the school and was unable to get up.
00:44The fire department contacted the hospital immediately.
00:46After the ambulance arrived, the female student was sent to the ER for resuscitation.
00:50During the resuscitation, it was reported that the female student was not in danger.
00:55But unfortunately, an hour later, a second report was sent that the female student died of a serious injury.
01:03Her family went to the hospital this morning for a medical check-up.
01:06She was very sad and refused to be interviewed by the media.
01:10Regarding this case of student falling from a building,
01:12Adulosa, the director of the Dongbei County Police Department, confirmed that they have received a report
01:17and said that the police have currently ruled out criminal incidents
01:20and will handle the case as a death penalty.
01:23Regarding the cause of the victim's fall,
01:25the police also found a brief note left by the victim at the scene of the incident.
01:30The police believe that the victim chose to celebrate her birthday because of the pressure of learning.
01:34Regarding the case of student falling from a building in the school,
01:37which has been going on for one to two months in a row,
01:41Adulosa, the first deputy director of the Dongbei County Police Department,
01:43said that according to the report he received,
01:45he believes that students are facing pressure on their studies.
01:48He also confirmed that this case has nothing to do with bullying.
01:52At the same time, the Dongbei County Education Bureau of Binzhou also ordered the school
01:56to submit a complete report,
01:58including the results of the victim's exam at school
02:01and some information about extracurricular activities,
02:04in order to carry out further investigation.
02:06After the victim's body was dissected this morning,
02:09it has been retrieved by the family.
02:11It will be dispatched at 10 a.m.
02:13The victim's family also broke the silence today
02:15and made a request to the live media.
02:18That is to ask the reporter not to take pictures of his daughter,
02:22hoping that his daughter can leave quietly.
02:25Hong Kong Senator Huang Hanwei
02:27went to the funeral home today to visit the victim's family.
02:30He said that there have been many cases of young people falling recently in China.
02:34He hopes that the school and parents will pay more attention to the children
02:37in order to avoid tragedies.
02:39However, less than a day after the incident,
02:41a young boy fell from a building in Salarue, Gujing.
02:46A 16-year-old Chinese girl fell to her death
02:48from a building in a 10-block area this morning.
02:53As far as we know,
02:54the victim's parents found their daughter not at home
02:57and were looking for her everywhere.
02:58No one answered the phone,
03:00so they found that her daughter had fallen to her death.
03:03When the director of Badawang District received the visit,
03:05it was confirmed that when the medical staff arrived,
03:08the victim was no longer breathing.
03:10The police are still investigating the cause of the victim's fall.
03:13This case can be classified as a death sentence.
03:16Here, I would like to remind everyone that
03:19no matter what difficulties you face,
03:21please remember to find someone close to you
03:24to give yourself a chance to survive.
03:27If you have a problem in your life,
03:30you can contact the Psychological Assistance Association, BeFrienders.
03:33Their hotline is available 24 hours a day.
03:36There is a solution for everything.
03:38Death is definitely not the best way to solve problems.
03:43For more information, visit www.fema.gov
