The Thaumaturge follows Wiktor, a world-weary thaumaturge returning to his roots in Warsaw—a bustling city teeming with cultural diversity, serving as a vivid backdrop for his journey. Wiktor’s story unravels the secrets of his troubled past alongside those of Warsaw’s eclectic residents, representing every facet of the city’s society. Ultimately, he may even uncover the intrigues of Rasputin, a shadowy figure weaving influence at the highest levels of the Imperial Court and within the Tsarist forces occupying Poland.With his thaumaturgic powers, Wiktor sees beyond the ordinary, manipulating others’ wills to achieve his ends and forming connections with mystical beings known as Salutors. While these entities offer distinct advantages in turn-based combat and detective-style investigations, each also brings a unique burden—whether Pride, Recklessness, or another flaw—which Wiktor must absorb, making their powers a double-edged sword.
00:00Many think that a thaumaturge, if they can pronounce the word correctly, mainly deals
00:15with the handling of objects and trinkets.
00:25I prefer to call those objects the carriers of secrets.
00:30Through them, I learn about their owners, as well as about myself.
00:41They have taken me to places I did not know, and put me face to face with people I never
00:49wanted to meet.
00:54They have shown me a very different world, which they keep in secret, behind the curtain
01:01of what we see as reality.
01:06Yes, thaumaturgy shows me many things differently.