The 8th Night (2021): Genre: Thriller, Horror,Supernatural
A millennia-old spirit reawakens, leaving a trail of mysterious deaths as it seeks to assume a deadly form. A group of strangers must unite to stop it within 8 days, or risk the destruction of the world.
#The8thNight #SupernaturalThriller #KoreanHorror #MysteryHorror #MillenniaOldSpirit #ParanormalBattle #DarkSecrets #HorrorFans #SuspenseMovies #KoreanCinema #Thriller2021 #MustWatchHorror #SupernaturalMystery #EndOfTheWorld #ChillingMovies #ParanormalThriller #SpineChillingHorror #AsianHorror #DarkForces #HighStakesDrama
A millennia-old spirit reawakens, leaving a trail of mysterious deaths as it seeks to assume a deadly form. A group of strangers must unite to stop it within 8 days, or risk the destruction of the world.
#The8thNight #SupernaturalThriller #KoreanHorror #MysteryHorror #MillenniaOldSpirit #ParanormalBattle #DarkSecrets #HorrorFans #SuspenseMovies #KoreanCinema #Thriller2021 #MustWatchHorror #SupernaturalMystery #EndOfTheWorld #ChillingMovies #ParanormalThriller #SpineChillingHorror #AsianHorror #DarkForces #HighStakesDrama
Short film