• last year
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) jatuh 0,74 persen ke 7.161,26 pada penutupan perdagangan Jumat (15/11/2024).

Total 217 saham menguat, 408 melemah, dan 320 lainnya stagnan. Nilai transaksi menyentuh Rp11,2 triliun, dari volume 47,98 miliar. Sejumlah indeks utama lain bergerak berlawanan seperti LQ45 melemah 0,46 persen ke 871,69, JII merosot 0,74 persen ke 497,73, IDX30 turun 0,39 persen ke 446,40, dan MNC36 anjlok 0,30 persen ke 342,34.


00:05I will present the trade closure update in the second session today
00:08and also some graphic information that was collected by our production team.
00:12And the domestic gas industry closed in the red zone,
00:16still weak, quite deep at 0.74%
00:19and IHSG closed at 7161.258.
00:24The lowest intraday level today at 7122.676
00:28and the highest at 7241.
00:31Let's go straight to the first graph.
00:33We will try to update the position of the closing of several other indexes.
00:38Like MNC36, Jakarta Islamic Index and also LQ45.
00:42MNC36 weak at 0.30%.
00:45Jakarta Islamic Index weak at 0.74%
00:48and LQ45 weak at 0.46%.
00:51Moving on to the next graph, sectoral movement rotation,
00:54the industry is the only one that is strong at 0.49%.
00:58Steel is still under pressure at 1.92%.
01:01Infrastructure is weak at 0.32%.
01:04Health is weak at 0.26%.
01:07Let's move on to the next graph.
01:09SAMSAM, which is experiencing strength today,
01:11ADARO, UNTR, RAJA, and EMITEN, new investors.
01:15There is DAAS, which in the last few days,
01:18has experienced a significant jump.
01:212670 closures today.
01:24Lastly, SAMSAM, which is experiencing a deep weakness,
01:27has become a burden.
01:28We have reviewed several SAMSAM.
01:30BRMS is weak at 400,
01:32BUMI at 149,
01:33PANI at 14,325,
01:35and AMAN at 9,175.
01:38Update on the closing of the second session,
01:40and hopefully we can find a reference for you,
01:42especially in the face of trade next week.