• last year
Revisiting a video I made in 2017 where I crashed cars at high speed. I rewatched that old video, made at a time when my computer hardware was less than stellar and I was playing with just a mouse and keyboard, and saw some things I could do differently. So I opened up GTA 4 (actually, The Ballad of Gay Tony - same map and gameplay mechanics) and proceeded to crash a bunch of cars together.

On a personal note, recording this sorta lifted my spirits and got me out of the funk I've been in for some time now. Financial problems, real-life responsibilities, current events, random troubles with Dailymotion, all joined together and made me lose interest in many of the things I enjoy doing. Recording this, though... I had fun. It took me back to a better time in my life, back when I genuinely enjoyed being a content creator. Having said that, I hope you enjoy watching this video as much as I enjoyed making it.

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, please consider sending some bitcoin or litecoin my way. I earn virtually no money (a total of 73 cents since April 2016) from this channel and am not eligible to monetize my Youtube channel or Facebook page. My BTC address is ( 1MFQJkWK4pBbUaxErqpxhCWojaRRJqJeGh ) and my LTC address is ( LMYM6SBZ4Kqcr7NFA77B5aRY7cbuNwzbRP ). From the bottom of my heart, thank you in advance.