• last year
Kiama Council Mayor Cameron McDonald has announced a major investment adjacent to its Works Depot on Belvedere Street.
00:00I'm here to share some exciting strategic news.
00:05Kymer Council has just purchased the old Sukuna site to the east of the depot here.
00:10It's a big move for Council.
00:11We've paid $6.3 million, which is payable over three years, but essentially it gives
00:16us a really good opportunity to use this land for the betterment of our community.
00:20So we've owned the site here at the depot for 100 years, and we've had the depot based
00:24here since the 1960s.
00:26It's really served the community well.
00:27It has been a focal point for our staff and our outdoor staff particularly, but as we've
00:32grown as a Council and we've got more demands on us as a Council, it's no longer fit for
00:38It doesn't provide the safe working environment for our workers looking into the future, and
00:43that's what this move's going to provide for us.
00:46We'll be looking at other options, but we're planning to move all our facilities out to
00:49the Minamara depot site.
00:51There we can build a new purpose-built facility that is fit for purpose and provides the safe
00:56environment for our workers.
00:58It's a big change, but it's worth it to improve our safety and streamline our operations.
01:04So this depot is in the middle of suburbia.
01:06We've got the bowling club just down the hill, the beach behind that, and we've got the high
01:09school just up the road.
01:11So we'll look at rezoning this area here, both sites, for residential development.
01:16We've got housing targets like the rest of New South Wales, and we think as a Council
01:20that this space provides us with a huge amount of potential to meet those targets.
01:26So as a new Council, we're here to make bold strategic moves, and we're working cohesively
01:31as a Council to make those decisions.
