• last year
Jordan Carroll visited Malawi earlier this year with Charity Right, a UK-based charity that is dedicated to ending hunger and poverty.
00:00The kids were just, yeah, the kids were great. I mean it was primary school kids so you always get
00:06there's less attitude with younger kids but what amazed me is like the kids, the characteristics
00:13of the kids reminded me just exactly of kids back home and I know kids probably, they're probably
00:19the same all over but it really sort of brings it home because you're just like that could just be
00:25our kids going through this. It was a life-changing experience because I saw the real world in a way
00:37like I've been to Morocco and India before on holiday and I've seen hardship but you sort of,
00:46you're very much seeing it as a just passing by whilst you're doing touristy things and you're
00:51constantly going off to these beautiful destinations and stuff like that. We were
00:55just like thrown into the thick of it other than our hotel there wasn't anything particularly
00:59glamorous about what we were doing like we were eating with the staff at the school, they were
01:04making us the food that they would feed their staff, quite basic primitive meals. We were going into
01:11their home so we were seeing the, we were seeing like how they really live. It wasn't like we
01:19were a tourist in Malawi jet skiing on the lake, we were going into these really poor villages and
01:24meeting these and having like really direct conversations with these mothers about exactly
01:29what they need. I think it just put into perspective of like how much we take for granted in this
01:36country like how much of a support network we do have. I know it can be quite feel quite tough
01:43in the UK at the moment for a lot of people but that that's relative and we still have a lot of
01:48support networks in place but they don't and like you know a lot of these villages they didn't have
01:56electricity for example, they were lucky if they had water, you know a lot of people were going
02:04out into the bush to feed their family and you know they didn't have, the kids didn't have phones and
02:12yeah they were only eating like one meal a day if they were lucky. I think what I realised is like
02:18there's huge amounts of people around the world like a huge
02:21majority of people who don't have what we have in the western world.
