• letztes Jahr
Der Archäologe Dr. Eric Prince macht einige beunruhigende Entdeckungen über eine sehr alte Zivilisation bei seiner Forschungsarbeit auf einer kleinen karibischen Insel. Plötzlich taucht die mysteriöse Aurora Bey auf, in die sich Prince sofort verliebt. Doch die Frau, die sich als The Little Mermaid entpuppt, verbirgt ein furchtbares Geheimnis und tritt den Beweis an, dass Meerjungfrauen alles andere als harmlos sind.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/the-little-mermaid--3


00:00I think I found something we've discovered a temple
00:23It's an incantation against evil spirits
00:30Where can I find this man a
00:33European woman wanted to tell some pieces. You may be the only person who can help you know what they are
00:38Can Asian see God?
00:40Can you tell her that I'd like to meet with her?
00:47Beautiful mysterious, I'm quite drawn to you
01:00What's that professor you saw it whatever it was
01:04It's a beautiful creatures
01:07They also lead unsuspecting men to their deaths
01:15Forgive my suspicions suspicions. Are you accusing my new girlfriend of being a mermaid?
01:23Why would you be suspicious of me?
01:28Driven by curiosity
01:35We have to stop her the only way to stop the ancient evil by sacrificing a human
01:42Stop okay, you're losing it
01:52You still want to hang out with me after I called you a mermaid
