• last year
A motorcyclist has survived a hairy collision after somersaulting onto the roof of a car on a busy highway in Melbourne, Victoria. Vision courtesy: Dash Cam Owners Australia


00:00I'm just having a chat about the announcements that I had come, good afternoon everyone.
00:05Oh f**k!
00:20Jesus! F**k, he's on the car!
00:25He's on the f**king car!
00:30...and I just feel that this thing has come and gone.
00:32So, from an education point of view,
00:34if he's only allowed to serve a certain amount of time,
00:37then we do want him to reply to me,
00:39so I'm going to get in touch.
00:40I'm going to get in touch with that person,
00:42let me know what the hell I did,
00:44and I know you're convinced that he lied.
