I'LL CRUSH Y'ALL Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Gabriel, once feared as "Tarado" in the boxing ring, has left his turbulent past behind, living a peaceful life in a remote village with his father and loyal dog, Pepe. However, shadows of his past emerge, forcing Gabriel back into the fight as he confronts old enemies and personal demons. Directed by Kike Narcea.
Short filmTranscript
00:00So we'll meet again next year, right?
00:02No, no, no, no, you haven't understood.
00:04We are finished.
00:05Your probation is over.
00:07And you will be a free man.
00:11You can kick asses all over Spain.
00:13And then after a quick nap, you can take on the rest.
00:17Okay, dad, you know that kicking ass never brought me anything good.
00:22I stayed here on Friday.
00:23A girl came in, she was asking for you.
00:26Man, she's butt-tempered.
00:27I'll take down Monica.
00:28This is my brother, I mean, Gabriel.
00:30This is Steph.
00:31You haven't heard, right?
00:32Heard what?
00:33He was almost 90 then.
00:3490 years old?
00:35Well, even more so.
00:36I thought I'd drop by to offer my condolences.
00:38Isn't it a bit late to wake a family up?
00:40Who the fuck are you?
00:42Move and I'll cut your face, man.
00:46Well, I guess you only needed me for when we got to today.
00:48What in God's name are you talking about, motherfucker?
00:52One of Tino's sons still lives there in the house.
00:54The beast has arms that look like two briskets.
00:59Tell me you're not mixed up with the Suduris.
01:01Of course not.
01:03What's going on, Tenen?
01:04Hey, Chiri.
01:08My brother stole from your then intended to hide the money in my house.
01:12What cash?
01:13Okay, listen up.
01:14You just have to wrap the guy and beat our stuff out of him.
01:18How much is it?
01:19Steph has said 15,000.
01:2050,000, my ass.
01:21That's much more.
01:22Everybody to their cars and follow Chiri.
01:25What if it's an ambush?
01:26What do you think this is?
01:27Home alone, man?
01:32Don't need any fucking trainers.
01:33I'd kill you.
01:34That's a one-bullet revolver.
01:37If she's not worth going back her bad company.
01:39What the hell kind of madhouse is this?
01:41This will be curry to take you down, you clumsy piece of shit.
01:46Let them come.
01:47X-Bow will crush them all.
01:57Surround the fucking house.
02:00Fucking get them.
02:09Can you imagine?
02:10He getting you in a big trouble.
02:12Like a bank robbery involving a shootout.
02:15Picture it.