• last year


00:00Hello friends from social media. Javier Ferreira here. Good morning to everyone.
00:10We are in the side of the province of Espallat.
00:16Last night there was a lot of rain in this whole area.
00:20And we see, for a change, the river El Tablon flowing through the area of the farm on this side.
00:27We are in a private property. We ask permission to come and record here on this side.
00:32Look at it there.
00:34On that side is where the river flows normally.
00:37But since it is completely despoiled, almost reaching the bridge again,
00:42we can see where this whole farm is flooded.
00:47Many farms.
00:48Which is sometimes cattle drag.
00:51But they have not yet informed us if there has been any cattle drag.
00:56Let's also see on this side.
01:03Look there.
01:04All this farm.
01:07Full, full of river.
01:08Look at it there.
01:09Anyone would think that there is a river flowing there.
01:11And no.
01:12It is not like that.
01:14And as it is still dawn, a little sun is seen between the clouds.
01:20But the river growth continues.
01:23Let's continue later to see how the Cabrera River is.
01:27Uncle Marco.
01:30That there are many floods.
01:33Since yesterday.
01:36Since Saturday, rather.
01:38Let's continue to see now how it is along the bridge.
01:42Well, the river is lower than last week.
01:47We can see.
01:48Let's see.
01:51Let's go over here.
01:54Of the two.
01:56There is the garbage tank.
02:00Look there.
02:02It is lower.
02:03Or it is going down more.
02:05The other time.
02:07Let's see it on the other side.
02:21Let's go.
02:45This is Riveta Blanca, the dam.
02:48Look how it is there.
02:50The water tank.
02:57Here we start our journey, gentlemen.
03:04We continue.
