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Fabiola Sabedra y Kevin Alfonso Gil repasa todo lo que tienes que saber para la jornada del viernes 08 de noviembre en la LVBP.

Presentado por Sella Tu Parley y Banesco

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #LaPrevia #SellaTuParley #Banesco


00:00La Previa es presentada por Vanesco, Vanesconecta, la plataforma de Vanesco para enviar remesas a Venezuela de inmediato, sellatuparley.com
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00:30La Previa es presentada por Vanesco, Vanesconecta, la plataforma de Vanesco para enviar remesas a Venezuela de inmediato, sellatuparley.com
01:00La Previa es presentada por Vanesco, Vanesconecta, la plataforma de Vanesconecta para enviar remesas a Venezuela de inmediato, sellatuparley.com
01:30Bravos de Margarita completed their first Mojitno Rum in the franchise as such the second, but as Bravos de Margarita the first great feat for the insulars led by José Moreno. How are you?
01:44That's right, Kevin, very good, happy to accompany you in this new episode of La Previa and also taking us the most detailed information precisely of what is lived in the Criolla ball to all the people who tune in to us daily.
01:59This Sunday closes the fifth week of the LBBP and then we are going to review a little of the results of yesterday's day. We start with a new victory of the Eagles of Zulia.
02:12Eight consecutive victories have been achieved this time against the Caribbean of Anzuategui with a board of 5 to 4.
02:20And you also commented on it, you mentioned the Bravos de Margarita who managed to defeat Tiburones de la Guaira 3 to 0 and yes, it was a Mojitno Rum.
02:32In an impressive way, after 14 years, this type of feat is experienced again in the Venezuelan safra.
02:40Yes sir, Fabio, a fairly important and quite difficult feat. Notice that you already commented on it, since 2010 there was no game or race in our circuit.
02:52The last one that had launched it was precisely the American Antoni Lerouth of the Magallanes sailors against his eternal rival the Leones del Caracas there in November, by the way.
03:05It is true, but from 2010, 14 years have passed for a Mojitno Rum to be seen again in our campaign.
03:12The number 17 in our circuit, the Insulares completed, as we already mentioned, the second game in the franchise.
03:21It should be remembered that the first was in 1996 when they were called Pastora de Occidente.
03:27That's right, and also remember a little about the results of this LBBP campaign, because the Bravos de Margarita defeat Tiburones de la Guaira for the third time in a row.
03:40Let's remember that these teams faced each other in the particular series, precisely in La Perla del Caribe, where Tiburones suffered two defeats in a row.
03:51And then they face each other again, this time in Makuto, and Bravos de Margarita triumphs again. And what a way to do it.
04:00Here is something fundamental that we must highlight, Fabi, and it is the work of the one behind the scenes, Wilson Ramos.
04:08Fabi became the fourth No Healer received by the Venezuelan Wilson Ramos. He had already harvested three in the major leagues and now this is the first.
04:18And how good it is that in his retirement year, God and his career are rewarding him on this occasion, completing this combined No Healer.
04:28Yes, the first of the four is the first combined, but what a great feat for him in his retirement year.
04:35Yes, congratulations to Wilson Ramos and especially to all the insulars who have shown a great job this season.
04:45And also remember that this is the fifth game without hits or races that promote Tiburones de la Guaira.
04:51Next, we are going to review precisely who were those launchers who have gotten into history.
04:58We have to start with Urbano Lugo Padre, who is uniforming in that campaign with Leones del Caracas, precisely in 1973.
05:08This would be the first to do it.
05:11Erick Rasmussen continued with the Cardinals of the ARA in 1981 against the Escuadros too.
05:18And in the final from 1986 to 1987, it would be the turn of Urbano Lugo Jr., also uniforming with Leones del Caracas.
05:29Chris Roberts of the Navigantes del Magallanes did this feat, completed this game without hits or races against the Escuadros in 1996.
05:38And if we go to the most current, precisely in this 2024, we have to mention Abdiel Saldana, who in fact made a very good opening, working for 6 innings.
05:50And in fact it was combined, this Nojik No Room.
05:54Yes, this Nojik was combined, Abdiel Saldana was the main figure, he launched for a space of 6 episodes and covered 6 opponents.
06:03Fabi was also helped by a couple of plays that I was able to see.
06:07In the first episode, the second baseman, Raider Ascanio, completed a very important out.
06:13And in the fifth, also Eduard Olivares, took a ball that was going for the fence, for the centerfield canvas.
06:22And it is usually like this, in this type of commitment, there are always those fair plays.
06:27This commitment was not the exception.
06:30I also have to remind Fabi that Los Tiburones de la Guaira were about to give another No Jitter in this campaign.
06:37This was against Cardenales de Lara, in Antonio Herrera Gutierrez.
06:41That game, the No Jitter broke it to Cides Escobar, I don't know if you remember, with a Linfield Hit.
06:47And well, imagine that that feat would have been completed twice in this out against Los Tiburones de la Guaira.
06:54Something unprecedented, right?
06:56That is, things that are only seen in sport and that sometimes it is really difficult to explain.
07:02Now we move on to the subject, right?
07:04We also have to mention the Eagles of Zulia, who do not lower that overwhelming pace that they maintain precisely for this fifth week.
07:13Because yesterday they achieved their eighth consecutive triumph against the Caribbeans of Anzoategui.
07:20Yes, gentlemen, number 13, Fabi de la Campaña, victory number 13.
07:24They defeated the Caribbeans 5-4 in the Chico Carrasquel with a quadrangular from Sandy León in the ninth episode.
07:32A commitment that they were losing, they were dominating the Orientals.
07:36And Sandy León brought out his class, his experience and put the leaders by Lixo Nava to win.
07:43Lixo Nava, who already accumulates eight consecutive victories in this fifth week.
07:50Advancing in that table of positions, they are already in the first game.
07:54Yes, in fact, in the first place there is a triple draw because there are Tiburones de la Guaira, Bravos de Margarita.
08:01And now the Eagles of Zulia get into the fight.
08:04You also made mention of several players who grew up, they put on that layer of hero there in the Chico Carrasquel.
08:12You mentioned Sandy León with his huge quadrangular.
08:16But you also have to bring to the table José Pirela, who once again put the spark with his third triple in the season.
08:24And also, of course, yes.
08:26And he was also the player who overturned those two races to sentence the Caribbeans of Anzoategui.
08:33Yes, Mr. José Pirela and Jalí Castillo continue to perform a lot for the cause of the Rapaces.
08:41And also highlight the work of Fabi de Silvino Bracho, who despite his ailments in the last few days,
08:48came out in the ninth episode to get the rescue.
08:51He got complicated with a mistake there by Freddy Galvis, but he was able to resolve, he was able to get the experience
08:58and solve that episode to get his fourth save of this SAFRA 24-25.
09:04That's right, a Silvino Bracho that we see, who sacrifices himself for the team.
09:09And also, he made it very clear in his official accounts that he does not abandon the Eagles for anything in the world.
09:16So, well, gentlemen, we're going to take a break.
09:19And when we return, we continue with more of this preview through Baseball Play.
09:22See you later.
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