• last year
बोकारो: झारखंड विधानसभा चुनाव प्रचार की कड़ी में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने बोकारो में एक जनसभा को संबोधित किया। इस दौरान पीएम मोदी ने कहा कि झारखंड में जल्द से जल्द हवाई सेवा भी शुरू हो जाएगी और मेरा तो सपना है जो हवाई चप्पल पहनता है वो हवाई जहाज में जाएगा। ये जो निर्माण का काम होता है उसका भी बहुत बड़ा लाभ झारखंड के नौजवानों को रोजगार के रूप में मिलता है। हाईवे, रेलवे एयरपोर्ट के निर्माण कार्य से हमारे श्रमिकों, नौजवानों को भी बड़ा फायदा होता है। एनडीए सरकार नए उद्योगों को बढ़ावा दे रही है। हम झारखंड में बंद पड़े पुराने कारखाने भी खुलवा रहे हैं।

#PMNarendraModi #pmmodispeech #Bokaro #Jharkhandassemblyelection #modielectionrally


00:00The airport has also been built in Jharkhand.
00:06After the formation of the BJP-NDA government,
00:11air service will also begin as soon as possible.
00:20And it is my dream that
00:24the airmen who wear sandals,
00:28will go on the airplane.
00:38the work of this construction
00:42also has a very big benefit.
00:48The youth of Jharkhand
00:52get employment.
00:57Whatever they build,
01:00they use cement,
01:03they use steel,
01:06they use coal for electricity.
01:10All these factories,
01:14are in Jharkhand.
01:19That means,
01:21highway, railway,
01:24the construction of the airport,
01:28benefits all of us,
01:31even the youth.
01:39the BJP-NDA government
01:43is encouraging new industries.
01:48In Jharkhand,
01:51we are opening up old factories that are closed.
01:56The Sindhri Khaat factory was also closed
02:01because of the previous government's
02:04bad policy.
02:08We have started the Sindhri Khaat factory
02:12in Jharkhand.
02:15This has provided employment
02:19to thousands of youth in Jharkhand.
02:23When the BJP-NDA government is formed in Jharkhand,
02:28it will provide
02:31permanent employment
02:35to as many youth as possible.
02:44if any of your acquaintances
02:48have gone to work in Haryana,
02:52please call them and ask them.
02:55There was a recent election.
02:59People gave a chance to the BJP-NDA government
03:02to serve for the third time.
03:06And as soon as the government was formed,
03:11the BJP-NDA government
03:14without any expense,
03:17without any approval,
03:20gave the order of government employment
03:23to thousands of youth.
03:30Do the people of Jharkhand
03:33know about Kharchi Parthi?
03:37In Haryana, Kharchi Parthi means
03:40that unless you give a bundle of money,
03:43you don't spend it,
03:45you don't get a job.
03:47And Parthi means
03:50that unless a great leader
03:53writes a letter and gives it to you,
03:56you are not at fault.
03:58We have buried
04:00Kharchi and Parthi
