• 2 days ago
The Story Of Pearl Girl Episode 19 English Subtitles Chinese Romance
00:00YoYo English Channel YouTube
00:30遗憾霜吹落雨暮暗成往昔 看宿命漂泊无声
00:42人前路 风沙常伴 回看 遥遥悲欢无痕
00:53去挣脱 黑暗深渊 散作烛泪随命运辗转
01:23遗憾霜吹落雨暮暮 看宿命漂泊无声
01:54醒醒 醒醒 我们逃出来了 你醒醒 醒醒 醒醒
02:07活下去 活下去 我带你走
02:23遗憾霜吹落雨暮暮 看宿命漂泊无声
02:34人前路 风沙常伴 回看 遥遥悲欢无声
02:44遗憾霜吹落雨暮暮 看宿命漂泊无声
02:55遗憾霜吹落雨暮暮 看宿命漂泊无声
03:05遗憾霜吹落雨暮暮 看宿命漂泊无声
03:16遗憾霜吹落雨暮暮 看宿命漂泊无声
03:26遗憾霜吹落雨暮暮 看宿命漂泊无声
03:57阿紫 阿紫 阿紫
04:04我知道 阿紫最疼我 有阿紫的地方 什么都不像我
04:10哪里有阿紫 哪里就是家
04:14隐隐双心跳跳路相对 叹沧海难为 相思难给
04:31为了记忆里长出新的年岁 破碎却从未摧毁
04:41死心不悔 守护你最后的光辉
05:14二杯 九杯一杂 要啥有啥
05:20九杯一碰 黄金万丰 九杯一响 黄金万两
05:26穿入起落中有诗 奈何聚散无常识
05:57口里的记忆里长出新的年岁 破碎却从未摧毁
06:07死心中不悔 饮入苦水 守护你最后的光辉
06:20人间不过总是春之花开又花失 宿命一去为缘尽彼此
06:31红尘路起落中有诗 来过何时初得识
06:41看生死天地中有诗 只愿相逢也有诗
07:11饿了吧 吃点吧
07:18头 头 头
07:32来 先喝口水
07:34大虎呢 大虎呢
07:44我们好不容易逃出来 我没顾得上
07:53你别 你别逃 你别逃
08:00你别 你别动 你浑身全是伤 你别动了
08:06我 我去救他 我去救他 我去救他
08:12我去找他 水 水放在这儿 这儿是他
08:55你们两支队伍行犄角之势 一定不能让敌人从这里突破 按命制行吧
09:04裴将军 张郎君去寻的商队 可否有寻到
09:13你手怎么破了 要不要找刘大夫给你看看 我没事 我就是担心我阿辞跟张郎君的安危
09:20我军人刀尖上填血 征战沙场 有的时候呢 没消息要比有消息更是好消息
09:26我四帝果敢机敏 你阿辞吉人天相 定然不会有事的
09:32报告将军 林龙道现身狼皇物 狼皇物 不是屁鸡犬吗
09:39快 传令下去 派两支队伍分别去屁鸡犬和狼皇物 一定要保证四帝和商队的安全 是
09:47施亲娘你放心 增援马上就会到 在下还有军务在身 你别担心了 告辞
10:09施亲娘你放心 增援马上就会到 在下还有军务在身 你别担心了 告辞
10:18这将军怎么还不来 这家伙不会打Q党鼓了吧
10:21这将军怎么还不来 这家伙不会打Q党鼓了吧
10:33怎么样 周围没有人进 但接到线报 狼皇物有杀匪设伏劫掠 整个商队 伤亡惨重
10:45消息未必准确 不 燕子军不会这么晚还没到 商队一定是在狼皇物遇到了杀匪劫掠
10:58快 我们马上出发去狼皇物 是
11:11驾 驾
11:25快关门 驾
11:31燕市商队人呢 人呢 商队人都在那儿呢
11:41还有那边那边 快去看看 是
11:57这位郎君 这位郎君 我乃狼皇物物主一池无一 请问阁下是 我是修文馆学士张进人 我跟燕子军是固有
12:10这燕市商队 李龙道突袭狼皇物 自行率领商队奋死抵抗 我才得以率领商户们逃脱 但 商队所有人尽数斩死
12:27你说什么 那端午呢 燕子军呢 二人间 音音全无
12:41快派人去找大兄 让他多派些人手过来 帮他们料理后事
12:53雨池物主 我再带人去找找 如果你有线索就立刻联系我
13:00那你也保重 若你有线索也烦请告知我
13:10驾 驾 驾 找到没有 没有 端午 端午 端午 驾 驾
13:30阿子 端午阿子 你到底在哪 端午 端午 端午 端午 端午 端午 端午 端午
13:58驾 驾 端午 端午 端午 端午 端午 端午 端午 端午
14:58怎么样 找到了吗 找到了 放心吧 那为何不把他带回来 他被牧民救了 我在途中遇到了几个骊龙岛游贼 怕引起他们注意 没敢贸然现身 放心 你怎么样 我没事 他没事就好 带我去见他 走 走 走
15:28等等 不能去 不能去 骊龙岛现在动向如何 狱鬼先令追杀你 在漫长潮里呢
15:51这样 你找两个人 把血珠在我身上的消息散播出去 这样对我的安全性 好 到时候我再带人去接他 不必了 我不能见他 如今乌衣已死了
16:21我活不了多久了 我只想在最后这段时间把我艳势的仇报了 曹达 夏敏 翔子 韦燕 还有上队那些兄弟们都因我付出而死
16:52我不能让大午继续身陷危险了 这些不能怪你 我们是中了埋伏 等我带着人杀回去 你跟他好好解释 他会理解你的 你告诉大午 不然他会恨你的
17:15那就让他恨我吧 起码他能安全
18:16啊子 你醒了 是我们救了你 我阿娘还以为你活不过来了呢 阿娘 她醒了 醒了 你醒了 来 喝点热水 暖暖身子 姑娘你命大 别伤着要害 来
18:39姑娘 你怎么了 你家里人呢 好好好 没事了 没事了 我不问了啊
19:19孩子 既然活了就要用力的活下去
19:31The whole land is in ruins,
19:33the body has been forgotten.
19:38The blood has been stained,
19:40the tears have been filled with anger.
19:42The sky is cold, the sun is setting,
19:44the crops are dying.
19:48The white ghosts are buried outside the yellow grass,
19:52the yellow sand is floating in the ancient city.
19:57But looking back at the past,
20:03there is only one soul,
20:06Ban Kuling.
20:15Yan Ziqian, why?
20:19It's hard to predict the future,
20:22but it's hard to predict a person's heart.
20:26It's hard to predict the future,
20:30but it's hard to predict a person's heart.
20:47Miss, it's time to eat.
20:57Yan Ziqian, why?
21:10Master, Duan Wucong has exchanged money and food.
21:13I've been looking for him, but I can't find him.
21:22Any trace?
21:23Master, Yan Ziqian is seriously injured.
21:25He can't run far.
21:26Go after him.
21:34The news of Xu Zhu on you has been released.
21:37All the people in Lilong Island are searching for you.
21:40Duan Wucong should be safe.
21:42We have to leave as soon as possible,
21:44or we won't be able to leave.
21:47With Duan Wucong's temper and body,
21:49he will be fine.
21:53Let's go.
22:23Looking back at thousands of miles of snow-covered mountains,
22:26how many people are left behind?
22:29Shadowy hearts are facing each other along the way.
22:34Sighing that the sea is difficult to guard,
22:37yearning for you is hard to give.
22:39Unable to escape, I am dominated by fate.
22:44In the memories of loneliness,
22:47a new year is born.
22:49Broken but never destroyed.
22:54As if there is no regret in my heart.
22:57Shadow is like a flood.
23:00Guarding your last light.
23:07The world is like a winter carousel.
23:10Flowers bloom and wither.
23:13Why is it not like this?
23:18In the memories of loneliness,
23:21a new year is born.
23:23Broken but never destroyed.
23:48In the memories of loneliness,
23:51a new year is born.
23:54Flowers bloom and wither.
23:57Why is it not like this?
24:00In the memories of loneliness,
24:03a new year is born.
24:06Broken but never destroyed.
24:09As if there is no regret in my heart.
24:13In the memories of loneliness,
24:15a new year is born.
24:18Broken but never destroyed.
24:31The world is like a winter carousel.
24:35Flowers bloom and wither.
24:37Why is it not like this?
24:42In the memories of loneliness,
24:47a new year is born.
24:58In the memories of loneliness,
25:01a new year is born.
25:09The world is like a winter carousel.
25:13Flowers bloom and wither.
25:18In the memories of loneliness,
25:22a new year is born.
25:26Why is it not like this?
25:33In the memories of loneliness,
25:36a new year is born.
25:39Flowers bloom and wither.
25:42Why is it not like this?
25:45In the memories of loneliness,
25:48a new year is born.
25:51In the memories of loneliness,
25:54a new year is born.
25:57In the Memories of Loneliness
26:27In the Memories of Loneliness
26:58Is anyone there?
27:01Is anyone there?
27:04Is anyone there?
27:06Who is it?
27:07It's so late. Are you still sleeping?
27:12Is there any water?
27:27Is there any water?
27:58Zhu Dian.
28:02I have money.
28:17Just go upstairs and look for it yourself.
28:28Zhu Dian
28:39Wang Yu. Wang Yu.
28:41Be quiet.
28:44There is a new fire. It's a big firecracker.
28:48There is also a good thing upstairs.
28:51Okay. Let's go.
29:09What are you looking at?
29:27What are you looking at?
29:32The little girl is sleeping soundly.
29:36Do you want to talk to me?
29:39Say it.
29:41Don't move.
29:43The little girl is useless.
29:44There is no one here at all.
29:46If they sell you,
29:47you still have to rely on this little girl.
29:49You have to earn money.
29:51There is also a little girl upstairs.
29:53She is also beautiful.
29:54If you marry her,
29:56she will definitely sell you a good price.
29:58Today we are rich.
30:01Do you want to ask for money?
30:03I beg you to let me go.
30:05I am Song Yun Shen.
30:07I will give you gold and silver jewelry.
30:08I beg you to let me go.
30:09I beg you.
30:10Gold and silver jewelry.
30:12I want it.
30:13What about you?
30:14I also want it.
30:17I beg you.
30:31Why are you here?
30:33You are rich.
30:36Let her go.
30:50I am scared.
30:54Don't be afraid.
30:55Don't be afraid.
30:56I am here.
30:59The city gate is closed.
31:02We will stay here for one night.
31:04It's okay.
31:05It's important to find a way out.
31:17Is anyone here?
31:19Is anyone here?
31:37Who are you?
31:38Why are you tied up here?
31:39We were killed by two women.
31:41They are bad girls.
31:43If I find them,
31:44I will kill them.
31:48Sir, help us.
31:49Help us.
31:53It's a knife.
31:55It's Duanwu's sword.
31:56Hurry up.
31:58They broke the door.
32:12Come out.
32:13I am Zhang Jinran.
32:22We are in the wilderness.
32:23Where are you going?
32:24The blood on the sword is not dry.
32:26We can't go far.
32:27Get out of the way.
32:28Get out of the way.
32:29If Duanwu wants to hide,
32:30you can't find him.
32:31Judging from the situation here,
32:32he should be safe.
32:34Since he is here,
32:35they should go inside the city.
32:37Tomorrow we will go to Mianzhou City
32:38to find them.
32:57Did you sleep well?
32:59I haven't slept like this for a long time.
33:05Let's have breakfast.
33:07I have good news for you.
33:10My hand is healed.
33:16Weren't you with Mr. Zhang?
33:19Weren't you with Mr. Zhang?
33:22Why did you go back to the hotel?
33:25I was in the military camp
33:26and heard that something happened to you.
33:27I was scared to death.
33:29Mr. Zhang never came back.
33:31Then I went to the desert to find you.
33:33But I couldn't find you.
33:35But fortunately,
33:36I found you now.
33:38We can be together forever.
34:00I have paid you
34:01a month's rent for this hotel.
34:03You can stay here.
34:06If you need anything,
34:08you can find a shop.
34:10And this money
34:11is enough for you to use on the road.
34:13You can take this money
34:15to Chang'an
34:16or find Mr. Zhang.
34:18I told you
34:19that when your hand is healed,
34:21I can't leave you alone.
34:27I don't want money.
34:28I won't go to Chang'an
34:29or find Mr. Zhang.
34:30I just want to be with you.
34:34You can't be with me.
34:37Why can't I be with you?
34:38I won't go to Chang'an
34:39or find Mr. Zhang.
34:40Why can't I be with you?
34:44Jiaming is dead.
34:48Jiaming is dead.
34:56Jiaming is dead.
35:04I didn't protect her well.
35:08Cao is dead, too.
35:11Jiaming is dead.
35:17Be good.
35:18Take this money
35:20to Chang'an.
35:21Anywhere is fine.
35:24Be good.
35:34Jiaming is dead.
35:36But you still have me.
35:39I've made a promise.
35:40I'll protect you.
35:42Don't go.
35:47Trust me, Zi.
35:49I'll protect you
35:51even if I have to die.
35:52Don't go.
36:02Let's buy some pancakes
36:03on the way.
36:07Hot pancakes.
36:22Sister Siwen.
36:26Let's go.
36:27Let's go.
36:37Let's go.
36:54I've searched everywhere.
36:55But I can't find her.
36:57I'm afraid that Duan Wuniang has left the city.
36:59They must be around here.
37:01I must find her.
37:02But King Yan has followed you
37:03back to Chang'an many times.
37:04If I don't go back now,
37:05I'm afraid it's hard to explain.
37:08Don't worry.
37:09I'll send someone to find her.
37:20I didn't expect
37:21there would be a surprise on the way.
37:23These three ladies
37:24look good.
37:27are going to
37:28talk about the price with Guihua.
37:30Don't worry.
37:31Let's go to Yangzhou first.
37:32Let's go to Yangzhou first.
38:03Don't run!
38:09Don't run!
38:12Don't run!
38:13She is here!
38:14Hurry up!
38:16Don't run!
38:17She is here!
38:18Where is she?
38:19Don't run!
38:22She is here!
38:24Go after her!
38:30Go after her!
38:53Si Lang.
38:56Let me take a good look at you.
38:58You are in a daze.
39:01You have been traveling
39:03for at least a year.
39:05Sorry to make you worry.
39:07I was so happy
39:08when I heard you were going back to Chang'an.
39:10So I prepared
39:11your favorite food.
39:13Try it.
39:15Sorry to make you worry.
39:21You can leave now.
39:28Let me do it.
39:31Don't wander around
39:32when you come back this time.
39:37You haven't got your heart back yet?
39:42The Central Office has been waiting for you.
39:44The Saint has mentioned you many times.
39:47This time, I went to Hepu
39:49and went from Lingnan
39:50to Shannan,
39:51and stayed in Hexi all the way.
39:53I have seen
39:54what I have never seen in my life.
39:55Life is hard.
39:57The people are suffering.
39:59So I don't want to go
40:00to the Central Office.
40:03I want to get this done.
40:05So you are still
40:08the State of Yan.
40:11I don't just want to investigate a case.
40:13I want to get justice
40:14for those people
40:15who can't even
40:16control their sadness
40:17and joy.
40:19But you can't
40:22control their sadness and joy.
40:24Staying in Chang'an
40:25means you are the youngest
40:26member of the Central Office
40:28and His Majesty's favorite
40:29talented young man.
40:31Your Majesty
40:32will be remembered by the people
40:34instead of those cruel
40:35and cruel executioners.
40:39Justice and justice
40:41are two sides of the same coin.
40:43This is the Saint.
40:49Forget it.
40:51I have known
40:52you are like this
40:53for a long time.
40:54I can't control you.
40:58The Saint will hold a banquet
40:59in the palace today.
41:01Please go with me.
41:03We will decide
41:04when you stay.
41:23Ah Tong!
41:25Ah Tan!
41:28Ah Tong!
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