• last year
Join Tom and Jerry as they step into the magical world of The Wizard of Oz in this unforgettable 2011 adventure! In this unique crossover, the beloved cat-and-mouse duo teams up with Dorothy, Toto, and other classic characters as they journey through Oz. From munchkin land to the Emerald City, Tom and Jerry face new foes, unexpected twists, and magical obstacles on their quest to protect Dorothy and find their way back home.

Expect high-stakes comedy as Tom and Jerry encounter the Wicked Witch of the West, help Dorothy through iconic scenes, and showcase some of the funniest moments in their rivalry-turned-friendship. This family-friendly film combines timeless animation with the classic Oz tale, creating an experience that will capture the hearts of both Tom and Jerry fans and those who love The Wizard of Oz.

With detailed animation, enchanting music, and unforgettable adventures, this crossover is a must-watch for cartoon lovers of all ages. Don’t miss out on the epic journey where our favorite duo proves that even in a world of magic, friendship and courage are the true keys to victory!#TomAndJerry #WizardOfOz #TomAndJerryMovies #ClassicCartoons #AnimationMovies #FamilyFun #ComedyAdventure #TomAndJerryFans #CartoonClassics #WarnerBros

These elements should help draw in viewers and create an engaging description that highlights the adventure and classic crossover appeal of Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz. Let me know if you’d like tags or additional ideas!


