अथिया शेट्टी और केएल राहुल के घर जल्द ही किलकारी गूंजने वाली है। इस बात की जानकारी दोनों ने सोशल मीडिया पोस्ट के जरिए दी है।
Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul's house is going to be filled with laughter soon. Both of them have given this information through social media posts.
#AthiyaShettyPregnancyAnnouncement #AthiyaSheetyKLRahulPRegnancyAnnouncement #KLRahulRahulWifePregnant #AthiyaShettyLatestNew
Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul's house is going to be filled with laughter soon. Both of them have given this information through social media posts.
#AthiyaShettyPregnancyAnnouncement #AthiyaSheetyKLRahulPRegnancyAnnouncement #KLRahulRahulWifePregnant #AthiyaShettyLatestNew