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Full Video: If Vivekanand comes alive today, this is what he faces || Acharya Prashant, at BITS Goa (2023)
00:00Science cannot deal with subjective things.
00:02You fall in love with a pig, science cannot correct you.
00:04All that science can tell you that it is a pig.
00:06You still say it's my subjective decision to roll in the shit with the pig.
00:10Science will remain silent.
00:12What can science do now?
00:13Science can at max tell you what all kinds of bacteria are present in that filth.
00:18Beyond that science can't do much.
00:19It's a subjective thing and the superstitions today are all subjective.
00:22How do you fight that?
00:23Swami Vivekananda is saying the challenges of the last century were actually easier to deal with.
00:29At this moment the challenges are almost impossible to tackle.
00:33You could demonstrate to someone that his belief is a mere superstition.
00:37But how do you demonstrate that your subjective concepts, your way of life, your principles,
00:44these are all just worthless, false, baseless.
00:47How do you demonstrate that?
00:49It's very difficult.
00:50And the youth has been greatly indoctrinated today.
00:52Especially in a country like India because it's a young country.
00:54So if you can capture the youth, you have captured everything.
00:57You have also captured the future, right?
00:59For more information visit www.osho.com
