Actress Rakul Preet Singh suffered a back injury while deadlifting last month, sparking concern among her fans. She was recently spotted at the Mumbai airport, visibly in pain as seen in the video above. Wishing her a speedy recovery!
00:00How are you?
00:08How are you?
00:10Good, thank you
00:14Bye, bye, bye
00:16Hello ma'am
00:20Good morning or good night ma'am?
00:22Good night to all of you
00:24Thank you
00:38Happy Diwali ma'am
00:40Happy Diwali
00:42Happy Diwali
00:44Happy Diwali
00:46Happy Diwali
00:50Happy Diwali
00:54A little
00:58Get down
01:02Ma'am is here
01:04Ma'am is here
01:06Get down
01:08Come here
01:10Get out