• anno scorso
Usa, 06 novembre 2024
"Voglio ringraziare il popolo americano per lo straordinario onore di essere eletto vostro 47mo presidente e vostro 45mo presidente. Lotterò per voi, per la vostra famiglia e per il vostro futuro ogni singolo giorno. Mi batterò per voi con ogni respiro del mio corpo. Non mi fermerò finché non avremo consegnato l'America forte, sicura e prospera che i nostri figli meritano e che voi meritate. Questa sarà davvero l'età dell'oro dell'America". Lo ha detto Donald Trump nel discorso della vittoria dal Convention center di Palm Beach.


00:00Non c'è l'USA!
00:08Non c'è ill'USA!
00:13Thank you very much.
00:19Well, I want to thank you all very much.
00:29This is great.
00:30These are our friends.
00:31We have thousands of friends on this incredible movement.
00:37This was a movement like nobody has ever seen before.
00:42And, frankly, this was, I believe, the greatest political movement of all time.
00:50There's never been anything like this in this country and maybe beyond.
00:56And now it's going to reach a new level of importance because we're going to help our
01:03country heal.
01:04We're going to help our country heal.
01:06We have a country that needs help and it needs help very badly.
01:12We're going to fix our borders, we're going to fix everything about our country.
01:17We made history for a reason tonight and the reason is going to be just that.
01:23We overcame obstacles that nobody thought possible and it is now clear that we've achieved
01:29the most incredible political thing.
01:32Look what happened.
01:33Is this crazy?
01:34But it's a political victory that our country has never seen before.
01:46Nothing like this.
01:47I want to thank the American people for the extraordinary honor of being elected your
01:5247th president and your 45th president.
