बिहार की प्रसिद्ध लोक गायिका शारदा सिन्हा का कैंसर से लंबी लड़ाई के बाद निधन हो गया है। दिल्ली के एम्स में उनका इलाज चल रहा था और हालत बिगड़ने पर उन्हें वेंटिलेटर पर रखा गया था। 5 नवंबर की रात उन्होंने अंतिम सांस ली।वहीं निधन के बाद उनके बेटे अंशुमन सिन्हा का रिएक्शन आया है देखिए वीडियो
Bihar's famous folk singer Sharda Sinha has passed away after a long battle with cancer. She was undergoing treatment at AIIMS in Delhi and was put on a ventilator when her condition worsened. She breathed her last on the night of November 5. After her demise, her son Anshuman Sinha's reaction has come, watch the video
#ShardaSinhaPassesAway #ShardaSinhaSonReactionDemise #ShardaSinhaSonAnshumanSinhavideo #Entertainmentnewstoday #ShardaSinhaNews
Bihar's famous folk singer Sharda Sinha has passed away after a long battle with cancer. She was undergoing treatment at AIIMS in Delhi and was put on a ventilator when her condition worsened. She breathed her last on the night of November 5. After her demise, her son Anshuman Sinha's reaction has come, watch the video
#ShardaSinhaPassesAway #ShardaSinhaSonReactionDemise #ShardaSinhaSonAnshumanSinhavideo #Entertainmentnewstoday #ShardaSinhaNews