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Season 3 | show | 2025| S3 | Official Featurette | dHNzX2ZQOE5KeEVqQTlz


00:00The new season of the Traitor's Cast is uncloaked at last.
00:05And without further ado, here they are.
00:09Rob Mariano.
00:12Dorinda Medley.
00:14Grishel Stouse.
00:17Brittany Haynes.
00:20Danielle Reyes.
00:23Bob the Drag Queen.
00:26Wells Adams.
00:28Chanel Ayan.
00:30Gabby Windy.
00:33Dylan Efron.
00:35Tony Vlachos.
00:38Jeremy Collins.
00:40Dolores Catania.
00:43Robin Dixon.
00:45Bob Harper.
00:48Ciara Miller.
00:51Lourdes Ivor Mountbatten.
00:54Carolyn Weigard.
00:57Sam Ashgari.
00:59Tom Sandoval.
01:01And Nicky Garcia.
01:03Well, there you have it dearies.
01:06This is sure to be the most treacherous season yet.
