• l’année dernière
00:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:30Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
01:00All in! All out! Look alive!
01:08Come on, Shorty! Hit the deck!
01:11Hey, what's the big idea to wake me up, Swifty?
01:13Shorty, it's time for the whole nation to wake up before we all turn to jellyfish.
01:16Here, look at that. Does that give you any ideas?
01:19Boy, I'll say. I'd better get my eyes examined.
01:22Now, wait a minute. You're not going to take this lying down, are you?
01:25Gee, can I?
01:27Look at your bundle of flab, a tub of lard, all fat and no muscle.
01:31Well, nobody's perfect.
01:33What I could do for you with my knowledge of physical training.
01:35I'm going to put three inches of muscle on those arms.
01:38I'm going to turn those legs into steel coils.
01:40I'm going to make that paunchy stomach as flat as a washboard.
01:43I'm going to...
01:44You're going to make me sick.
01:46By the power vested in me by this newspaper article,
01:49I hereby order you to report for your physical training program first thing tomorrow morning.
01:58Come on, up and at'em.
02:08Now, Shorty, it's very important in a physical fitness program
02:11that you eat a good nourishing breakfast to give you plenty of fuel for the day ahead.
02:17Ouch! What's the idea?
02:19When you're overweight, it's more important to concentrate on your exercise.
02:23Ouch! What's the idea?
02:25When you're overweight, it's more important to cut down on fattening foods.
02:30It looks delicious.
02:36Could I have the hole in that donut when you're through with it?
02:39Too many calories.
02:44Whoops! Mealtime is over.
02:48It's time for the first exercise period.
02:50Don't you mean for the first exercise period?
02:53Here, carry these down to the gym.
02:55What are they?
02:56Indian clubs.
02:59Why don't we just give them back to the Indians?
03:04We'll start with calisthenics to loosen you up.
03:06Count of one, hands on hips.
03:08Two, bend over, touch toes.
03:09Three, raise feet to dangle from floor.
03:11Four, return to the original position.
03:17I just remembered an appointment I had with a hammock.
03:19Écoute, mon ami, je fais tout ça pour ton bien.
03:22Tu veux être dans un tub de lard ou tu veux être en forme?
03:25Tu veux dire que j'ai une choix?
03:27Shorty, comment tu te sentais si, il y a quatre ans,
03:29nos pères se trouvaient sur cette brèche,
03:32et s'étouffaient avant de voir les blancs de leurs yeux?
03:34Que serait-il de notre grande nation
03:36si John Paul Jones n'avait pas dit aux marins de ne pas abandonner le bateau?
03:40Je te jure, chaque homme, chaque Jack et Yankee Doodle
03:44qui s'appelle le esprit de 76,
03:46qui a besoin de Betsy Ross et Barbara Fritchie
03:48pour se mettre en position et se mettre sur ses doigts
03:50et chanter l'ancienne chanson de Columbia,
03:52la jambe de l'océan,
03:53ton oncle Sam lui-même a dit à l'ancien San Juan Hill,
03:56parle doucement, mais porte cette message à Garcia.
04:09Commence à bouger, Shorty, et je te jeterai les clubs indiens.
04:17Comme ça, Swifty?
04:18C'est super, Shorty.
04:19Maintenant, attrape ces clubs.
04:26Prends ton temps!
04:28C'est super, Shorty.
04:29Tu as juste fait un double loop-twist.
04:34Wow! Un grand spread inverse.
04:36Tu es terrible, mon garçon.
04:38Je me fais mal au ventre. Je veux descendre.
04:41N'abandonne pas, Shorty.
04:42Un quitteur ne gagne jamais et un gagnant ne quitte jamais.
04:47Donne-moi le reste des clubs indiens.
04:49C'est l'esprit, mon garçon.
04:51Un autre.
04:54Et un autre.
04:56Et le reste.
05:03C'est appelé le flingue-bombe.
05:07Et tu es le but.
05:09Non, attends une minute, Shorty.
05:11N'abandonne pas le bateau.
05:13Feu, un.
05:16Contrôle-toi, Shorty. Contrôle-toi.
05:19Ne tire pas jusqu'à ce que tu vois les blancs dans leurs yeux.
05:22Feu, deux.
05:25Tu m'as mis dans le siège d'autoroute.
05:30Rappelle-toi le but.
05:32Feu, trois.
05:37Elle tire.
05:38J'ai quitté. Je me surrends.
05:40Tu dis quoi ?
05:43Rien ?
06:00C'est trop loin, Shorty.
06:01Continues à marcher, Swifty.
06:03Je pourrais être arrêté pour de la trahison.
06:06Dans une démocratie, tout le monde a le droit d'être écouté, Swifty.
06:09Même un homme fat.
