Et Autres Vidéos Drôles de #123GO! House Rejoignez-nous sur : 123GO! House sur TikTok TheSoul Music ◉ Notre Spotify : ◉ TikTok : ◉ YouTube : / @thesoulsound Matériaux d'archives : Cette vidéo est réalisée à des fins de divertissement. Nous ne donnons aucune garantie quant à l'exhaustivité, la sécurité et la fiabilité. Toute action que vous entreprenez en fonction des informations de cette vidéo se fait strictement à vos risques et périls, et nous ne serons pas responsables des dommages ou des pertes. Il appartient au spectateur d'exercer son jugement, sa prudence et ses précautions s'il envisage de reproduire.
00:00The weather forecast said nothing about rain.
00:02We look like a bunch of wet mobs.
00:05Nothing a little shake won't fix.
00:08Hashtag short hair perks.
00:11Let me try.
00:13Long hair's a little more complicated.
00:16This ought to get it all out.
00:19I could fill a bathtub with all this.
00:24Just another example of short hair versus long hair.
00:27I love noodle day! I wait for it all week.
00:32It's just so satisfying, right?
00:36So, what's new?
00:38Your teeth!
00:39Just a ramen side effect, huh?
00:42It's mine!
00:47Oh yeah? I'll just borrow some of this.
00:50It'll floss this thing right out.
00:53What's the matter with you?
00:54Sorry! Just being resourceful.
01:00Math is hard enough without having your hair get in the way.
01:04Ugh, I can't see what I'm doing!
01:06Stupid bangs.
01:10Hey! Can I have your hair tie?
01:13I think I have an extra in here.
01:16Help is on the way!
01:18This thing's huge!
01:20It'll definitely fit all my hair in.
01:26My hair's too short for that.
01:28Have anything else?
01:29I do, in fact!
01:32Where is it?
01:34There we go!
01:35You can find something in there!
01:40Clips are short hair's best friend!
01:42Adorable, right?
01:44I gotta add clips to my shopping list.
01:50What a beautiful morning.
01:52Time to brush out these luscious locks.
01:55Come here, Mr. Brush.
01:56You've got work to do.
01:58It's looking better already.
01:59So soft, huh?
02:01Oh no!
02:03Get outta here, spider!
02:04Oh, you're so dead!
02:06He sure is fast!
02:09Did I get it?
02:11Nope. Just another hairball.
02:14Every time I brush, huh?
02:16Long hair problems.
02:19We actually made it to the gym!
02:21Instagram proof!
02:25Hey, ladies!
02:27Is that our coach?
02:29He's super gorgeous!
02:32Just look at that hair!
02:37We're ready!
02:39Hands on the hips!
02:41Yep, keep that going!
02:44Very good!
02:45Now for the real warm-up.