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00:11Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree
00:14Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day
00:16Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too
00:24Walt Disney Home Video présente la histoire de Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree
00:29Commençons maintenant
00:36Comme la plupart des petits-enfants, Christopher Robin a des animaux pour jouer
00:40et ils vivent tous ensemble dans un monde merveilleux de faits
00:45Mais son meilleur ami est un poisson appelé Winnie the Pooh, ou Pooh pour court
00:51Winnie the Pooh vivait dans une forêt enchantée sous le nom de Sanders
00:55Ce qui signifie qu'il avait le nom sur la porte et qu'il vivait sous celle-ci
01:00Maintenant, quand Winnie le Pooh a entendu son cloche pou-pou, pou-pou, pou-pou
01:05Il savait que c'était l'heure pour quelque chose
01:07Mais il était un poisson avec très peu de cerveau
01:10Alors quand il a pensé, il a pensé dans la manière la plus pensée possible
01:14Pense, pense, pense
01:16Oh oui, c'est l'heure de mon exercice de stouteté
01:20Winnie le Pooh se trouvait devant son miroir et a essayé de toucher ses pieds
01:25En haut
01:27En bas
01:28Et toucher le sol
01:29Mais au lieu de le faire finir, l'exercice lui a fait faim
01:35La forêt de Winnie le Pooh était d'habitude remplie de sucre
01:38Mais cette fois-ci, il n'y avait pas de sucre, juste un bruit de bruit
01:48Winnie le Pooh a dit à lui-même
01:51La seule raison pour laquelle je fais un bruit de bruit
01:55C'est parce que tu es un oiseau
01:57Et la seule raison pour laquelle tu es un oiseau
02:00C'est de faire du sucre
02:02Et la seule raison pour laquelle tu fais du sucre
02:04C'est pour que je puisse le manger
02:07Winnie le Pooh a suivi le oiseau vers un grand arbre
02:09Là-bas, près du haut de l'arbre
02:11Il y avait un oiseau rempli de sucre
02:13Alors Winnie le Pooh a commencé à monter le arbre
02:16Juste quand Winnie le Pooh était près de l'oiseau
02:19L'arbre qu'il était en train de monter s'est cassé
02:22Et Winnie le Pooh est tombé
02:24C'est tout parce que je n'aime pas trop le sucre, je suppose
02:28Disait Winnie le Pooh, quand il est tombé dans un bois
02:31Oh, bavard
02:33Winnie le Pooh a brûlé les brûlures de son nez
02:35Et a décidé d'aller demander à Christopher Robin d'aider
02:38Winnie le Pooh a trouvé Christopher Robin
02:40En mettant l'arbre de Winnie le Pooh
02:43Oh, Christopher Robin
02:45Je me demandais si tu avais quelque chose comme un ballon
02:50Bien sûr, Pooh, ici tu es
02:53Mais pourquoi veux-tu un ballon ?
02:56Pooh a dit
02:57Du sucre
02:59Mais Winnie le Pooh, tu ne reçois pas du sucre avec un ballon
03:02Je le fais
03:03Je vais voler comme un oiseau jusqu'à l'arbre du sucre, vois-tu ?
03:07Mais Pooh, tu ne peux pas voler les oiseaux de cette façon
03:11Je peux, si je tourne autour dans le sucre jusqu'à ce que je sois tout noir
03:16Là, n'est-ce pas un délire ?
03:19Qu'est-ce que tu devrais être, Pooh ?
03:22Un petit oiseau noir, bien sûr
03:25Pooh était très excité
03:27Maintenant, aimerais-tu moi les oiseaux, s'il te plaît ?
03:31Christopher a laissé Pooh et l'arbre a flotté jusqu'à l'arbre du sucre
03:36Mais les oiseaux n'étaient pas heureux de le voir
03:40Danglé par l'arbre du sucre, Winnie le Pooh a appelé
03:44Christopher Robin, je pense que les oiseaux ont un doute
03:48Je pense que ça aiderait la déception si tu ouvrais ton ombrelle et disais
03:53Tutt-tutt, ça ressemble à de la pluie
03:55Donc Christopher Robin s'est déplacé avec un ombrelle sur sa tête
04:00En disant
04:01Tutt-tutt, ça ressemble à de la pluie
04:04Et Pooh a même essayé de chanter une chanson de nuage
04:07Mais les oiseaux n'étaient pas fous de tout ça
04:10Et ils ont explosé la balle de Pooh
04:12Pooh est tombé du ciel
04:14Je t'attraperai, Pooh !
04:16a crié Christopher Robin, et il l'a fait
04:18Ouf !
04:23Quand Pooh a mis son esprit au sucre, il s'est trompé
04:26Il est allé à la maison des oiseaux et s'est invité au déjeuner
04:29Les oiseaux savaient que Pooh avait très faim
04:31Mais il a toujours dit politement
04:33Aimerais-tu du sucre, Pooh ?
04:36Bien sûr que Pooh l'a fait
04:37Il a mangé, et mangé, et mangé, et mangé
04:40Jusqu'à ce qu'il ait mangé chaque dernier morceau du sucre des oiseaux
04:49Pooh a remercié les oiseaux et est parti
04:51Mais Pooh, sa tête remplie de sucre
04:53Il n'y avait que la moitié de la porte de l'entrée des oiseaux
04:58Oh, aidez-moi ! Je suis coincé
05:02Les oiseaux se sont arrêtés pour voir l'endroit étrange
05:05Si ce n'est pas Pooh le poisson
05:06Oui, oui, oui
05:07Il semble que l'entrée aux domiciles des oiseaux est impassable
05:11Pour être précis, bloquée
05:13Au moment où Pooh était coincé devant sa porte
05:16L'oiseau a paniqué
05:17Oh, mon amour, il n'y a qu'une chose à faire
05:19Je vais chercher Christopher Robin
05:21L'oiseau a dit à Christopher Robin
05:23Et Christopher Robin a pris soin d'aller chercher tous les amis de Pooh
05:29L'oiseau a essayé de rire Winnie le Pooh
05:31Vous, monsieur, êtes coincé
05:33Un oiseau coincé dans une grande fermeture
05:36En un mot, irremuvable
05:40Mais il n'a pas fait que Pooh se sentait heureux
05:42Quand Christopher Robin a vu le pauvre Pooh
05:45Il a cassé la tête
05:47Sale oiseau
05:48Tiens, donne-moi ton bras et je te tirerai
05:51Oh, a crié Pooh
05:53Il n'y a pas d'enfance, je suis coincé
05:56Pooh l'oiseau, il n'y a qu'une chose qu'on peut faire
05:59Attendre que tu deviennes fin
06:04Pooh n'a pas aimé l'idée de devenir fin
06:07Combien de temps cela prendra ?
06:09Le vieux Eeyore a répondu
06:11Jours, semaines, mois, qui sait ?
06:16Oh, ne t'inquiète pas
06:18A dit Pooh
06:19Donc Winnie le Pooh était là
06:21Caché jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne fin
06:24Tous les amis de Pooh se sont assis pour attendre
06:26Kanga a apporté de l'alimentation
06:28Et ils ont tous eu un petit déjeuner
06:30Tout sauf Pooh, c'est-à-dire
06:32Il n'y avait pas de nourriture pour lui
06:34Jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne fin
06:40Lorsque la nuit est venue
06:41Kanga a apporté un chausson chaude
06:43Pour protéger Pooh de froid
06:45Roo est allé dormir
06:47Et le Pooh l'a fait aussi
06:48Pendant que Kanga a chanté un lullaby
06:51Jour après jour, nuit après nuit
06:54Tous les amis de Pooh ont fait ce qu'ils pouvaient pour l'aider
06:57Et puis un matin
06:58Lorsque Roo commençait à penser
07:00Qu'il n'allait plus pouvoir utiliser sa porte de devant
07:03Il s'est rendu compte
07:04Il a bougé ! Hurray !
07:06Christopher Crabbon !
07:07Christopher Rabbon !
07:08Il a bougé ! Il a bougé ! Il a bougé !
07:10Et aujourd'hui est le jour !
07:12Tout le monde dans l'arbre de 100 acres
07:14Est venu courir pour aider Pooh Bear
07:16De sa maison à l'intérieur
07:18Roo a poussé frantiquement sur son côté de Pooh
07:21Et à l'extérieur, tout le monde
07:23A poussé sur l'autre côté de Pooh
07:26Et bien sûr, Owl était là
07:27Pour voir que tout allait bien
07:29Tout le monde a crié
07:30Hurray ! Hurray !
07:34Et ils ont poussé avec toute leur force
07:36Ils ont poussé et ont poussé
07:38Et ont serré et ont serré
07:40Jusqu'à ce que tout d'un coup
07:42Pooh s'est sorti de la porte
07:44Et a volé directement sur ses sauveurs
07:46Et en haut dans un trou dans l'arbre de 100 acres
07:49Encore coincé
07:51A observé Eeyore
07:52Well, at least it's not in my front door
07:55Sighed Rabbit happily
07:57Christopher Robin called
07:59Don't worry Pooh, we'll get you out
08:02But Pooh was quite content to remain stuck
08:04No hurry, take your time
08:08For you see, Pooh had landed right in the bee's hive
08:12Which was full of delicious honey
08:14Yum, yum, I like being stuck here
08:19Christopher Robin shook his head
08:21And grinned
08:22Silly old bear
08:33Walt Disney Home Video presents the story of Winnie the Pooh
08:37And the blustery day
08:41Winnie the Pooh, or Pooh as he is called by his friends
08:45Is a bear who lives in the 100 acre wood
08:49One very blustery day
08:51Pooh decided to visit his thinking spot
08:56As Pooh sat there trying hard to think of something
09:00Up popped his friend Gopher
09:02Say Pooh, if I were you
09:06I'd think about skedaddling out of here
09:09It's Wednesday, see
09:11It is?
09:13Said Pooh
09:14Oh, then I think I shall wish everyone a happy Wednesday
09:19And I will begin with my dear friend Piglet
09:26The wind was blowing very hard as Pooh neared Piglet's house
09:31Happy Wednesday Piglet, I see you're sweeping leaves
09:35Yes Pooh, but it's hard
09:38This is a very unfriendly wind
09:41Just then a big gust of wind blew Piglet up into the air
09:49Pooh was surprised
09:51Where are you going Piglet?
09:53I don't know
09:55Said Piglet from overhead
09:57Help me Pooh
09:59But when Pooh grabbed Piglet's sweater
10:02It began to unravel
10:06There was Piglet flying high over the countryside like a kite
10:10With Pooh dragging behind
10:12The two went right through Eeyore's house
10:15And Rabbit's carrot patch
10:24Then with the blustiest, gustiest gust of all
10:28Piglet and Pooh were blown right up to Owl's house in a tall tree
10:34Pooh, Piglet, this is a special treat
10:37I so rarely get visitors up here
10:39Do come in
10:41Owl opened his window and in blew Pooh and Piglet
10:47The wind blew harder and harder
10:50Until finally Owl's tree along with his house
10:53Crashed to the ground
10:57Everyone from the Hundred Acre Wood came to help Owl
11:00But only gloomy old Eeyore seemed to know what to do
11:04If you ask me, and nobody has
11:08I say when a house looks like that
11:10It's time to find another one
11:12A thankless job
11:14But I'll find a new one for him
11:17And off he plotted
11:20Finally, the blustery day turned into a blustery night
11:24And to Pooh, it was an uncomfortable night
11:28Full of uncomfortable noises
11:30And one of the noises was a sound that he had never heard before
11:38Pooh got up and went to his door to investigate
11:43Hello out there
11:45Oh, I hope nobody answers
11:48Just then, a funny looking animal bounced into the room
11:52Hi, I'm Tigger
11:56Oh, you scared me
11:59Said Pooh
12:00Sure I did
12:02Everyone's scared of Tiggers
12:04Well, what's a Tigger?
12:06Glad you brought that up, chum
12:08Then Tigger bounced around the room to show Pooh what a Tigger was
12:16Tigger stopped bouncing
12:18Did I say I was hungry?
12:20Not for honey, I hope
12:22Said Pooh sadly
12:24Yuck, Tiggers don't like that icky sticky stuff
12:28Well, I'd better be bouncing along
12:32Ta-ta for now
12:38The wind continued to blow
12:41There was a clap of thunder and it began to rain
12:44And it rained and it rained and it rained
12:48By morning, the hundred acre wood was flooding
12:51Pooh couldn't rescue his honey pots
12:54So he decided to eat all the honey for breakfast
12:57He was upside down licking the bottom of the last pot
13:00When the water floated him right out the door
13:04At Piglet's house, the water was coming in through the window
13:07He wrote a message and put it into a bottle
13:10The message read
13:12Help! P-P-P-Piglet! Me!
13:15The bottle floated out of his house and out of sight
13:19Christopher Robin lived high on a hill where the water couldn't reach
13:24So that was where everyone from the hundred acre wood gathered
13:28Before long, Christopher discovered Piglet's message and read it
13:32Hmm, Owl, fly over to Piglet's house and tell him we'll plan a rescue
13:38As Owl flew over the flood, he spotted two tiny objects below
13:43One was Piglet, standing on a chair
13:45And the other was Pooh, still upside down in his honey pot
13:49Owl called down
13:51A rescue is being thought of! Be brave, little Piglet!
13:56Piglet swallowed hard
14:00Thank you, Owl, but it's awfully hard to be b-b-brave when you're such a s-s-small animal
14:07Pooh and Piglet eventually floated right to the hill where their friends were
14:11Christopher Robin smiled
14:13Pooh, you rescued Piglet! That was a very brave thing to do
14:19You're a hero!
14:21I am?
14:23Said Pooh happily
14:25Yes, and so I shall give you a hero party
14:31Just as the hero party began, Eeyore arrived with a message
14:36I found it, a house for Owl
14:41If you want to follow me, I'll show it to you
14:45Eeyore led the way through the woods
14:47And to everyone's great surprise, stopped in front of Piglet's house
14:51This is Owl's new house. What do you think?
14:55Pooh said
14:57But this house belongs to...
14:59No, Pooh!
15:00Interrupted Piglet
15:02This house belongs to...
15:04Good for an owl
15:06I shall live...
15:08Shall live...
15:10You shall live with me, Piglet
15:13Announced Pooh
15:15Christopher Robin smiled
15:17That was a very grand thing to do, Piglet
15:20Giving your house to Owl
15:22And so, the one hero party became a two hero party
15:27Pooh was a hero for saving Piglet's life
15:30And Piglet was a hero for giving Owl his grand home in the beech tree
16:35And Tigger bounded over to Rabbit's house
16:38Rabbit was happily working in his vegetable garden
16:41When he heard Tigger coming
16:43Hello, long ears!
16:45No, no, Tigger, don't bounce!
16:47But Rabbit couldn't stop Tigger's bounce
16:50Carrots went flying in all directions
16:55Tigger, just look at my beautiful garden!
16:58Wailed Rabbit
17:00Yuck! Messy, isn't it?
17:02Said Tigger
17:03Messy, it's ruined!
17:05Oh, why don't you ever stop bouncing?
17:08Because bouncing is what Tiggers do best
17:11Rabbit was so upset about his garden
17:13That he called a meeting at his house
17:15Which Pooh and Piglet attended
17:17Attention, everybody!
17:19Something has got to be done about Tigger's bouncing
17:22Now, I have a splendid idea
17:25We'll take Tigger for a long explore in the woods
17:28And lose him
17:30When we find him, he'll be a more grateful Tigger
17:33And oh, how can I ever thank you for saving me, Tigger
17:38And we'll tell him to stop bouncing
17:41So the next morning, the friends set out for the woods
17:44Tigger bounced along in front of the others
17:50Then, when Tigger wasn't looking
17:52Rabbit, Pooh and Piglet hid in a hollow log
17:55Tigger suddenly realised he was alone
17:58Now, where do you suppose old Long Ears went to?
18:04Where are you, fellows?
18:06Gee, they must have gotten lost
18:09And Tigger bounced off to find his friends
18:15When Tigger had gone
18:17The three friends came out of the hollow log
18:19Rabbit snickered
18:21You see, my splendid idea is working
18:24Now we'll go and save Tigger
18:26But as they walked on
18:28They kept coming back to the same sand pit
18:30Pooh, who was a bear of very little brain
18:33Said, that sand pit is following us
18:36Maybe we are lost, Rabbit
18:39Nonsense, Pooh, I know my way home
18:42And Rabbit left to prove he could find his way home
18:45After Rabbit had been gone a while
18:48Pooh felt a rumbling in his tummy
18:52I think my honey pots are calling to me
18:55Come on, Piglet, my tummy knows the way home
18:59Just then, who should appear but Tigger
19:02He bounced Pooh and Piglet
19:05I thought you fellows were lost
19:07Where's old Long Ears?
19:09It turned out that the only one who was really lost was Rabbit
19:12All alone in the dense woods
19:14He jumped at every sudden noise
19:18Rabbit grew more and more afraid
19:21There were so many strange shapes and sounds
19:25Suddenly, he heard a familiar
19:29This time Rabbit was happy to be bounced by Tigger
19:33He pretended that he hadn't been afraid
19:35Oh, Tigger, I'm so glad to see you
19:38We thought you were lost
19:40Shucks, Tiggers never get lost
19:43And they all went back home
19:48When winter came, the hundred acre wood was covered with snow
19:53Roo was so anxious to play with Tigger
19:55That his mother Kanga could barely get his scarf on
19:58I'll take care of the little nipper
20:00And have him home by nap time, Tigger promised
20:03And off they bounced because
20:05That's what Tiggers and Roos do best
20:10They came to a beautiful frozen pond
20:12In front of Rabbit's house
20:14There was Rabbit, happily ice skating
20:16Roo asked Tigger
20:18Can Tigger skate as fancy as Mr. Rabbit?
20:20Sure Roo, that's what Tiggers do best
20:23But when Tigger ran onto the ice
20:25He slipped and skidded right into Rabbit
20:27And they all went crashing right through Rabbit's front door
20:33Tigger grunted
20:34Tiggers don't like ice skating
20:36Tigger and Roo went farther into the hundred acre wood
20:40Looking for something else Tiggers do best
20:42Roo suggested
20:44Let's climb a tree, Tigger
20:46Tiggers don't climb trees
20:48They bounce them
20:50So Tigger and Roo bounced way up to the top of a tall tree
20:54In fact, they almost bounced clear out of the book
20:57Suddenly Tigger realized how far down the ground was
21:01He was terrified
21:03Roo, however, thought this was great fun
21:06He swung back and forth holding on to Tigger's tail
21:12Stop kid, S-T-O-P
21:15You're rocking the forest
21:17Over on this page
21:19Pooh and Piglet were following some tracks in the snow
21:22Piglet asked what they were tracking
21:24Pooh replied
21:26I won't know until I catch up with it
21:29Just then, Pooh and Piglet heard a sound in the distance
21:35Pooh didn't know that it was Tigger calling for help
21:38I hope it isn't a fierce jaguar
21:41Because they hello and then drop on you
21:46But it wasn't a jaguar
21:48It was only Tigger and Roo up in the tree
21:51Pooh looked up
21:52Are you all right, Roo?
21:54I'm all right, but Tigger's stuck
21:57How did you and Tigger get way up there?
22:00We bounced up
22:02Well then, why don't you bounce down?
22:05Pooh was very smart for a bear of very little brain
22:08And so Roo bounced down
22:11But Tigger was still too afraid to jump that far
22:14You see, Tigger, all your bouncing has finally gotten you in trouble
22:18Who are you?
22:19I'm the narrator
22:21Oh, well, narrate me down from here
22:24If you do, I promise I'll never bounce again
22:27So I turned the book sideways
22:29And Tigger slid right down the block of type
22:32And landed safely on the ground
22:34Tigger was mighty glad to be out of that tree
22:37And on solid ground again
22:39I'm so happy, I feel like bouncing
22:41Immediately, Rabbit stepped up
22:43No, Tigger, you promised
22:45You mean, not even one teensy-weensy bounce?
22:50Tigger was very, very sad
22:52He turned and walked away
22:54Roo tugged at Kanga's arm
22:56Mama, I like the old bouncy Tigger best
23:00Everyone said that they too liked the old Tigger best
23:03Yes, even Rabbit
23:05So they agreed to let Tigger have his bounce back
23:08And he leaped for joy
23:10After all, a Tigger without his bounce is no Tigger at all