• 先月
"Genius Takeshi's Energetic TV" is a popular variety show that aired on Japan TV from 1985 to 1996, with Beat Takeshi serving as the main host. The show had a lot of innovative and unique projects, and was particularly good at introducing youth culture and subcultures.

As a feature of the program, there were many programs that involved audience participation, and events such as "Dance Koshien" and "Bishoujo Contest" were held to keep young people at the time engaged, and public participation through television was enlivened. In addition, it comically touched on the social issues and topical themes of the time, and was familiar to many people.

The show is all about "cheering up" viewers, and there are a number of great scenes and funny episodes left behind, along with Beat Takeshi's light-hearted emceeing. This variety freedom and challenging style had a profound impact on Japan variety shows and later played an important role in Japan television culture.

If you have any other concerns about a specific project or episode, please let us know.
