• l’année dernière
Stillwater (2021) is a gripping crime drama directed by Tom McCarthy, featuring Matt Damon in the lead role as Bill Baker, an oil rig roughneck from Oklahoma. The film tells the poignant story of a father who embarks on a mission to prove the innocence of his estranged daughter, Allison (played by Abigail Breslin), who is serving a nine-year prison sentence in Marseille, France, for the of her girlfriend, Lena—a crime she insists she did not commit.
The narrative unfolds as Bill navigates cultural barriers and a complex legal system while trying to uncover the truth behind Allison's conviction. He becomes determined to find a man named Akim, whom Allison believes is the real killer. As he delves deeper into the investigation, Bill forms an unexpected bond with Virginie (Camille Cottin), a local actress, and her daughter Maya (Lilou Siauvaud), which complicates his quest for justice.
Stillwater explores themes of family, redemption, and the lengths a parent will go to for their child. The film highlights Bill's transformation as he confronts his past mistakes and strives for a better future for himself and his daughter. With its emotional depth and strong performances, particularly from Damon, Stillwater received generally positive reviews from critics.
The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on July 8, 2021, and was released theatrically in the United States on July 30, 2021. Despite its $20 million budget, it grossed approximately $19 million at the box office.
Stillwater 2021 film, Matt Damon Stillwater, Tom McCarthy director, crime drama movie, father-daughter relationship themes, Marseille investigation, Abigail Breslin performance, emotional thrille


