Love Reset (2023) is a South Korean romantic comedy film directed by Nam Dae Jung, featuring Kang Ha Neul and Jung So Min in the lead roles. The story revolves around No Jeong Yeol (Kang Ha Neul) and Hong Na Ra (Jung So Min), a couple who were once deeply in love but have grown apart during their two years of marriage. As they head to the courthouse to finalize their divorce, an unexpected car accident leaves them both with amnesia, complicating their plans.
Plot Summary
The film begins with Jeong Yeol and Na Ra preparing to end their marriage after realizing that their love has faded. However, after the accident, they lose all memories of each other. This twist leads to a comedic and heartwarming journey as they start to fall in love again without the baggage of their past grievances. Their families, horrified by this development, devise a plan to help them regain their memories and ultimately end their marriage.
Love Reset explores themes of love, memory, and second chances. It poses questions about how relationships can change over time and the impact of external influences on personal connections. The film combines humor with emotional depth, making it relatable for audiences who appreciate romantic comedies.
Release Information
The movie was released theatrically on October 3, 2023, and has garnered attention for its engaging storyline and performances. It is available for viewing with English subtitles on platforms like Viki, where fans can enjoy the film's charm.
Plot Summary
The film begins with Jeong Yeol and Na Ra preparing to end their marriage after realizing that their love has faded. However, after the accident, they lose all memories of each other. This twist leads to a comedic and heartwarming journey as they start to fall in love again without the baggage of their past grievances. Their families, horrified by this development, devise a plan to help them regain their memories and ultimately end their marriage.
Love Reset explores themes of love, memory, and second chances. It poses questions about how relationships can change over time and the impact of external influences on personal connections. The film combines humor with emotional depth, making it relatable for audiences who appreciate romantic comedies.
Release Information
The movie was released theatrically on October 3, 2023, and has garnered attention for its engaging storyline and performances. It is available for viewing with English subtitles on platforms like Viki, where fans can enjoy the film's charm.