• last year
Most Beautiful Marvel Actresses

Jennifer Garner (Elektra)
The protagonist of the series “Alias” was the biggest attraction of the failed adaptation of “Daredevil”, starring Ben Affleck. A woman who masters weapons, Elektra Natchois is an assassin whose goal is to avenge her father's death. In 2005, the actress returned to play Elecktra in a spin-off.

Halle Berry (Storm)
Despite her regrettable performance in “Catwoman”, Berry is one of the actresses who best defended her role as a superhero thanks to Storm, the mutant with platinum gray hair whose main power is climate control in “Fantastic Four”.

Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow)
After a shy appearance in “Iron Man 2”, Scarlett played a perfect Natasha Romanov in “The Avengers”. The only woman in the Marvel squad (apart from the recent addition of Scarlet Witch) confirmed Scarlett's talent for action cinema, so much so that comic book aficionados recognized the actress as Marvel's perfect Russian spy.

Anne Hathaway (Catwoman)
Twenty years after the magnificent Catwoman played by Michelle Pfeiffer, Anne Hathaway was transformed into a more human and less feline Catwoman, something that did not please certain followers of the comics.

Evangeline Lilly (The Wasp)
The upcoming actresses could be seen on the silver screen in the coming months or perhaps in the coming years. Evangeline Lilly will be the daughter of Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, the Wasp, in “Ant-Man”.

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