Ein Soldat sucht seine vermisste Frau und bricht auf der Suche in eine Hightech-Forschungsanlage ein, in dem Glauben, dass sie dort festgehalten wird. Hinter den Mauern der Anlage findet er ein futuristisches Weltmodell vor, in dem Realität und Illusion ineinander übergehen. Er muss in Utopia diesen gefährlichen und seltsamen Vergnügungspark durchqueren, um zu seiner Frau zu gelangen.
00:01I'll find him no matter what it takes I know you will welcome to utopia take
00:11part in this revolutionary experience on our 2,000 acre sanctuary ancient Rome
00:17France during the Second World War and even the Roaring Twenties select who you
00:23want to be and where and the rest is magic. Feel free to explore and mingle
00:30among some of the most beautiful women in the world. These girls, where are they all from?
00:38I'm sorry we met before? I'm certain I remember. I saw her up close. She didn't
00:47recognize me. You can't just make bodies disappear. How long you been here in this
00:53utopia? You can't remember. We don't remember because it's not important. I want to remember.
00:59I don't think you're supposed to do that. Is that right? You want your memories back? Give me a
01:16chance. Well, you know, I wonder how you make them where they are. That is a trade secret.
01:23Change of plan. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Almost there. Almost there. Do what is necessary.
01:38I can't tell if this is a dream or reality.
01:43This is something you have to let me do.