Aktor Jefri Nichol diperiksa oleh pihak kepolisian Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan atas kasus dugaan penganiayaan. Jefri Nichol diperiksa sebagai saksi pada hari ini, Senin, 28 Oktober 2024.
Informasi tersebut disampaikan oleh PLH Humas Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, AKP Nurma Dewi. Nichol menjalani pemeriksaan selama kurang lebih dua jam dengan 20 pertanyaan.
"Jefri Nichol diperiksa lebih kurang 2 jam dengan 20 pertanyaan yang disiapkan penyidik," ujar Nurma Dewi di kantornya belum lama ini.
Informasi tersebut disampaikan oleh PLH Humas Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, AKP Nurma Dewi. Nichol menjalani pemeriksaan selama kurang lebih dua jam dengan 20 pertanyaan.
"Jefri Nichol diperiksa lebih kurang 2 jam dengan 20 pertanyaan yang disiapkan penyidik," ujar Nurma Dewi di kantornya belum lama ini.
00:00Actor Jeffrey Nichol was investigated by the South Jakarta Police and Police of Polarize Metro
00:05on charges of corruption.
00:08Jeffrey Nichol was investigated as a witness on Monday, October 28, 2024.
00:16The information was conveyed by PLH Humas Polarize Metro Jakarta Selatan, AKP Nurmadewi.
00:25Nichol underwent an investigation for about 2 hours with 20 questions.
00:32Jeffrey Nichol was investigated for about 2 hours with 20 questions prepared by the investigator.
00:39Nurmadevi's testimony at his office has not been long.
00:43The incident was reported on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
00:49So the incident was about 2 o'clock in western Indonesia.
00:54In addition, Nurmadevi then confirmed the status of the actor's law in this case as an eyewitness
01:02who saw the corruption case.
01:06It is true that today the investigator of Polarize Jakarta Selatan has asked for clarification from JN.
01:13So the case reported is 172 or 351 corruption and corruption charges.
01:22said AKP Nurmadevi at Polarize Metro Jakarta Selatan.
01:27Jeffrey Nichol was also ensured that he did not suffer any injuries
01:32because he was not directly involved in the investigation.
01:37According to the investigator's explanation, JN was currently at the location, said Nurmadevi.
01:45AKP Nurma explained that Jeffrey Nichol was investigated as a witness who witnessed the incident,
01:52the corruption case located in the Senopati area of Jakarta Selatan.
01:58Still investigated, but for JN as a witness and asked for clarification.
02:04The incident took place at 2 pm in Senopati in the Polarize Jakarta Selatan area, said AKP Nurma.
02:13For the time being, it is still investigated.
02:16Please excuse me, friends, we will update again after I ask the investigator.
02:22However, for today, JN was asked for clarification as a witness
02:28on the case reported corruption and corruption.
02:32In addition,
02:35there is no information whether Jeffrey Nichol has a friendship relationship
02:39with the parties involved in the case.
02:43The investigator is still conducting further investigation.
02:47The victim of this corruption and corruption case is identified as a 30-year-old man with an initial BPI.
02:55He was involved in a fight after one of the suspects hit his female friend while walking.
03:03The unaccepted BPI then asked the meaning of the actor's attitude until there was a shock.
03:10It is not yet known for sure whether the actors are friends of the actor or not.
03:16The victim brought a female friend.
03:18Well, there was someone who snitched.
03:21Therefore, he asked the one who snitched on his female friend.
03:25Then after that, a case was reported.
03:29Clearly Nurma.
03:31This case was reported by another person with an initial HM.
03:35That day at 7.30 p.m. Western Indonesia
03:39with article 351 on heavy corruption and 170 corruption.
03:45Nurma Dewi's statement.
03:49Well, what do you guys think?
03:51Don't forget to write a comment in the comments column.
03:54See you!