• last year
Prepare for the thrilling next episode of CBS' Elsbeth, Season 2 Episode 3, an engaging legal drama crafted by the acclaimed creators Robert and Michelle King. This installment boasts a talented cast, including the exceptional Carrie Preston, Wendell Pierce, and Carra Patterson. Dive into Elsbeth’s intriguing world, filled with high-stakes legal battles, surprising twists, and unforgettable moments. Don't miss out—tune in to CBS to see why this series is a must-watch!

Elsbeth Cast:

Carrie Preston, Windell Pierce and Carra Patterson

Stream Elsbeth Season 2 now on Paramount+!


00:00Who are you supposed to be?
00:02Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's.
00:05The movie that first made me fall in love with New York.
00:09You're the only one in costume, of course.
00:11Me and Lieutenant Conner.
00:13He's either Pee Wee Herman or Vo Redenbach.
00:16Winston Churchill.
00:18Oh, he was a bow tie guy.
00:21I thought you might be an astronaut.
00:24I hate Halloween.
00:26All the crazies come out and wreak havoc on the city.
00:30They fill the hospitals and the jails.
00:33Sanctioned mayhem.
00:35Oh, come on. You never went trick-or-treating as a kid?
00:37That was business.
00:39We knew we were getting candy for the year.
00:41We changed our costumes twice and hit the block three times.
