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المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
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00:00Just so we don't bother people, we have to be sure that not everyone who gets a cough is sick.
00:07No, we say that a cough lasts a long time and is not a cause.
00:10If someone has a cold, that's a reason. If someone smokes, that's a reason.
00:14But if there is no reason and the cough lasts a long time,
00:17he should consult the chest doctor and give him a chance.
00:21He is the one who can discover or make rumors to determine whether it is a cough or not.
00:25This means that one should not wait for himself and say,
00:30no, this is nothing, wait a little bit, maybe it will go away.
00:33There is no need to say this.
00:35When someone feels something strange or new, without explanation,
00:39he should go back to the doctor and leave it to the doctor to decide.
00:42Of course, there are good coughs, and these are the most common of the bad coughs.
00:49But we don't want to leave the patient himself or those who have a complaint
00:55to decide whether it is a cough or not.
00:58As soon as he feels a lump, he should go to the doctor.
01:02And the doctor is the one who can, of course, make rumors.
01:06Sometimes we may need to take a sample.
01:08And this is what we can determine whether it is a cough or not.
01:14One should not leave the patient himself or those who have a complaint to decide whether it is a cough or not.
01:20Of course, this will make us talk about the part of the sample.
