• 4 hours ago
From alien speculation to environmental clashes, Donald Trump's appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast was filled with memorable moments. Join us as we count down the most outrageous, revealing, and controversial highlights from this highly anticipated interview, showcasing Trump's unique personality and unfiltered opinions.


00:00Do me a favor. Do you know Elon Musk? Yes. He endorsed me. By the way, he gave me the nicest
00:04endorsement too. He said, the country's going to fail. You should do the same thing, Joe,
00:10because you cannot be voting for Kamala. Welcome to WatchMojo. And today we're
00:14counting down our picks for the wildest, most compelling moments from former President Donald
00:18Trump's hotly anticipated appearance on Joe Rogan's Smash Hit podcast.
00:23And every time I had to deal with a country, when they saw this whack job standing behind me,
00:30they said, oh man, Trump's going to go to war with us.
00:35Number 10, Trump's plans for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
00:38First of all, I love this idea of you teaming up with Robert Kennedy.
00:42And I love this make America healthy again idea because there are chemicals and ingredients
00:48and there are food that are illegal in other countries.
00:51The 2024 election cycle has, for lack of a better term, been an extremely wild ride.
00:57In an unprecedented sequence of events that found an incumbent president dropping out after
01:01the primaries, somehow the fact that a member of the Kennedy family was running for office
01:05took a back seat.
01:06I think he's a great guy.
01:08I love the fact that you guys teamed up.
01:10And are you guys, are you completely committed to have him a part of your administration?
01:14Oh, I am. But the only thing I want to be a little careful about with him is
01:18the environmental.
01:19Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the attorney general and New York senator,
01:23initially ran as a Democrat before switching to an independent run
01:26and then dropping out of the race entirely and endorsing Trump.
01:29Trump said on Rogan that Kennedy would be guaranteed a spot to have carte blanche
01:34in his administration, despite their clashing views on environmentalism.
01:37I said, focus on health.
01:40You can do whatever you want,
01:41but I got to be a little bit careful with the liquid gold, you know?
01:45I understand.
01:46But listen, there's plenty of good work that could be done if you focus on health.
01:49Number nine, Trump brags about how healthy he claims to be.
01:52I was never one that could like run on a treadmill or just, and I can do it.
01:56You know, when passing a physical,
01:59they asked me to run on a treadmill and then they make it steeper and steeper and steeper.
02:03As noted by the BBC, former President Trump has been scrutinized by Democrats
02:08for his apparent refusal to release his health records.
02:10Vice President Kamala Harris has done so,
02:12and her records declare her fit for the presidency.
02:15And the doctors said it was at Walter Reed.
02:17They said, it's unbelievable.
02:20I could have gone.
02:20I'm telling you, I felt I could have gone all day.
02:23But I said, doc, I can do this all day long.
02:26While Trump didn't address calls to release the aforementioned records on Rogan,
02:29he claimed that, during a physical examination undertaken at an unspecified date,
02:34even his doctor was surprised by Trump's level of physical fitness.
02:37This is especially interesting given Trump's consistent claims that he doesn't exercise.
02:42The former president insisted that golf is enough movement for him when talking to Rogan.
02:46But it's boring to me.
02:47Do you understand?
02:48It's just boring.
02:49Golf's exciting.
02:50But I did it for so long.
02:51They couldn't believe it that I did it.
02:53And I never did.
02:54You know, I don't do it.
02:55I don't do it.
02:56You know, I have friends who are running this stuff all day long.
02:58Number eight.
02:58Trump discusses The Apprentice.
03:00Well, the concept, it was really like two different lives.
03:03You know, I had a very wonderful life, but I wanted to do this.
03:06The Apprentice was still going very strong.
03:08We had 12 seasons.
03:10At the podcast's outset, Rogan inquired as to how deciding to run for office had negatively
03:14impacted public perception of Trump, as well as his treatment by his fellow Hollywood celebrities.
03:19They both claimed that the hosts of The View and Oprah, for example, had initially held
03:24highly favorable opinions of him before polling indicated that Trump had a real shot at the
03:29They wanted me to stay.
03:30They all came to see me.
03:32They said, we're going to give you a contract.
03:34They wanted to extend my contract.
03:35Mark Burnett is a great guy.
03:37Then they wanted to extend the contract.
03:39Mark said, you're crazy.
03:40Don't run, don't run.
03:41This led to Trump breaking down the conditions that found him departing the show for politics.
03:45Praising executive producer Mark Burnett, Trump explained that opinion polling around
03:49the time of the 2012 presidential election had first caused him to seriously consider
03:54realizing his long-held political aspirations.
03:57And so I was thinking about doing it then, but I had a contract with The Apprentice.
04:00Plus, I was building two big buildings at the time, and I wanted to make sure they got
04:04finished up properly, and it was one of those things.
04:06Number seven.
04:07Trump reveals his, quote, biggest mistake as president.
04:10I had a lot of success.
04:11Great economy, great everything.
04:13Everything was great.
04:15The military, we rebuilt it.
04:17Biggest tax cuts in history.
04:18All this stuff.
04:18We did it.
04:19We had a great presidency.
04:21The former president has never been shy when it comes to slagging his perceived enemies
04:25and, quote, haters.
04:26When Trump ascended to the presidency, the caliber of his foes shifted significantly
04:31from, say, Rosie O'Donnell and the other hosts of The View.
04:33I picked some great people, you know.
04:35But you don't think about that.
04:38I picked some people that I shouldn't have picked.
04:40I picked a few people that I shouldn't have picked.
04:46Yeah, neocons, or bad people, or disloyal people.
04:49Prompted by Rogan to reflect on regrets he had from his time in the Oval Office,
04:53President Number 45 didn't hesitate in revisiting a familiar talking point,
04:57insulting those he personally feels have wronged him.
05:00In this case, that was a number of appointments he made as president,
05:03including the, quote, idiot John Bolton, as well as his former Chief of Staff John F. Kelly.
05:08He's bad.
05:10Bolton was an idiot.
05:11But he was great for me because I'd go in with a guy like a John Bolton.
05:15You know John Bolton.
05:16Number six.
05:17Trump thinks Kim Jong-un just needs to chill.
05:20And don't underestimate North…
05:22North Kor…
05:23If you take a look at North Korea, their nuke…
05:25I was there.
05:26I mean, I was with Kim Jong…
05:28I had a great rela…
05:28I got along great with him.
05:29Trump's presidency was obviously significant for a number of reasons,
05:33but one of the most prominent was his relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
05:38After a heated 2017 back-and-forth which saw them insulting each other,
05:42they reportedly developed a rapport resembling friendship.
05:44I liked how you called him Little Rocket Man.
05:46I said, I said, yeah, Little Rocket…
05:48I said, Little Rocket Man, you're gonna burn in hell, and it was a rough…
05:52Oh, so rough that people were worried.
05:54This is crazy.
05:55Notably, Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to meet with a North Korean leader,
06:00but this ultimately didn't yield any progress on the country's denuclearization.
06:04On Rogan, Trump described his interactions with Kim,
06:07and amusingly suggested that the General Secretary take a break
06:10from building nuclear weapons to go relax on a beach.
06:13I got to know him better than anybody.
06:17And I said, do you ever do anything else?
06:18Why don't you go take it easy and relax?
06:20Go to the beach.
06:21You have beautiful beach…
06:23Nice beachfront property.
06:24You know, kiddingly.
06:25Number 5.
06:26Why Trump Gets So Much Publicity
06:28I used to say it as a civilian.
06:30So, I always got more publicity than other people.
06:33And I didn't… it wasn't like I was trying.
06:35It didn't take long for Trump to let loose on one of his trademark
06:38stream-of-consciousness monologues.
06:40Soon after detailing his regrets as president, the former real estate magnate
06:44stopped to speculate as to precisely why he warrants so much media coverage and attention.
06:49As we all know by now, Trump is the only president to have served
06:52without previous government or military experience,
06:55which he highlighted during the Rogan interview.
06:57I don't know exactly why.
06:59Maybe you can tell me why.
07:00Oh, I can definitely tell you.
07:01You've said a lot of wild shit.
07:03The podcaster offered up a humorous but accurate hypothesis.
07:07Trump's characteristic penchant for outrageousness.
07:10Rogan then touched on how the former president's unfiltered,
07:13unspoken, seemingly genuine nature has been an integral part of his appeal to voters.
07:18CNN, in all their brilliance, by highlighting your wild shit made you much more popular.
07:23Number four.
07:24Trump almost admits to losing the 2020 election.
07:27So I want to talk about 2020 because you've said over and over again that you were robbed in 2020.
07:33Yeah, totally.
07:34How do you think you were robbed?
07:36It was the question that was on everyone's mind.
07:38How is Rogan going to handle Trump's election denialism?
07:41From day one, the former president has maintained that he did not lose the election to President
07:46Biden, and very much in line with his other stances, that it was, quote,
07:49crooked and supposedly rigged against him.
07:52And I would bring in papers that you would not believe.
07:55So many different papers.
07:58That election was so crooked.
08:00It was the most crooked election.
08:02Rogan allowed Trump a soapbox to air his grievances, and his response was interesting.
08:07The former president claimed to have documents that would prove his statements,
08:10and lambasted the voting process for its alleged unfairness.
08:14In one notable slip up, Trump nearly admitted his margin of defeat
08:17before quickly correcting himself.
08:19They say that made, I don't believe it's this much, but it doesn't matter.
08:23I won by like, I lost by like, I didn't lose.
08:26But they say I lost, Joe, they say I lost by 22,000 votes.
08:31Number three, Trump attempts to score a Rogan endorsement.
08:33Do me a favor.
08:34Do you know Elon Musk?
08:36He endorsed me.
08:37By the way, he gave me the nicest endorsement to the tough.
08:40He said the country's going to fail.
08:42You should do the same thing, Joe.
08:44Because you cannot be voting for Kamala.
08:46You kind of have to hand it to Trump.
08:48It was nothing short of incredibly bold to try and coax an endorsement out of Joe Rogan,
08:52live on his own podcast.
08:54It was almost thrilling to watch.
08:56Asking Rogan if he'd heard that Elon Musk had endorsed him,
08:59Trump not-so-subtly tried to get the podcaster to do the same right then and there.
09:04I've watched you.
09:05I know him better than he does.
09:06You know what?
09:07Without speaking to you, I think I know you maybe almost as well as your wife.
09:11I have watched you for so many years.
09:12You're not a Kamala person.
09:14The former president expressed disbelief that Rogan could be a Harris voter
09:18and made a somewhat curious argument as to how they knew that Rogan would be in the pro-Trump camp.
09:22Rogan, to his credit, did not seem to acknowledge Trump's college try,
09:26laughing it off and encouraging the president to stay on track.
09:29Your weave is getting wide.
09:30We're getting wide with this weave.
09:32I want to bring it back to tariffs.
09:33But wait, one second.
09:34Before we finish with tariffs, so they said, they said, could you get him?
09:38We need Starling.
09:39Number two, Trump and Rogan clash on the environment.
09:42Look, I've had, I've done so many, they call it environmental impact study.
09:48I did so much to build a building.
09:49To build a building in New York is very tough.
09:51You got to be very, you got to deal with, think of it.
09:54On paper, the president and the podcasters seemed like a natural fit,
09:58and this proved to be mostly accurate during the interview itself.
10:01However, there were more than a few moments in which Rogan proved to be
10:04less than receptive to Trump's signature braggadociousness.
10:07The most visible friction between the two stemmed from Rogan's environmental concerns.
10:11Financing, unions, all the municipal stuff, environmental.
10:18Of all of it, to me, the toughest thing was the environmental,
10:22because they could stop you cold with the environmental impact studies.
10:25The comedian listened intently as Trump described his history of supervising
10:29the construction of buildings in New York City and the environmental considerations that come with,
10:34as well as his criticism of bureaucracy and government red tape.
10:37In response, Rogan pushed back by suggesting that some level of regulation and oversight
10:42would prevent disasters such as the devastating 2010 BP oil spill.
10:46Right, but there are legitimate concerns about environmental impact, correct?
10:50Like, look about the BP oil spill.
10:51There's a lot of things that do happen that are environmentally devastating,
10:55and you want to mitigate that as much as possible.
10:58Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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11:28What was perhaps the most eyebrow-raising moment of Trump's entire Joe Rogan experience,
11:33the former president casually floated his belief that there may be life on Mars.
11:37The admission was spurred on by Rogan's inquiry into Trump's decision to declassify documents
11:41relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
11:45But I interviewed a few people. It's never been my thing, I have to be honest.
11:49I have never been a believer. I have people that
11:51Area 51 or whatever it is, I think it's the number one tourist attraction in the whole
11:56country or something. Area 51, do you know that, right?
11:59Rogan, who's spoken to ufologists in the past as part of his show,
12:03asked Trump about interviews with pilots who claim to have witnessed such phenomena.
12:07The highlight occurred when Rogan challenged Trump on his suggestion,
12:10and the president responded by doubling down.
12:12Whether you love Trump or hate him, it's inarguable that he's an entirely unique personality.
12:17I mean, there's no reason not to think that Mars and all these planets don't have life,
12:22you know, because-
12:23Well, Mars, we've had probes there and rovers and I don't think there's any life there.
12:27Well, maybe it's life that we don't know.
12:28Well, maybe there was life there at one point in time.
12:31What was your favorite moment from the former
12:33president's appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience?
12:35Be sure to let us know in the comments.
