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Secrets Of Sin Full
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00:00Do you need help, sis?
00:11Come on.
00:12Let's go inside.
00:15My boss.
00:16I work down the street at the Italian restaurant.
00:29And I was closing up, and he just, he grabbed me, and I didn't know what to do.
00:42Take a deep breath, okay?
00:43You're okay.
00:44You're safe here.
00:45No one's gonna hurt you.
00:46Do you need a hospital?
00:48He didn't get far.
01:02I kicked him off, and he let go, but he's so pissed.
01:09I don't know how I'm gonna go back there.
01:13Why the hell would you go back?
01:14I have to.
01:15My brother and I are late on our house payments.
01:19I really need the money.
01:26You any good at dancing?
01:27Coming down to the main stage, our very own angel, the heavenly, the divine, Sid.
01:28Come a little closer.
01:29I just wanna be with you.
01:30I just wanna feel the way you do.
01:53Naughty boy.
01:54You wanna see what sin looks like underneath?
01:55I'll show you.
01:57I wanna feel you in a dreamland.
01:58I wanna hear you in your whispered words.
01:59I wanna feel you in a dreamland.
02:00I wanna feel you in a dreamland.
02:01I wanna feel you in a dreamland.
02:26I wanna feel you in a dreamland.
02:39You killed it out there.
02:41Do you wanna stop for burgers on the way home?
02:45I'm starving.
02:48Oh, kitten.
02:53Not exactly the welcome home I was hoping for.
03:11Oh my god! What are you doing here?
03:17You came back late last night. I had to go see you first thing.
03:19I missed you so much!
03:21I missed you too, kiddo.
03:23Jesus, Mari. You're grown up now.
03:26You've been gone for four years. What did you expect?
03:29I don't know. Look...
03:34Is your brother home?
03:35Uh, no. He's still out from last night.
03:41Did you get into a fight?
03:43Yeah. Occupational hazard.
03:46And what exactly do you do again?
03:48I told you. I work security for a CEO.
03:50But I'm taking a lot of time off right now.
03:53You don't gotta worry about me.
04:02What the fuck?
04:04Hey man, I was just catching up with Mari.
04:06Dude! Welcome home!
04:08Good to see you, brother.
04:09Finally, man.
04:10Missed you, man.
04:11Good to see you.
04:13Oh, come on. Join us for breakfast.
04:19A little early, no?
04:20Nothing like a little hair of the dog.
04:22Nah, I'm good, man. I gotta get set up in my new apartment.
04:25Dude, you're ditching us again already?
04:28I'll see you guys later, alright?
04:31So, where have you been?
04:36Out where?
04:41You worry too much.
04:43Where were you?
04:45Studying. With Rick.
05:01I found our electricity bill. It was past due.
05:05Eric said he was making all the payments.
05:07I told you to start paying it yourself.
05:09It's in his name. He won't give me the passwords.
05:12You cannot keep giving that man your money.
05:14You know damn well it's going to booze and girls.
05:17I don't know what to do.
05:19Baby girl, switch rooms with me.
05:22You can make some extra cash dancing for the Beast.
05:25The Beast?
05:26Yeah, he's this underground boxing legend.
05:29He won a big fight last night.
05:31And his manager said that whoever dances for him gets a huge bonus.
05:35You don't have to do that.
05:37Hush. Room four.
05:46Oh, shit.
05:51What the fuck?
05:59You're the Beast?
06:01I am. Is that for me?
06:10I hear you won your fight.
06:12Are you my prize?
06:14I am.
06:16Come closer.
06:17So demanding.
06:19I think you'll like the view better from here.
06:24You afraid I'll bite?
06:26Of course I won't. Unless you ask.
06:29I heard you like it rough.
06:43I want to see you.
06:47Sorry, baby.
06:49In here, I'm in charge.
06:57Have you ever seen me fight?
07:00No. I don't really like violence.
07:04Not surprised.
07:06You seem too sweet.
07:08What makes you say that?
07:10The sound of your voice.
07:12What do I sound like?
07:14Like someone I know.
07:19I promise you, you've never met anyone quite like me.
07:26I told you. In here, I'm in charge.
07:37Is this for my fight?
07:47Who next?
07:49My last tournament.
07:54Maybe you could kiss her better.
08:01What the actual fuck, Ben?
08:06Sadie? What are you doing here?
08:08I tracked your phone, asshole.
08:11Excuse me, who are you?
08:12Oh, I'm his girlfriend.
08:13Who the fuck are you?
08:15You are not my girlfriend.
08:16You told me you couldn't come over because you were hanging out with Eric.
08:18What I do is none of your business. You need to calm down.
08:21I need to calm down?
08:23You're cheating on me with some slut and I need to calm down?
08:26Tell me, was it him or was it his pervy manager that hired you?
08:30Unfortunately, that's confidential.
08:32That's enough!
08:35I'm so sorry.
08:37You're apologizing to her?
08:39Are you fucking kidding me, Ben?
08:40What the fuck is wrong with you?
08:44That was fast.
08:45I thought you booked the room for an hour.
08:47Girl, the beast is Ben.
08:50Your brother's best friend?
08:52Ben who you've been in love with since you were like ten years old?
08:55I'm not in love with him.
08:56You just dance for that, Ben?
08:58You really do owe me.
09:00Girl, it's not funny. If Eric found out, he would be-
09:02Who said Eric has to know?
09:04He didn't recognize you, did he?
09:09So then what's the problem?
09:11The way I see it, you have your dream guy exactly where you want him.
09:14I just don't understand. He told me that he works security.
09:17Why would he lie about what he does?
09:19Look who's talking.
09:21Everyone has secrets, Mari.
09:26You. Yes, you.
09:27Are you watching this alone right now?
09:28Um, yes?
09:29Did you know you can win a trip to Napa, Nashville, or New York
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09:39and then take a group selfie with you and GTV playing in the background.
09:49Simply email your photo to watchgtv at galatea.com.
09:55Boom. You've entered for a chance to win the trip.
09:57The more GTV group selfies you take, the more entries you get
09:59to win this all-expense-paid luxury vacation for you and your friends.
10:09Hey, Kay.
10:10Eric's in the shower.
10:13Who says I'm not here to see you, huh?
10:16I want to know what you've been up to the past few years.
10:18Tell me about your security job.
10:20You get into a lot of fights.
10:22I'm afraid that's confidential.
10:26I signed an NDA.
10:29I won't tell.
10:30Yeah, right.
10:31Never been very good at keeping secrets.
10:34You've been gone a long time, Ben.
10:36People change.
10:37I just hate the idea of you putting yourself in danger.
10:41Look at me.
10:43I'm not going to get hurt.
10:45I promise.
10:50Well, what about your love life?
10:52Are you seeing anyone?
10:55Not really.
10:56You don't have a girlfriend?
10:58I wouldn't exactly call her my girlfriend.
11:00So she's just a friend?
11:02Kind of.
11:03Are you sleeping together?
11:05Jesus, Mari.
11:09Jesus, Mari.
11:11How about you, Miss Nosy?
11:12Are you seeing anybody?
11:14Mari doesn't date.
11:16She's a kid.
11:18I'm 20 years old, Eric.
11:20A kid.
11:22No boys until you're 30.
11:24Maybe 35.
11:26Me and Ben don't have to kill him.
11:27Isn't that right?
11:33Who wants a beer?
11:39It's you.
11:42Should we be expecting company?
11:44Nah, just me.
11:49I didn't get my full dance last time.
11:52My manager's afraid I'll lose incentive.
11:54Are you not afraid of losing your girlfriend?
11:57Not when I'm looking at you.
12:02Just this once.
12:04I wouldn't want you to lose your next fight on account of me.
12:19You are so beautiful.
12:22You already paid.
12:24You don't need to flirt, too.
12:32I really want to kiss you.
12:52Let me see you.
12:56I have to go.
13:06Save it for the meal.
13:07I'm bulking.
13:10Hey, why don't we go bowling this weekend?
13:12It's been a while since you kicked my ass.
13:14Don't you have work?
13:15I'll play hooky.
13:18I just think it's a little irresponsible.
13:20Jesus Christ, not this shit again.
13:23Come on.
13:24Don't you get tired of doing this goody-two-shoes shit all the fucking time?
13:28I'm not.
13:29It smells good in here.
13:30Hey, you guys made it.
13:34This is Sadie.
13:35Sadie, this is Eric's sister Mari.
13:37Do I know you?
13:40I don't think so.
13:42It's nice to meet you.
13:43Nice to meet you.
13:52Can you two knock it off?
13:53She doesn't need to see all that.
13:57It's fine.
13:58I actually need to go to the bank.
14:00Do you want me to deposit that money into your account?
14:03No, it's okay.
14:04We're hanging out.
14:05I don't mind.
14:06At least we can really relax and everything's paid off.
14:08I got it covered.
14:10Ben, how do you want your burger?
14:12Let me get a medium rare, bro.
14:14No, she's on mine, Eric.
14:15I got it.
14:16How about you, Mari?
14:18I don't really have an appetite.
14:21You're going to eat, Marcelo!
14:23Stop worrying about things you can't control.
14:25Let me take over, man.
14:26You just go chill out for a sec.
14:28Anybody need a drink?
14:30Let me help.
14:31No, no, no.
14:32It's okay.
14:33Go change into your suit, kid.
14:34We can hit the hot tub after.
14:43Oh, shit!
14:45I'm so sorry.
14:47City's phone's dying?
14:49Eric said I could use your charger.
14:51Yeah, I got it.
14:52No problem.
14:58Does it look bad?
15:01Uh, no.
15:02It's good.
15:05Just had a little deja vu for a second.
15:12Bro, the burgers are burning!
15:14What are you doing?
15:16I was just grabbing Mari's charger.
15:18Let's do a shot.
15:19Yeah, let's do it.
15:28Remember that time that you fell asleep in the truck?
15:30Remember that time that you fell asleep in the truck when you were ten?
15:33And we came up to the truck, shaking it, screaming earthquake?
15:36That was not funny.
15:38Or the one time that Eric told you there were ghosts in the house?
15:40And you ran outside and you climbed all the way up that big oak tree?
15:44Oh, hilarious.
15:45I was stuck up there for hours.
15:47I had to rescue you.
15:49Just like a little kid did.
15:52So that's where that nickname comes from, huh?
15:55You were like her knight in shining armor.
15:57God, no wonder she had such a big crush on you.
16:00Right, Mari?
16:03Oh my God, no, she's blushing!
16:08Did you think he didn't know?
16:11He told me you found an old notebook of yours and you had written Marcelo Monroe all over it.
16:16It's super cute.
16:18You know what?
16:19It's getting kind of late.
16:20I'm going to go to bed.
16:21You guys can crash in Eric's room.
16:22Mari, wait.
16:23Good night.
16:24Good night.
16:25Good night.
16:28Why would you do that?
16:29I didn't do anything.
16:31It's a cute story.
16:38I'm so sorry.
16:40I never should have told her that.
16:42It was stupid.
16:43No, it's not stupid.
16:45I'm just glad Eric didn't hear it.
16:47He would kill me if he knew.
16:48Kill you?
16:50Probably kill me.
16:55That was a long time ago.
16:58I don't feel that way about you anymore.
17:03Of course.
17:10Forgive me.
17:26She gets a rest.
17:28I'll see you in the morning, yeah?
17:36Don't lie to me, Ben.
17:37I'm not stupid.
17:38Oh my God.
17:39I see the way she's always looking at you.
17:40It's pathetic.
17:41So no one can look at me?
17:42Jesus, Sadie.
17:43What about the way you look at her?
17:44Are you insane?
17:46That's my best friend's little sister.
17:47No, that's not true.
17:48I'm not stupid.
17:49I'm not stupid.
17:50I'm not stupid.
17:51I'm not stupid.
17:52I'm not stupid.
17:53I'm not stupid.
17:54That's not an answer.
17:55No, that's not an answer.
17:56Either you fucked her.
17:57Or you want to.
17:58Oh my God.
17:59You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
18:02You know, I don't really buy into her whole good girl shit.
18:04I know a slut when I see one.
18:06What the fuck?
18:07Did you just call her?
18:08You heard me.
18:10Get out.
18:11It's over.
18:12And don't call me.
18:27Have you seen the Beast recently?
18:31And I don't plan to.
18:33He's Eric's best friend.
18:34Nothing can ever happen.
18:38You're both consenting adults.
18:40Anything can happen.
18:43Respectfully, your brother can fuck off.
18:45Eric dropped everything to take care of me after our parents died.
18:48I'm not going to repay him by sleeping with his best friend.
18:51And Ben doesn't want me.
18:53He wants Sin.
18:57News slash.
18:59You are Sin.
19:00He wants you.
19:02And as for Eric and his opinion.
19:05You're an adult.
19:06You can make your own decisions.
19:09He just wants what's best for me.
19:16What do you want?
19:39Back so soon?
19:40Can't stop thinking about that kiss.
19:44I hope you don't mind a little voyeurism.
19:48You're in charge.
19:53You're in charge.
20:24And second thought.
20:25I don't want to share.
20:27Back early.
20:54I love you.
21:05Is this what you want?
21:24It's you, isn't it?
21:27I don't know what you're talking about.
21:29Let me see.
21:34I'd know that birthmark from anywhere.
21:50I really want to do this.
21:52I really wanted to be wrong.
21:55Ben, wait!
21:58You knew it was me the whole time.
22:00Why would you kiss me?
22:03I'm sorry.
22:04I should have walked away when I realized it was you.
22:07You should have.
22:09Ben, I lied.
22:11The other night when I said that I wasn't into you like that.
22:13Just stop, Marcella.
22:15I can't.
22:16I want you.
22:17I couldn't take it anymore.
22:22Are you mad that it's me?
22:26You have no idea.
22:40We can't do this.
22:42Eric's gonna fucking kill me.
22:43He doesn't need to know.
22:45Which part?
22:46That his sister's a stripper?
22:48Or that his best friend let her dance on him?
22:50I don't want him to know any of it.
22:52Fucking hell, Mari.
22:54What do you even do when working in a place like this?
22:56We needed money.
22:57And you're one to talk.
22:58You told me you work security.
22:59It's not the same, Mari.
23:00And you know it.
23:05How long has this been going on?
23:08Three years.
23:10When I quit my job.
23:12Jesus Christ.
23:14I did what I had to do.
23:15You didn't have to seduce me.
23:20This can never happen again.
23:23Do you hear me?
23:35He still hasn't texted me back?
23:38He will, babe.
23:40I'm sure it was just a lot to take in.
23:44I can't lose him again.
23:46The last time he left, it was like...
23:48Like a piece of me went with him, and now I scared him.
23:51Being selfish.
23:52Being honest.
23:56Why couldn't I just leave it alone?
23:58You know, I could have been happy.
24:01As friends.
24:03But now he's gonna tell Eric, and Eric's gonna make me quit.
24:06Okay, Mari.
24:07No one can make you do anything.
24:10I keep telling you, it's your life.
24:13You get to make every decision.
24:14Even if that means hooking up with your brother's best friend.
24:18Or stripping, or making every wrong decision in the book.
24:23The point is that it's your choice to make.
24:27I love you.
24:28I love you.
24:30Hey, Mari.
24:32You get paid, yet I need a spot.
24:35Relying on your little sister to fulfill your coke habit is not cute.
24:40What did you just say?
24:41Get the fuck out of my house!
24:42Get the fuck out of my house!
24:43Eric, stop it.
24:44It's fine.
24:45No, Britt.
24:46Well, I'll see you later.
25:00I'm sorry.
25:05Come on, don't be like that.
25:08She was just protecting me.
25:09And she has a point.
25:10Why do I keep finding late bills around the house?
25:13Life's expensive, Mari.
25:14I'm handling it.
25:17Everything good here?
25:20Everything's fine.
25:22It's not your concern, Mari.
25:24It is my concern, when it's my money.
25:26She's too young to be paying the bills, man.
25:28Okay, Ben, stay out of it.
25:30I'm saying, she should be studying, not working.
25:33Both of you.
25:34I'm not a child.
25:40You kind of overstepped back there, dude.
25:42I'm just looking out for her.
25:43Putting all that responsibility on her isn't fair.
25:46What do you care?
25:47She's not your sister.
25:48She's not your girlfriend.
25:49Obviously, I fucking care about her.
25:50Oh, really?
25:51If you care so much, why don't you fuck off for four years?
25:55Look, you don't understand.
25:56And then you come back here.
25:57You tell me what to do.
25:58How to run my house.
25:59How to raise my sister.
26:00Well, somebody's got to.
26:01You don't work.
26:02You're drunk all the fucking time.
26:03Fuck you.
26:04No, fuck you.
26:05Fuck you.
26:06Fuck you.
26:07Fuck you.
26:08Fuck you.
26:09No, fuck you.
26:27Oh my God, what happened?
26:28Are you okay?
26:36What are you doing?
26:37I want you to.
26:38So fucking bad.
26:40Can't fight it anymore, can I?
26:43I don't want to.
27:07I'm sorry.
27:08Was that too much?
27:09No, I just.
27:11What is it?
27:13I wanted to tell you before we.
27:17I'm a virgin.
27:21I'm sorry.
27:22I just felt like I had to.
27:23No, I thought maybe, but.
27:26Taking it and hearing it.
27:28Two totally different things.
27:30It's okay if you don't want to.
27:34No, I.
27:36Of course I want you.
27:39I want to make it special for you.
27:42You deserve music and candles.
27:46And, you know, dinner first.
27:52It will be special.
27:54Because it's you.
28:07I don't want to wait anymore.
28:09Are you sure?
28:22It's okay.
28:24Don't you dare stop.
28:31That wasn't what I expected.
28:32I hope you mean that in a good way.
28:36It was perfect.
28:39I just.
28:41I always wanted.
28:43I always hoped it would be you.
28:47Is that embarrassing?
28:52Of course not.
28:55I don't want any more secrets between us, kid.
28:59I want to know.
29:01I wanted it to be me too.
29:09What are we going to do about my brother?
29:12You're right.
29:14He doesn't have to know.
29:17Are you sure?
29:18I don't want you to have to live.
29:19I'm sure.
29:20It's our business.
29:22No one else's.
29:38Well, if it isn't my best friend and my little sister.
29:42Where the fuck have you been?
29:43I was at Britt's.
29:44Ben gave me a ride.
29:46You good?
29:48Just great.
29:49Never been better.
29:51Is that cocaine?
29:53None of your fucking business.
29:54Hey, don't talk to her like that.
29:55Or what? You're going to hit me again?
29:57Is that what you were planning?
30:01What the fuck is she doing here?
30:03She wanted a party.
30:07I need to talk to you.
30:23What do you want me to say to you?
30:28I miss you.
30:30You haven't been answering any of my calls or texts.
30:33Even the ones I make.
30:35Yeah, for good reason.
30:36I don't want you anymore.
30:38I'm tired of playing this game, Ben.
30:41Come on.
30:43You know I'll be a good girl for you.
30:46Just how you like it.
30:48What the hell?
30:50Jesus, don't you knock?
30:51No, Mari.
31:01What are you doing?
31:02Kitty, don't be upset.
31:03I'm sorry.
31:05For what? Scaring away my client?
31:06It's not like I could tell Sadie about us.
31:09But nothing happened.
31:10I swear.
31:11I would never do that to you.
31:15And as for your client,
31:17I don't like seeing some other guy's hands all over him.
31:19I need to make money.
31:21I'll buy a dance then.
31:23Are you serious?
31:25I'm serious.
31:27I'm serious.
31:29Are you serious?
31:30Is that what you think this is?
31:32Wait, that came out wrong.
31:34Yeah, I bet.
31:36I'm just saying,
31:37if you need money, you don't gotta do all this.
31:39I want to take care of you.
31:41I love what I do.
31:42The whole reason why I'm in business school
31:43is so that I can buy my own club one day.
31:45Yeah, but running a club and dancing in one
31:47are two different things.
31:48Why are you and Eric always trying to control me?
31:50I'm not like Eric.
31:52How do you expect me to feel
31:53seeing some other guy's hands all over you?
31:56Your feelings about it are not my problem.
31:59I'd like you to leave.
32:04Do I need to call security?
32:22I'm so sorry.
32:23All of that came out wrong earlier.
32:25I think you said what you needed to say.
32:27Please, just let me explain.
32:33It was one thing when I met you it was sin.
32:37But it's another knowing that you're my Mari.
32:39This isn't gonna work if you don't trust me.
32:41No, no, I do trust you.
32:44I was just...
32:51I was just jealous.
32:54I promise you, I will work on it.
32:58I know it's your life, Mari.
33:01I just wanna be a part of it.
33:07I'm sorry.
33:15I'm sorry.
33:18Let me show you how sorry I am.
33:23Let me show you how sorry I am.
33:56You want some breakfast?
33:57How long?
33:58How long what?
33:59How long have you been fucking my friend?
34:02I saw him sneaking out of your room this morning.
34:04Look, I didn't want you to find out like this.
34:06You will never see him again.
34:08You can't tell me who I can and can't see.
34:11Eric, I love him.
34:13You don't know him.
34:15Not like I do.
34:18You don't know him.
34:19You don't know him.
34:21Not like I do.
34:25He's not reliable.
34:27He abandons people, Mari.
34:29He's done it to us before.
34:30What makes you think he won't do that again?
34:31Look, I know it hurt you when he left.
34:33It hurt me too, but he didn't mean to do it.
34:35You can't trust him.
34:37Did you know he fights for a living?
34:39He's a criminal.
34:41I know.
34:43He told you?
34:48accidentally found out.
34:52He won a fight.
34:54And his prize...
34:57is a dance at my club.
35:00What do you mean, my club?
35:02I'm a dancer at the Silky Bunny.
35:07No, no, you're in school.
35:08I am, but I'm also dancing.
35:10That's where my money's coming from.
35:12Look, a long time ago at the restaurant,
35:14my boss, he tried to...
35:16He came on to me, okay, and I got away,
35:18but then Brittany, she found me,
35:19and she offered me a job.
35:21I can't believe you do something like this.
35:23Like this?
35:24You mean put a roof over our heads
35:26and food on our table?
35:27I didn't raise you to be a whore.
35:30Get out.
35:33Eric, you don't mean...
35:34Get the fuck out of my house!
35:47What's wrong?
35:48Are you okay?
35:50Eric threw me out.
35:53He found out about Ben,
35:54and then I told him about the club,
35:57and he called me a whore.
36:01What a fucking asshole.
36:02Maybe he's right.
36:03Even Ben said that I should...
36:05There is nothing immoral about dancing.
36:07It's a way to make money
36:08and to express yourself.
36:10If someone has a problem with that,
36:11that's on them and their god.
36:13What am I going to do?
36:14Girl, please.
36:15You'll stay with me, obviously.
36:18But what about all my stuff?
36:19It's still at Eric's house.
36:21It's a good thing we're the same size.
36:33And another thing.
36:34I want a green couch.
36:36One of those cool velvet ones.
36:39You know,
36:41One of those cool velvet ones.
36:43Eric never let me pick out the furniture.
36:45And you should have a green couch.
36:48And eventually,
36:49I can save up and get my own car.
36:52Oh, good.
36:54Then I won't have to drive your ass everywhere.
36:56Shut the fuck up.
37:00What about Ben?
37:02Have you talked to him since...
37:04Not yet.
37:07You don't know what he's going to say, Mari.
37:09Eric's never going to give us his blessing.
37:11And Ben doesn't want to lose his best friend.
37:14He loves you, Mari.
37:17I know he does.
37:18He loves Eric too.
37:20And if it's between the two of us,
37:22I don't think he'd choose me.
37:24Either way,
37:26you have to give him the choice.
37:40Mari here?
37:44Where is she?
37:45Who gives a fuck?
37:46What the fuck is wrong with you, dude?
37:48What the fuck is wrong with me?
37:50My best friend fucked my little sister.
37:52That's what's wrong with me.
37:54All these years,
37:55you were hanging around,
37:56just waiting...
37:57No, it's not even like that.
37:59I was never going to do anything.
38:02I mean, she's your sister, man, and...
38:03A kid.
38:05A kid.
38:06I mean, she's your sister, man, and...
38:07A kid.
38:09I should fucking kill you.
38:10Look, we tried to stay away.
38:12I tried, but we just couldn't.
38:14You're disgusting.
38:15Leave Marcella alone.
38:16I will never hurt her.
38:18Yeah, you will.
38:19You're a fucking criminal.
38:21You do bad things for bad people.
38:23And eventually,
38:24that shit is going to catch up with you.
38:26You know it will.
38:29You want Marcella around that?
38:33That's what I thought.
38:35Now, why don't you fuck off for good?
38:43Ben, it's me.
38:45I need to talk to you.
38:47Please just call me back.
38:52Where are you?
38:53Are you fucking insane?
38:54We don't use names here, moron.
38:56Fucking creeps everywhere.
38:59You're the reason she got into all this shit.
39:01I helped her.
39:03The night I found her, she was a fucking mess.
39:05Stop fighting!
39:16I was just a teenager when Mom and Dad died.
39:18How the fuck was I supposed to raise one?
39:20Life's a bitch, huh?
39:23I never meant to fuck you up.
39:25And I know how much you've helped, but...
39:28This place...
39:30These people...
39:32This isn't you.
39:33Says the fucking addict.
39:37There is nothing I want more than for you to be in my life.
39:40But you're not going to be until you learn to respect my choices.
40:22What are you doing here?
40:24I've been calling you!
40:26Where are you going?
40:29What is this?
40:32What is this?
40:34Please don't.
40:35It's addressed to me.
40:37Kate, I...
40:44You're going on the road again.
40:46And you're leaving me your apartment?
40:50I wanted you to have another option other than Eric's.
40:52How thoughtful.
40:53So what, you were just going to leave again without saying goodbye?
40:57I can't be with you, Mari.
41:01Because of Eric?
41:03That's bullshit and you know it.
41:06I get to decide what I do and who I see.
41:08It's not that.
41:09Then what?
41:11What is it?
41:13I can't believe you!
41:16You said that you wanted to take care of me and now you're just going to leave me?
41:21Why are you doing this?
41:22Because I love you.
41:23Because I love you.
41:25I'm just no good for you.
41:29Trust me, I want to be my job, my life.
41:35It's just bad news.
41:43If you leave me, you will hurt me.
41:47If you leave me, you will hurt me.
41:53Kate, please.
41:54I love you, Ben.
41:59Please stay.
42:11God damn it.
42:17I love you too.
42:19So much.
42:29I'm scared, Mari.
42:31What's wrong?
42:33I'm sorry.
42:36I took too many pills.
42:38I need help.
42:39Oh my god.
42:40Okay, I'm coming.
42:43Eric, are you okay?
42:47I think I'm getting it all off now.
42:52Why is he here?
42:53Because I'm her boyfriend.
42:55Like hell you are.
42:57I told you to stay the fuck away from me.
42:58Eric, stop it.
43:00You need to accept this is happening.
43:02No, Eric!
43:04You are my brother and I love you more than anything, but you need help.
43:08You need to go to rehab.
43:10Fuck off!
43:11Eric, take a deep breath.
43:13Mari called a facility on the way here.
43:15They have an opening and they'll take you in tonight.
43:17So is this your idea?
43:19So you can move in?
43:20No, no.
43:21It was mine.
43:23It was mine, not Ben's.
43:24We love you.
43:25This, this is love?
43:28Yes, it is.
43:30What about the house payments?
43:31And your college?
43:33We'll figure it out.
43:35And when you get out, I hope you find a job.
43:37A good one.
43:44I'm so sorry.
43:46I'm sorry.
43:47I'm sorry.
43:49I've been such a shit brother.
43:51No, you did the best thing you could.
43:53And that's why I didn't want to disappoint you.
43:59I was so afraid of the day you wouldn't need me anymore.
44:05Turns out I was the one who needed you.
44:08You have me.
44:10But you need to accept me for who I am now.
44:23Take care of her.
44:29I love you, kid.
44:30I love you too.
44:39Happy birthday, dear Marcella.
44:43Happy birthday to you.
44:46Make a wish.
44:49I have everything I want.
44:50Oh, come on.
44:52There's gotta be something.
44:54I'm serious.
44:55I have my degree.
44:56I have the bunny.
44:57I have you guys.
44:58What more could I need?
45:00Girl, you cannot waste a birthday wish.
45:05Well, if you don't have one, I do.
45:14Marcella Sinclair.
45:16The day I caught you when you fell out of that tree,
45:18I found my purpose in life.
45:23I'd like to spend the rest of my life ready to catch you,
45:26if you ever fall.
45:28Will you marry me?
45:30Of course I will.
45:38I love you.
46:08I love you.
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49:30I love you.
