• yesterday
八点最热报 | 马华总会长魏家祥昨晚在面子书上发视频说,阿末扎希委任他出任“华社投资顾问”前,根本没通知或暗示他,当他听到宣布时也感到错愕。无论如何,魏家祥强调,单凭马华总会长这个身份,就足以让他为国家和人民效力,至于其他称号对他而言一点都不重要,同时也呼吁党内成员的格局要放大并且向前看。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.T.E. website.
00:05Vice Prime Minister Mo Zhaxi attended the 71st Mahua Central Congress last Sunday.
00:10When he gave his speech on the stage, he unexpectedly announced that he would take over as the Vice President of Mahua, Wei Jiaxiang,
00:16and become Malaysia's Chinese Investment Advisor in charge of domestic Chinese investment matters.
00:22However, this appointment caused some dissatisfaction among the leaders of Mahua.
00:25The former Vice President of Mahua, Zheng Lianke, said,
00:29the relevant position does not fit Wei Jiaxiang's status as a political party president.
00:34Wei Jiaxiang should be promoted to a higher position, such as a special envoy with a ministerial rank.
00:41After all, Wei Jiaxiang was not only the president of Mahua, but also a minister.
00:45Zheng Lianke called on Wei Jiaxiang to refuse to take over.
00:49At the same time, he emphasized that Mahua exists for politics, not for business.
00:55As for the dissatisfaction among the leaders of Mahua,
00:57Wei Jiaxiang quickly posted a video on Facebook last night,
01:01saying that before Mo Zhaxi took over as the Vice President of Mahua,
01:05there was no notice or hint at him.
01:08When he announced it, he felt quite wronged.
01:11In any case, Wei Jiaxiang emphasized that
01:13his status as the President of Mahua alone is enough for him to serve the country and the people.
01:19As for the other titles, they are not important to him at all.
01:23At the same time, he also called on the members of the party to enlarge the pattern and look forward.
01:29As for last week, Vice Premier Mo Zhaxi announced at the Mahua Congress
01:33that Wei Jiaxiang, the President of Mahua, will be appointed as the Chinese Investment Advisor in Malaysia.
01:38Wei Jiaxiang posted a video on Facebook last night,
01:41explaining that before the Vice Premier appointed him, there was no notice or hint at him.
01:45Therefore, he felt very wronged at the moment, and could only laugh it off.
01:50Wei Jiaxiang has been in the government for many years,
01:52and has also served as the Prime Minister for nearly four years.
01:55He knows the salary of the Prime Minister very well.
01:58Moreover, every year when the Minister of Finance is proposing a fiscal budget,
02:02the salary of each department is clearly listed.
02:08Therefore, there is no list of salaries for this fiscal budget.
02:12There is no need to apply for a salary.
02:14There is no need to accept a salary.
02:16Wei Jiaxiang said that he did not expect that this matter would cause some leaders in the party to discuss.
02:21However, he emphasized that as the President of Mahua,
02:23he will continue to use personal and party resources to promote the cooperation between China and Malaysia.
02:28I and Mahua did not start participating in the promotion of China-Malaysia friendship today,
02:33but it has been going on for many years.
02:36The cooperation memorandum signed by the Chinese Communist Party of Malaysia has been ten years.
02:40The cooperation memorandum signed by the Chinese Communist Party of Malaysia has been ten years.
02:47The cooperation memorandum signed by the Chinese Communist Party of Malaysia has been ten years.
02:49Wei Jiaxiang also added that if there is any place in the party that Mahua can help,
02:52Mahua will definitely do its best.
