• 4 hours ago
A picture can speak a thousand eerie words. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at the scariest and most disturbing pictures from famous true crime cases.


00:00This photograph, discovered by police, would lead a heartbroken family to their loved one missing for almost 40 years.
00:07Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the scariest and most disturbing pictures from famous true crime cases.
00:16For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more. I cannot control myself.
00:23The 4chan murder post.
00:25It says, quote, I killed Amber Copeland. I strangled her with my hands, then a shoelace.
00:31A controversial site, 4chan has seen its share of brutality throughout the years.
00:36One of the most notorious incidents occurred on November 5th, 2014, when an anonymous man posted a picture of what appeared to be a dead body.
00:45Accompanied with the grotesque image was the text,
00:47Turns out it's way harder to strangle someone to death than it looks on the movies, and she fought so damn hard.
00:55Naturally, many believed that this was a hoax, but this was no joke.
00:59Oregon man David Kalik later turned himself in for the murder of Amber Copeland,
01:03and the affidavit confirms the photo posted to 4chan matched the Copeland crime scene.
01:09Kalik was given 82 years in prison.
01:11Robert Pickton's farm.
01:13For the families of the women brutalized and killed, Pickton's death marks the end of a traumatic chapter,
01:19even as questions about the extent of his crimes remain.
01:22One of Canada's most notorious serial killers, Robert Pickton, was active from the late 70s to the early 2000s,
01:29and it's believed he murdered at least 26 women,
01:32although he later confessed to an undercover officer that it was actually 49.
01:37He was finally apprehended in 2002,
01:39and his British Columbia farm was subjected to an enormous search valued at $70 million.
01:45In this unsettling photo,
01:46heavy machinery is used to sift through the mountains of soil in an attempt to find human remains.
01:52It's believed that Pickton disposed of his victims at the farm,
01:56as personal items belonging to the murdered women were found on the property.
02:00This is what's left of Robert Pickton's notorious pig farm.
02:04Remnants of the pain he caused, tributes to the women he killed.
02:08The son of Sam Carr.
02:10Well, he said, you got me.
02:12Police say those words ended the biggest manhunt in New York City history, with the capture of Son of Sam.
02:17Between 1976 and 77, New York City was plagued by a mysterious killer known as the Son of Sam.
02:24He committed eight shootings in the span of a year, killing six and wounding even more.
02:29His M.O. was brazen and unpredictable.
02:32He seemed to target strangers totally at random, often when his victims were in their cars.
02:37He would approach unexpectedly, typically on foot, and open fire without provocation.
02:42Here we see the aftermath of one of the shootings.
02:45A brown 1968 Buick Skylark with its door open.
02:49This car belonged to Robert Violante,
02:52a clothing salesman who was on a first date with Secretary Stacey Moskowitz.
02:57Son of Sam approached the car from the passenger side and shot both,
03:01killing Moskowitz and blinding Violante.
03:04It was the largest task force New York ever assembled.
03:07A hundred years from now, people will still know the name Son of Sam.
03:12John Wayne Gacy and Rosalind Carter.
03:15His name is John Wayne Gacy, convicted of killing 33 innocent people and destroying hundreds of lives.
03:21Some serial killers hide in plain sight, perhaps the most notorious example being John Wayne Gacy.
03:28Gacy posed as a respectable figure in his community, participating in various civic activities.
03:33And serving as a precinct captain for the Democratic Party.
03:37On May 6th, 1978, he met First Lady Rosalind Carter at a local political event.
03:43And an employee of the White House snapped this hair-raising photo.
03:46Gacy is seen wearing an S-pin,
03:49indicating that he had undergone a background check by the Secret Service.
03:53This is especially chilling in hindsight,
03:55as Gacy had already murdered 29 men and buried them in the crawlspace of his home.
04:01He would kill four more before being apprehended the following December.
04:05What happened in the Bukovic case?
04:10Where was he picked up and how did he get to the house and what happened with him?
04:15The Lindbergh Kidnapping.
04:17One of the biggest crimes of the 20th century occurred on March 1st, 1932,
04:21when young Charles Lindbergh Jr. was kidnapped from his New Jersey home.
04:26The crime was pinned on a man named Bruno Hauptmann.
04:29But many have questioned his conviction and believe there is more to the story.
04:32The kidnapper used a homemade wooden ladder to reach the window.
04:36And this ladder was left at the scene after the kidnapping,
04:39lying in sections on the ground.
04:41In this photo, we see a recreation of the ladder
04:44and how it was used to reach the high window and abduct Lindbergh.
04:48It's a terrifying picture, showcasing vulnerability and pure human malice all at once.
04:54It is the address and telephone number of Dr. Condon,
04:57the man who paid the ransom written in your writing found on a board in your closet.
05:02The Smiling Manson Followers.
05:04Are you always this happy?
05:07What's the secret?
05:08We found the truth.
05:10The Manson family shocked the world in the late 1960s,
05:13killing at least nine people and committing the infamous Tate murders of August 1969.
05:19Adding to the story's horrifying aura was the behavior of the accused while on trial.
05:24They all seemed detached from the brutal crimes they had just committed.
05:28Indeed, they were almost gleeful as they giggled and smiled in court
05:33as their crimes were recounted in graphic detail.
05:36Here we see Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Leslie Van Houten
05:41looking positively cheerful as they walk away from receiving their death sentences.
05:46This type of behavior shocked the public and seemed to exemplify the cult's disturbing mindset.
05:52She's a convicted killer and former follower of Charles Manson
05:55and is now free after spending more than 50 years in prison.
05:59Travis Alexander.
06:01This is around the time where she became very possessive of him.
06:04Very possessive.
06:06She just had to sit right by him.
06:07She didn't appreciate when he was talking to another female.
06:09This is one of the most notorious criminal cases in recent American history.
06:13Occurring on June 4, 2008, Arizona salesman Travis Alexander was murdered in his home
06:20by an ex-girlfriend named Jodi Arias, who stabbed and shot Alexander while he was taking a shower.
06:26The two had a tumultuous relationship, and Alexander's friends did not like Arias,
06:31finding her troubling and obsessive.
06:33On the evening of June 4, Arias entered Alexander's home and made her way to the bathroom.
06:39She then snapped this final photo of Alexander,
06:42just moments before she viciously stabbed him to death.
06:45It's certainly a haunting photo, his eyes emitting what looks like intense fear.
06:49That leaves her left hand free.
06:51Could she have had the knife in her hand at that moment?
07:02Dennis Rader is a famous serial killer, better known by the acronym B.T.K.
07:07He terrorized the Wichita area between 1974 and 1991, murdering at least 10 individuals.
07:14One of Rader's disturbing hobbies was dressing up in women's clothing,
07:18sometimes those of his victims, and often in connection with depraved elements of sexual gratification.
07:24He would sometimes wear masks and wigs to further fulfill these fantasies.
07:28For example, here we see a nightmarish photo of Rader dressed in what appears to be female garments
07:34and donning both a blonde wig and a clown mask.
07:37Psychologists often link this kind of behavior to issues of power,
07:40suggesting that his dressing up, much like his killings,
07:43was just another way to dominate and degrade his victims.
07:48The Beast of Jersey Mask
08:03A little-known but deeply disturbing case occurred between 1957 and 1971 on the island of Jersey.
08:10This is an island country in Europe, found just off the northwest coast of France.
08:15A man named Edward Pasnell was a notorious serial predator who terrorized the small island,
08:20committing numerous home invasions and assaulting the women inside.
08:24His appearance resulted in his nickname, The Beast of Jersey,
08:27as he wore a grotesque and frightening mask made of rubber while committing his crimes.
08:32It looked somewhat like a disfigured and monstrous face, adding to the general horror of his crime spree.
08:38Pasnell was eventually caught in 1971 and given 30 years in prison.
08:45The Zodiac Letter
08:55Perhaps the most famous aspect of a true crime case,
08:58the Zodiac Letters are an enduring part of American history,
09:01having been referenced in literature and film for decades.
09:04Here we see a copy of one, addressed to Melvin Belay,
09:07and sitting on the desk of Lieutenant Charles Ellis of the San Francisco Police Department.
09:12Belay was a prominent lawyer who had many famous clients,
09:15including Jack Ruby, the killer of Lee Harvey Oswald.
09:18The Zodiac mailed the Belay Letter on December 20th, 1969.
09:22Inside was a desperate plea for help and a swatch of bloody clothing
09:27belonging to a victim named Paul Stein.
09:29Stein was the Zodiac's final confirmed victim,
09:32his death occurring on October 11th, just two months before this letter was sent.
09:37This is the Zodiac speaking. I am the murderer of the taxi driver
09:41over by Washington Street and Maple Street last night.
09:44To prove this here is a bloodstained piece of his shirt. I am the same.
09:48Salah Abdeslam
09:50On November 14th, 2015, two men were captured on camera walking near a French gas station.
09:56One was wearing a black jacket and walking with his hands in his pockets.
09:59These pictures were taken a day later at a Belgian petrol station.
10:03The photo doesn't look like much,
10:05but it becomes terrifying once the context becomes clear.
10:08The man in the black jacket is terrorist Salah Abdeslam,
10:11and he had just helped commit a series of attacks in Paris.
10:14The morning after the attacks, he's seen on surveillance video in northern France.
10:19Occurring the night before the photo was taken,
10:21the coordinated attacks killed 130 people and injured more than 400.
10:25Abdeslam was the only perpetrator to survive, and he called his friends to pick him up.
10:31They did so, and Abdeslam was captured on camera while fleeing the country.
10:35He was later captured and sentenced to life in prison.
10:38The next day he's seen at a petrol station in France,
10:41waved through a border check into Belgium.
10:44Christopher Wilder
10:45Throughout a period of six weeks in 1984,
10:48Christopher Wilder embarked on a cross-country trip from Florida to California.
10:53It was the beginning of a string of evil and terrifying murders
10:57that spread out across the country.
10:59Along the way, he abducted and sexually assaulted at least 12 individuals.
11:03He's also been linked to eight murders, although the true number is likely higher.
11:08On April 1st, Wilder attended a fashion show in Las Vegas hosted by Seventeen magazine.
11:14In one picture taken on that fateful day,
11:16Wilder can be seen sitting in the background, wearing white pants and a dark jacket.
11:21And who's directly beyond her, about 20 feet away,
11:26looking at her with what I call the look of a homicidal maniac,
11:31none other than Christopher Wilder.
11:34An aspiring model named Michelle Korfman would disappear from this event,
11:39and her body was found one month later near a rest stop.
11:42Her death was later linked to Christopher Wilder, who had abducted her from the fashion show.
11:47They announced the placement of Christopher Wilder on its famed 10 most wanted fugitives list.
11:52Death masks
11:54Found in the Cleveland Police Museum are a series of death masks hanging on the wall.
11:59It's an unbelievably eerie sight.
12:01Not only is the concept of human heads hanging on a wall disturbing,
12:05but the death masks look eerily realistic.
12:08These grotesque decorations date back to the 1930s,
12:11when they were made in the midst of the city's most infamous killing spree.
12:15The victims often went unidentified.
12:18The killer always escaped undetected.
12:22The still unidentified Cleveland torso murderer killed at least 13 people between 1934 and 1938.
12:29Because most of the victims were transients, it was very difficult to identify them,
12:33especially considering what happened to their bodies.
12:36In February 1937, the torso of another unidentified woman washed up on the shores of Lake Erie.
12:43Enter these plastered death masks of the victims,
12:47which were displayed to the public in the hopes of someone recognizing their faces.
12:52Tyler Hadley's Party
12:54Two young men pose for the camera, one of whom is holding a drink.
12:58That man is Tyler Hadley, and he had just killed his parents.
13:02In fact, their bodies were still upstairs.
13:04Tyler Hadley and Michael Mandel took this picture Saturday night.
13:08It was the last picture Mandel thought he'd ever take with his best friend.
13:12Hadley killed his mother and father earlier in the day,
13:15hid their bodies in the master bedroom,
13:17then used their credit cards to fund a party that dozens of people attended.
13:22The other man in the photo is Michael Mandel.
13:24Hadley told Mandel of the crime, and Mandel even found the bodies in the bedroom.
13:29Regardless, he stayed at the party and even took this selfie with Hadley.
13:33It wasn't until Mandel had left the party hours later that he reported the crime to the authorities.
13:38After I found his parents, I knew it was going to be the last time I'd seen them.
13:41This is that look on his face.
13:43You could see the horror in his face.
13:46John Edward Robinson holding Tiffany Stacey.
13:50The photo is of poor quality, but the content is clear.
13:53A happy group of people are centered around a man wearing a yellow sweater.
13:57This man is holding a very young baby, who is adorably dressed in white.
14:00But that baby is not his own.
14:03In fact, he killed the baby's mother and stole her.
14:06The man is serial killer John Edward Robinson, who took the lives of at least eight people.
14:12He befriended a young mother named Lisa Stacey,
14:14killed her, and took her young daughter Tiffany, later posing for this photo.
14:19She disappeared. Forever.
14:22He then sold Tiffany to his brother and sister-in-law, who quote-unquote
14:26adopted her, for $5,500 in quote-unquote legal fees.
14:31It would be 15 years before Tiffany Stacey learned of her true identity.
14:35Justice enclosure for me is finding her remains and giving her a proper burial.
14:41The Sean Moore crime scene.
14:43A child's bicycle lies abandoned on the roadside,
14:46while a police officer speaks to witnesses in the background.
14:49This is a startlingly great picture, conveying a primal sense of fear and danger,
14:53and letting you know that something is definitely not right.
14:56This bike belongs to Sean Moore,
14:59who was riding home from a convenience store when he was forcibly abducted by Ronald Bailey.
15:03The bike was left behind, a painful reminder of Moore's interrupted life.
15:08Bailey took Moore to a secluded cabin, where he proceeded to drug,
15:12assault, and eventually kill him.
15:14Bailey was later found guilty of first-degree murder and kidnapping,
15:17and sentenced to life in prison.
15:20The Mad Bomber of New York.
15:22Everything about George Metesky is terrifying.
15:26Throughout the 1940s and 50s, Metesky earned the moniker the Mad Bomber,
15:30as he planted explosives in many public areas around New York.
15:34While these bombings never killed anyone, they left 15 people injured.
15:38Metesky was finally identified and caught in 1957,
15:42and taken to the Waterbury Police Headquarters.
15:45A photographer took a picture of Metesky inside his jail cell,
15:48and the result is absolutely blood chilling.
15:51Metesky glances out of his cell, a gleeful smile plastered on his face,
15:56and his eyes depicting a complete loss of reality.
16:00Metesky was found legally insane, with the judge calling him quote,
16:04hopeless and incurable both mentally and physically.
16:08James Bulger.
16:10This famous photograph depicts James Bulger,
16:13who is walking through a mall and holding the hand of an older boy.
16:16Another boy wearing a darker jacket walks in front.
16:20These two are Robert Thompson and John Venables,
16:23and they are in the process of discreetly kidnapping Bulger.
16:26The young boy was shopping with his mother at the New Strand Shopping Centre,
16:30when she briefly took her eyes off him to pay for some groceries.
16:33It was just a split second, and I think that's going to live with me for the rest of my life.
16:38It was then that Thompson and Venables swooped in and guided Bulger away by hand.
16:43His body was found two days later near some railway tracks.
16:47A man, his daughter, and a car bomb.
16:50For a period of about 30 years,
16:52Northern Ireland was embroiled in a political conflict known as the Troubles.
16:56This ended with the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.
17:00But this ceasefire was not honoured by a splinter group of the Irish Republican Army
17:04called the Real IRA.
17:06As a form of protest, they planted a car bomb in the town of Oma.
17:11A bomb has exploded in the centre of Oma,
17:13and there are reports that a number of people have been killed.
17:16It went off on August 15, 1998, killing 29 and injuring hundreds.
17:22In this photograph, taken shortly before the bombing,
17:25a man in a yellow sweater holds a child on his shoulders.
17:28Right beside them is the red car in which the bomb was planted.
17:32Both the man and the child survived, but the photographer was one of the 29 fatalities.
17:37About a hundred people have been injured.
17:40It's the worst bomb attack in 30 years of terrorism in the province.
17:44Regina Kay Walters.
17:47It's one of the most visceral photos in true crime.
17:50A girl wearing a black dress holds her hands towards the camera.
17:54An obvious defensive gesture that elicits great fear of whoever is behind the camera.
17:59That whoever was a man named Robert Ben Rhodes,
18:02who may have killed more than 50 women while working as a truck driver.
18:06He took this haunting snapshot of Walters shortly before strangling her to death,
18:10and Walters' decomposing body was later found on the same farm depicted in the image.
18:16When I saw the photos, I said, this is Regina Walters.
18:20The photo was later found by investigators in Rhodes' house.
18:24If it's any consolation, it was Walters' death for which Rhodes was convicted and finally put away.
18:30Rhodes was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
18:34Leonard Lake's cabin.
18:36This photo is quite unassuming at first.
18:38It's an aerial shot of a rubble-strewn building with various crew members working amongst the debris.
18:43It's a sight that millions of people see every day on their way to and from work.
18:47But this is actually the compound of Leonard Lake, and it hosted some nightmarish atrocities.
18:53Lake and his accomplice, Charles Ng,
18:56took their victims to this cabin in the Sierra Nevada foothills
18:59and committed horrible acts against them before ending their lives.
19:03It's believed that the duo killed up to 25 people inside the cabin,
19:06and authorities later found the likes of videotapes and human remains at the site.
19:11Sheree Miller.
19:12In July of 1984, a man named William Bradford met young bartender Sheree Miller at the Meat Market
19:19in Los Angeles. After convincing Miller that he was a professional photographer,
19:23he extended a proposition to take some photos of her.
19:26She agreed, and the two drove north into the desert of California.
19:30Bradford took various photographs of Miller, who can be seen wearing a pair of denim shorts.
19:35Soon after the photos were taken, Bradford killed Miller and took her body back to Hollywood,
19:40where he abandoned it in an alley.
19:42Bradford was a predator who was out on bail at the time of Miller's killing.
19:46She was just one of a potential 28 victims.
19:49Dahmer's drum.
19:50It's amazing how a story can recontextualize a picture.
19:54This seemingly harmless photo depicts a blue plastic drum in the corner of an old room,
19:59nothing too strange or malicious.
20:01Until you realize what's inside the vat.
20:04It belonged to Jeffrey Dahmer, who is probably the most notorious serial killer in American history.
20:09One of Dahmer's survivors took note of the drum while inside the house
20:13and noticed a very strong and unpleasant smell coming from it.
20:16When Dahmer was finally caught, investigators uncovered the drum
20:20and found it was filled with hydrochloric acid and human remains.
20:24Dahmer was going full Breaking Bad and dissolving his victims inside the drum.
20:40John Lennon and Mark David Chapman
20:45A very famous photo taken by Paul Goresh shows John Lennon signing an autograph,
20:50while a man in glasses stands over his left shoulder.
20:53Thousands of photos just like this were taken throughout Lennon's career,
20:56but this one is steeped in malice.
20:59This photo was taken around 5 p.m. on the evening of December 8, 1980.
21:04Nearly six hours later, Lennon returned home and was shot by the man in the photo.
21:09Lennon was shot and killed at about 11 o'clock last night outside his apartment building.
21:14The very same man he had given an autograph to earlier in the evening.
21:18This, of course, is Mark David Chapman, and he had been planning to kill Lennon for months.
21:23While Chapman watched Lennon sign his album, he knew he would kill him just a few hours later.
21:28Karen Sprinker
21:29Here's five-year-old Jerome Brudos. He finds this pair of women's shoes.
21:33Something had made him pick those up.
21:36Throughout the late 1960s, a man named Jerry Brudos killed at least four women in Oregon.
21:41So he brings home this pair of women's shoes, and he begins to wear them around the house.
21:46One of them was an 18-year-old named Karen Sprinker.
21:49On March 27, 1969, Brudos was wearing women's clothing and scoured a department
21:55store parking lot for victims. He found Sprinker and kidnapped her at gunpoint.
22:00She was beautiful. He said I'd take some photos of her.
22:07Was that when you invited her in?
22:09Brudos then took her to his personal garage and made her put on underwear while he took photos.
22:14One of them has been released and shows a calm-looking Sprinker gazing into the lens.
22:19Shortly after the photo was taken, Brudos killed Sprinker
22:23and put her body into the Willamette River.
22:25Ted's tools
22:27Few serial killers are as notorious as Ted Bundy.
22:30His name is synonymous with evil, and he may have killed up to 36 women throughout the mid-'70s.
22:36Detectives tried to track a man who slipped into a sorority house early yesterday
22:40and murdered two women.
22:42The killer struck first at the Chi Omega sorority house.
22:46Police say he was armed with a heavy oak log.
22:48Bundy was arrested in the early morning of August 16,
22:511975, by patrolman Bob Hayward. And when Hayward searched Bundy's vehicle,
22:57he discovered a treasure trove of suspicious material.
23:00Inside the Volkswagen Beetle, and later photographed for the world to see,
23:03were the likes of garbage bags, an ice pick, rope, gloves, a ski mask, and more.
23:09Unfortunately, there wasn't enough solid evidence to hold Bundy at the time,
23:13and he was promptly released from custody.
23:14Washington missed you. Utah gave you away. Colorado lost you. I'm gonna fry you.
23:23He went on to kill again before he was finally captured for good in February of 1978.
23:29The Columbine-class picture. It's pictures like this that prove the volatility of life.
23:35You never know the types of people you're literally sitting beside.
23:38Parents, hug your kids. Pray that you'll be happy that you're with them.
23:45Kids, grab your friends, hold them tight, and never be mad at people,
23:50never be mad at people, because it could happen in a second that they'll be gone.
23:54This photo shows the Columbine High School class of 1999.
23:59In the top left corner, some boys can be seen making gun gestures with their hands.
24:04Two of these boys are Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,
24:07who, just weeks later, would enact the historic Columbine attack.
24:11On April 20, 1999, Harris and Klebold killed 13 at their high school.
24:16The perps would also take their own lives, bringing the total body counts to 15.
24:21Even more were injured, and Columbine became an international talking point.
24:26Rodney Alcala's photos. A vicious man who killed at least eight, Rodney Alcala is famously known
24:32as the Dating Game Killer, as he once appeared on the titular game show.
24:36Between takes, you might find him skydiving or motorcycling. Please welcome Rodney Alcala.
24:42Rod, welcome.
24:43While searching his home and his personal storage locker,
24:46investigators found over 1,000 photographs, many of which depicted people in sensual poses.
24:52120 of these photos were eventually released to the public,
24:55in the hopes of identifying the subjects. The released photographs are not explicitly
25:00sensual in nature, but merely depicts people, mainly young women, posing in artful manners.
25:05The San Antonio police refused to take a missing persons report on Chris because she was an adult.
25:11It's unclear how many of these subjects were killed by Alcala, but at least one missing
25:16persons case, that of 28-year-old Christine Thornton, was solved with the help of the
25:21photographs. They were smiles shared by a tragic list of young women and girls who trusted a
25:26charming stranger, only to discover a dark secret that began back in the fall of 1968.
25:32A message from the lipstick killer.
25:34Later that morning in the bedroom, police found a crumpled up ransom note left by the culprit.
25:39It read,
25:40Get $20,000 ready and waits for word. Do not notify FBI or police. Bills in fives and tens.
25:50While his conviction is controversial, the lipstick killer is thought to be Illinois
25:54criminal William Herons. The lipstick killer got his name from a particularly creepy crime scene,
25:59and this crime scene was famously photographed. Frances Brown was killed inside her apartment,
26:05and the perp left behind a message for whoever came across her body.
26:08Scrawled on the wall in lipstick were the words,
26:11For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more. I cannot control myself.
26:16Unfortunately, the killer did indeed strike again, kidnapping and taking the life of the
26:21young Suzanne Degnan. This occurred just one month after the death of Brown.
26:25Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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26:41Ed Gein's house
26:43The inspiration behind numerous fictional killers like Norman Bates and Leatherface,
26:48Ed Gein is a notorious body snatcher who fashioned himself one nightmarish house.
26:56Gein would dig up corpses from graveyards around Plainfield, Wisconsin, and use their bones and
27:05skin to make household objects. When authorities searched Gein's house, they found the likes of
27:10garbage bins, upholstery, bedposts, bowls, and lampshades, all of which were made from human
27:16remains. Many photos were taken of Gein's house, most of which depict a horribly cluttered space
27:22filled with trash and furniture. It's eerie to think how much of that stuff was made out of the
27:27recently exhumed. Perhaps the scariest picture is that of a chair upholstered with old and
27:33leathery-looking skin. What pictures scared you the most? Let us know in the comments below.
27:38There's your rag the kids talked about, so you got enough front seat to tear up a piece of the shirt.
27:42Did you enjoy this video? Check out these other clips from WatchMojo,
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