• 13 hours ago
Donald Trump and controversy go together like peanut butter and jam. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the times that 45th U.S.President Donald Trump publicly lost his cool.


00:00No sir, I don't want to be rude. I just wanted you to have a chance to answer the question that I asked you.
00:04I've answered everything. It's a whole hoax. And you know who's playing into the hoax? People like you.
00:09Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the times that 45th U.S. President Donald Trump publicly lost his cool.
00:18Can you give us a question?
00:19Don't be rude.
00:20I'm not going to give you a question.
00:21I'm not going to give you a question.
00:22Can you state categorically?
00:23You are fake news.
00:26Number 10. Trump vs. Kamala Harris.
00:29Fracking? She's been against it for 12 years. Defund the police? She's been against that forever.
00:35She gave all that stuff up very wrongly, very horribly.
00:40Anticipation for the second presidential debate of 2024 ran higher than one might expect.
00:45That owed to the fact that it would be the first and only face-to-face showdown between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee.
00:55Those drama-hungry audience members would indeed be satisfied with the events of the September 10th debate.
01:01She was big on defund the police. In Minnesota, she went out. Wait a minute, I'm talking now. If you don't mind, please. Does that sound familiar?
01:12She went out.
01:13In an evening defined by such memorable Trump quotes as, they're eating the cats and dogs, and I have concepts of a plan, Trump's catty comeback to Harris stood out.
01:24Accusing the vice president of interrupting him, the former president called back to a viral Harris line from the vice presidential debate of 2020, in which she sparred with Mike Pence.
01:35Appeal the Trump tax cuts.
01:37Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I'm speaking.
01:40It would be important if you said the truth.
01:42If you don't mind letting me finish, we can then have a conversation, okay?
01:47Number nine, Trump versus Jeb Bush.
01:50This is a tough business to run for president.
01:52Oh, I know, you're a tough guy, Jeb.
01:54And we need to have a leader that is real tough.
01:56We can assure you that this won't be the last time you see the 2016 Republican presidential primary debates on our list.
02:03Although a number of prominent Republicans had been considered strong candidates at that point, that all changed on June 16th, 2015, when Donald Trump formally announced his candidacy.
02:14As the primaries dragged on, the other candidates dropped like flies as it became clearer and clearer that Trump was the obvious frontrunner.
02:22Let's see, I'm at 42 and you're at three, so so far I'm doing better.
02:25Doesn't matter.
02:26So far I'm doing better.
02:28One of those ill-fated candidates, Jeb Bush, son of President George H.W. and brother of President George W.
02:35The former Florida governor was poorly suited to Trump's aggressive debate style, and it showed.
02:41You know, you started off over here, Jeb. You're moving over further and further. Pretty soon you're going to be off the end.
02:46This doesn't do a thing to solve the problem.
02:50Number eight, Trump versus Cecilia Vega.
02:53She's shocked that I picked her.
02:55It's like in a state of shock.
02:57I'm not thinking, Mr. President.
02:58That's OK. I know you're not thinking. You never do.
03:00I'm sorry?
03:01No, go ahead.
03:02As president, Trump became notorious for his tense, combative press conferences.
03:07The former real estate magnate would often publicly clash with journalists and reporters, who he perceived as being biased and unfair to him.
03:15This was particularly pronounced in his exchanges with outlets he accused of being left-leaning.
03:21In your tweet this weekend, Mr. President, you said that it's incorrect to say you're limiting the scope of the FBI investigation.
03:27What does that have to do with Fred? I don't mind answering the question.
03:30This hostility was usually relatively one-sided, as evidenced by a bizarre exchange with ABC News senior White House correspondent Vega.
03:39Vega took a moment to respond to Trump's choice to call on her during a question period and was quickly pounced on by the president.
03:47He mocked her for, quote, never thinking.
03:50To her professional credit, Vega ignored his jab and pressed forward.
03:54I'd like to do the trade question.
03:55It has to do with the other headline in the news, which is the Kavanaugh nomination.
03:57I know, but how about talking about trade, and then we'll get to that. We'll do that a little bit later.
04:01Anybody have a trade?
04:02Do you think your trade deal will pass through Congress, sir?
04:04I think so, but, you know, if it doesn't, we have lots of other alternatives.
04:08Number seven, Trump versus Jonathan Karl.
04:11It did start from the previous administration.
04:13Oh, you didn't tell me that. Oh, I see. You didn't tell me that, John.
04:17Another such encounter found an agitated Trump lashing out at ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl.
04:24Karl, who's since written three books about the Trump presidency and administration, corrected the then president.
04:31Not the best move, apparently.
04:33Trump countered by referring to ABC as fake news and attempting to backtrack on a claim about appointees to the Obama administration.
04:42See, there's a typical fake news deal.
04:45You asked me when she was appointed. I told you when she was appointed.
04:48You're a third-rate reporter, and what you just said is a disgrace, okay?
04:53Trump shouted over the reporter as he tried to defend himself before interrupting him entirely and moving on to another question.
05:00However, that wasn't before he took one last pot shot at Karl.
05:04Thank you very much, John. Thank you very much. You will never make it. Go ahead.
05:08Number six, Trump versus Weijia Jiang.
05:11Who are you with?
05:12And why did you not have social distancing until March 16th?
05:16Who are you with?
05:17I'm Weijia Jiang with CBS News.
05:19Like we said, you're going to see a bunch of these.
05:22The senior White House correspondent from CBS News, Jiang frequently came to verbal blows with Trump as the COVID-19 pandemic snowballed out of the president's control.
05:32Trump at these conferences was perceived as making veiled remarks as to the reporter's Chinese heritage.
05:38One such encounter saw Trump straight up insulting Jiang for her line of questioning, in addition to lying about the number of COVID deaths that had occurred up until that point.
05:47We're banning China from coming in.
05:50Chinese nationals. But by the way, not Americans who are also coming from China.
05:54Nice and easy. Nice and easy. Just relax. We cut it off.
05:58For context, Trump had repeatedly been criticized for remarks which blamed China for, in his view, failing to contain the spread of COVID.
06:08Number five, Trump versus Caitlyn Collins.
06:11You held on to those documents when you knew the federal government was seeking them and then had given you a subpoena to return.
06:17Are you ready? Are you ready? Can I talk? Yeah.
06:19Unstoppable force meets the immovable object.
06:22Trump headed directly into the lion's den, a televised CNN town hall in which he often became argumentative with host Caitlyn Collins.
06:30His characteristic hostility for the press on full display.
06:34The former president referred to Collins as a, quote, nasty person for, as he perceived it, not letting him answer a question about hoarding documents sought by the federal government.
06:44Can you mind? I would like for you to answer the question.
06:47It's very simple. That's why I asked it.
06:49It's very simple that you are a nasty person.
06:53A sympathetic crowd cheered the former president on at his comeback.
06:57He took a second to let it sink in with them before continuing with his answer.
07:01Number four, Trump versus Marco Rubio.
07:04If he builds the wall the way he built Trump Towers, you'll be using illegal immigrant labor to do it.
07:12So cute. Such a cute soundbite.
07:15Keeping the events of the 2024 U.S. presidential election in mind, it's somewhat amusing to watch Florida Senator Rubio duke it out with then candidate Trump in 2016.
07:26After all, before Trump decided on Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate, Rubio was reportedly a top three contender.
07:35One thing Rubio and Vance have in common besides their jobs, they were both at one point or another vocal Trump haters.
07:43Here's a guy that buys a house for one hundred and seventy nine thousand.
07:47He sells it to a lobbyist who's probably here for three hundred and eighty thousand.
07:52And then legislation is passed. You tell me about this guy.
07:55Although Vance's past comments that Trump could be, quote, America's Hitler are laughable.
08:00Now, they almost pale in comparison to Rubio's animosity toward Trump, which he often made explicitly clear in the 2016 Republican primaries.
08:09He lied. One hundred percent. One hundred percent.
08:12You lied about the Polish. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:14You lied to the 38 years ago. He lied 38 years ago. All right.
08:19I guess there's a statute of limitation on lies.
08:21Number three, Trump versus Jim Acosta.
08:24Here we go. Well, if you don't mind, Mr. President, that this caravan was an invasion.
08:29As you know, I consider it to be. As you know, Mr. President, the caravan was not an invasion.
08:33It's a it's a group of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border with the US.
08:39In case you didn't know, Trump's biggest enemy within his despised liberal media, it would almost certainly be CNN,
08:46a network that Trump is often vocally criticized for being, quote, fake news that doesn't portray him fairly.
08:52That bubbling resentment spilled over at one fateful press conference in 2018.
08:57Your campaign had an ad showing migrants climbing over walls.
09:01Well, that's true. But they weren't actors. They're not going to be doing they weren't actors.
09:05Well, no, it's true. Do you think they were actors? They weren't actors.
09:08They didn't come from Hollywood amidst conservative media,
09:11stoking fears that a migrant caravan was making its way up to the US and harboring nefarious aims.
09:18Attempting to challenge Trump's fearmongering,
09:21chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta verbally tussled with the president,
09:25to which Trump responded by insulting Acosta and CNN as a whole.
09:30I think you should let me run the country. You run CNN.
09:33All right. And if you did it well, your ratings. Let me ask you if I may.
09:38Mr. President, if I may ask, are you worried? That's enough.
09:41That's enough. That's enough. Ask one of the other folks. That's enough.
09:44Number two, Trump versus Joe Biden.
09:46I just won two club championships, not even senior to regular club championships.
09:51To do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way.
09:56Is it fair to say by now that the first presidential debate of 2024 was the most consequential ever?
10:02While that's going to be up for debate for a long time, it's inarguable that this debate was immensely impactful.
10:08That owes to the fact that after this debate,
10:11President Biden was harshly criticized for his fatigued, lackluster performance.
10:16And after weeks of calls to step down, relinquished the Democratic nomination.
10:20Look, I'd be happy to have a driving contest with him.
10:23I got my handicap, which when I was vice president, down to a six.
10:30And by the way, I told you before, I'm happy to play golf if you carry your own bag.
10:34Biden's fiercest moment came, bizarrely enough, after former President Trump dared to critique his golf game.
10:41While Biden was the clear loser, it's hard to say that Trump was any kind of winner,
10:45especially when you consider the juvenile mudslinging that this debate consisted of.
10:50That's the biggest lie that he's a six handicap of all.
10:53I was an eight handicap. Eight?
10:58I've seen you swing. I know you swing.
11:00Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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11:16Number one, Trump and Mike Pence versus Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
11:20You have the vote. You should pass it.
11:22No, we don't have the vote, Nancy, because in the Senate, we need 60 votes.
11:25Yeah, but in the House, you could bring it up right now.
11:27Yeah, but I can't, excuse me, but I can't get it passed in the House if it's not going to pass in the Senate.
11:32I don't want to waste time.
11:33If there's anything you can count on from Donald Trump, it's that he's predictably unpredictable.
11:38Infamous for his rambling, monologuing, stream of consciousness style of rallying and campaigning.
11:44Then President Trump brought those qualities to what was meant to be a routine press briefing in 2018.
11:51Seemingly unable to help himself, Trump sharply veered from his talking points
11:56and simultaneously argued with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
12:02Nancy, we need border security. It's very simple.
12:05Of course we do.
12:06We need border security. People are pouring into our country, including terrorists.
12:10We have terrorists. We've caught 10 terrorists over the last very short period of time.
12:14As described at the time by Andrew Rastuccia and Elena Johnson for Politico,
12:19quote, Trump handed Democrats what they consider a massive gift,
12:23a direct and unqualified admission on live TV, no less, that he will be responsible for a government shutdown.
12:30End quote.
12:31You want to know something?
12:32You've said it.
12:33Okay, you want to put that on my...
12:34You've said it.
12:35I'll take it.
12:36Okay, good.
12:37You know what I'll say?
12:39If we don't get what we want one way or the other, whether it's through you, through a military,
12:42through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government.
12:46Which Donald Trump moment has you shocked the most?
12:48Let us know in the comments below.
12:50So do you acknowledge that you didn't think he was going to spread?
12:52Keep your voice down, please. Keep your voice down.
12:53Did you not think he was going to spread?
12:54How many, how many, how many cases were in the United States?
12:58I did a ban.
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