• vorgestern
Ihr habt Lust auf Warhammer 40K Tabletop - aber es schreckt euch ab, dutzende Miniaturen kaufen zu müssen? Dass ein Gefecht gern mal einen halben Tag verschlingt, ist euch zu lang? Dann könnte die Spielvariante Killteam genau das Richtige für euch sein!

Darin spielt ihr nur wenige Figuren und erlebt Szenarien aus der offiziellen 40K-Lore. Ihr habt die Wahl zwischen Space Marines, Orks und so weiter. Wer komplett neu einsteigt, hat jetzt eine neue Möglichkeit: Der Trailer stellt euch das neue Starter-Set für Killteam vor. Mit darin: Chaos Space Marines!

Vorbestellungen starten am 26. Oktober 2024. 
00:07Welcome to This Week in Warhammer, my name's Alex and it's time to take a look at what is happening in your favorite hobby over the next seven days.
00:15Pitch the angels of death against a host of plague marines in the dynamic game of Kill Team.
00:19The Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Starter Set contains two full Kill Teams, ready-to-use terrain, rules and everything else you need to get started playing skirmish combat in the 41st millennium.
00:30There are also a host of Kill Teams and Data Cards available, from the elite Kazakin to the terrifying legionaries. There is a Kill Team to suit your playstyle.
00:39This week also sees the long-awaited release of Inquisitor Kotyaz, as well as the Chaos Lord and Chaos Lord with Jump Pack for the Chaos Space Marines.
00:47The fifth installment of the Warhammer Heroes series has arrived, featuring seven incredible Stormcast Eternals miniatures that are available from selected retailers.
00:56And there is further festive fun this week as our licensed partners have produced some cozy Warhammer socks and a marvelous bottle opener fit for any Warboss.
01:05Immerse yourself deeper into the worlds of Warhammer with this week's Black Library pre-order releases.
01:10Broken Crusade by Stephen B. Fisher sees the Black Templars of the Second Dorian Crusade find themselves separated and must rely on their faith to fight their way back to their brethren.
01:20Broken Crusade will be available in a beautifully presented limited edition, as well as in hardback, ebook and audiobook.
01:27And Da Big Daka by Mike Brooks returns in paperback.
01:31There are also two audiobook horror collections available from today, bringing together a series of creepy tales perfect for the Halloween season.
01:39On Warhammer Plus this week, Loremasters delves into the Old World, discussing dwarfs, their origins, history and the rise of the Karazhan Corps.
01:47Whilst over on Citadel Color Masterclass, Edge shows you how to paint irradiated and damaged skin.
01:53Head over to our YouTube channel this week as Dan shows you how to paint your champions from the Warhammer Heroes Stormcast Eternals set.
01:59Whatever Warhammer hobby you're up to this week, head to the Sunday preview article over on Warhammer Community to find out more about all of the upcoming releases.
02:07And make sure you keep up to date with all of the latest news by following us on the Warhammer Community website, as well as on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, X and Twitch.
02:16That's all for this week, see you next time!
