• 3 hours ago
Love Beyond I Do Full Movie (2024)
00:00:00No, we can't do this, we're not married yet Did you drug me?
00:00:16You know what that means, don't you?
00:00:21We can't do this
00:00:23We can't do this
00:00:44Could she be?
00:00:46Khazalhov, your father wants you home immediately to discuss your marriage
00:00:49What will you do?
00:00:51Tell him to wait
00:00:53And get this necklace tested
00:00:55Yes, and Ivan, tell our men to keep an eye on the woman
00:00:58To know everything she does
00:01:00Yes, sir
00:01:16Where are you, Clarissa?
00:01:18The event's starting soon
00:01:20I'm hurled, I'll be right over
00:01:27You might change your mind now
00:01:33What are you doing here, Clarissa?
00:01:35I cannot believe you stole my fiancé
00:01:38What are you talking about? You're a few hours late
00:01:41Our families couldn't wait any longer
00:01:44I stood in for you
00:01:46This is what I get in return?
00:01:49You're a home wrecker, just like your mother
00:01:53You disgust me
00:01:55Oh, I'm not so sure I'm disgusting when I'm here, sister
00:02:02Oh, my dear sister
00:02:05You must have had fun with your lover last night
00:02:09So much fun
00:02:11You forgot about our family's honor?
00:02:15That man wasn't Leroy?
00:02:18You even came to your own engagement late
00:02:22Enough! Will you stop this tantrum?
00:02:25That's not what you think, Leroy, let me explain
00:02:28Explain what? That you had fun with your lover?
00:02:31You may be a whore, but our family's not like that
00:02:35If I were you, Clarissa, I'd be begging Leroy's parents' forgiveness
00:02:40Not going around slapping someone
00:02:42Honestly, I'm impressed by your heartless lack of shame
00:02:54A shameless whore like you doesn't deserve my son
00:02:58Annie is so prettier and gentler than you are
00:03:02She's nice with us
00:03:04And you, on the other hand, are civilized and indecent
00:03:09You don't deserve to be a part of our family
00:03:12Putting our ten years' relationships aside
00:03:15This marriage is something decided by Leroy's grandfather
00:03:19You cannot turn your back on this
00:03:21The whole city will call you off-breakers
00:03:24You cheated on my son first
00:03:26Annie is a part of your family, too
00:03:29Nothing besides brides changes this marriage
00:03:33Our family and your family are still friends
00:03:44This is my engagement
00:03:46But Anne sent me to a hotel last night
00:03:49And now she took my place
00:03:51Please tell me now you see who she and her mother actually are
00:03:54Oh, what are you talking about, Clarissa?
00:03:57Ever since I married your father
00:03:59I've been treating you like my own mother's race
00:04:02Don't want you anymore
00:04:04Anne will replace you at this wedding
00:04:06So my daughter, I will not leave you with nothing
00:04:08You will marry Kiran Hasselhoff
00:04:10Good deal for you
00:04:14The Hasselhoffs is the most powerful family in Oceanview
00:04:18People would kill to be a part of this family
00:04:22If you really think marrying that guy isn't great
00:04:25Why don't you have your daughter do it?
00:04:27Why you...
00:04:28Kiran must be a handsome man
00:04:30But even since he broke his legs in a car crash two years ago
00:04:34She has been in a wheelchair
00:04:35Clarissa used to go now
00:04:37She is a perfect match for a cripple
00:04:39Clarissa not marrying that cripple
00:04:42Kiran, this is not your place to talk
00:04:44Remember, we are paying for your medical treatment
00:04:47We had to pay twice 450 for breach of contract
00:04:51And if it weren't the Hasselhoffs
00:04:54Paying it off you and your sister
00:04:56We'd rather back off spare change
00:04:58If the alternative is filthy money
00:05:01She'd do well to marry herself off while the Hasselhoffs still want her
00:05:04Now Clarissa, we're paying for his medical treatment
00:05:07If you know what's best for him and for you
00:05:12I will marry Kiran
00:05:24Hello there
00:05:26His legs
00:05:30Don't come any closer
00:05:34You're my fiance and you're saying I can't touch you?
00:05:38My family is the one who agreed to this marriage, not me
00:05:41I would never agree to that
00:05:43Come any closer and I will...
00:05:46You what?
00:05:47Let me go!
00:05:49You don't seem keen on leaving
00:05:51Are you playing hard to get, Miss Jones?
00:05:56Don't push my hand, Mr. Hasselhoff
00:06:00Or I will turn this marriage into a tragedy
00:06:03Why are you so reluctant?
00:06:05Saving yourself for Leroy?
00:06:07Do you really love him that much?
00:06:09I cannot accept to indeed date with a complete stranger
00:06:13Mr. Hasselhoff, stay away from me
00:06:16And I'll keep out of your life
00:06:19No need to be that dramatic
00:06:21Here are the clothes you wanted, Mr. Key
00:06:24What are you doing with the knife?
00:06:27I will let the guard to kick her out, Mr. Key
00:06:29Kick her out?
00:06:30A butler trying to kick the lady of the house out?
00:06:33But she wished to do harm
00:06:35This is just a misunderstanding
00:06:37It's not any of your business
00:06:38Can you leave now?
00:06:43You have your deal
00:06:45We'll lead our own lives and only stay as a couple on paper, okay?
00:06:49Can you tuck your knife away now?
00:06:51It makes me anxious
00:06:53Is that true?
00:06:54Yeah, of course, I mean...
00:06:56This is your bedroom from now on
00:06:58Call the servants if you need anything or...
00:07:01You can come to me as well
00:07:05He is not as cruel and dictatorial as the rumors made him out to be
00:07:20Why is the food stale?
00:07:22Your family is nothing but a small-time clan
00:07:25You think you can be the lady of this house?
00:07:27I'm your employer's fiancée
00:07:29You're but a butler of this house
00:07:31And yet you take that attitude with me?
00:07:34Well, someone is full of herself
00:07:37You're nothing but an obscene wench who slept with a random man
00:07:41And was rejected both ways
00:07:43Do you think Mr. Key will let you stay at his house?
00:07:46Very soon he will see your true colors and kick you out of this house
00:07:57Can you just say I'll kick her out of the house?
00:08:01I don't recall asking your permission to go anywhere in this house
00:08:05You think too much of yourself, huh?
00:08:07Having the gall to feed my fiancée stale food?
00:08:10That's not what I meant, Mr. Key
00:08:12You think you're the master of this house rather than its butler?
00:08:16Know your place
00:08:17You're not coming back tomorrow
00:08:19I quit my job as a top ass just for you
00:08:22And I study abroad and I'm working as your butler all these years
00:08:27Yes, sir
00:08:32Hey, are you alright?
00:08:34And if anyone insults you in this household, just fire them
00:08:37Okay, but what are you doing here?
00:08:40Don't you have work to do?
00:08:42Yeah, but we're going to your parents tomorrow
00:08:44And I thought we should bring some presents
00:08:47Bring them nothing
00:08:48They don't deserve any money
00:08:50My mother died because of them
00:08:52If not for Harold, I'd left this hellhole a long time ago and never looked back
00:08:57From now on, my family will pay for treatment
00:09:01You don't need to live under their control anymore
00:09:04Why are you doing this?
00:09:06We promised to each other to stay on our own lives
00:09:10Don't think this will make me waver
00:09:12Yeah, we're a couple on the paper, but someone needs to be my wife
00:09:16And my grandma just stopped nagging me
00:09:19After all, you're still marrying me
00:09:21And my reputation is not all that great
00:09:24So paying for Harold's treatment is some kind of form of compensation for you
00:09:34Clarissa, you're back! Where's Kiran?
00:09:37Sorry, I forgot
00:09:39He's a cripple who can't go around
00:09:42Can't you brush your teeth when you speak?
00:09:44I thought you were spitting shit
00:09:46Why, you...guess...you're not doing well in the Hustle House
00:09:50My life is none of your business
00:09:53You're just like your mother, overly concerned about everyone else's marriage
00:10:03Anne is pregnant! Don't you know that?
00:10:06How dare you push her?
00:10:08Anne fought by herself, don't blame that on me
00:10:11Clarissa, you watch your tongue
00:10:13She's pregnant and she's your sister
00:10:15Can't you just take a step back for her?
00:10:17No, I cannot. I cannot take a step back and let a home record slide in between you and your wife
00:10:22How dare you, you little...
00:10:25I am married to Kiran right now
00:10:27If anything happens to me, the Hustle House will deal with you
00:10:33Do you think you're part of their families?
00:10:35Kiran can't even stand up and do the deed
00:10:39The moment the Hustle House gets their air
00:10:43you and he will be kicked out of the family
00:10:48If it weren't for the 450 grand promise of a partnership
00:10:51we wouldn't be marrying you off to a cripple
00:10:54who can't even inherit his family's fortune
00:10:57That would be a waste of resources
00:10:59You would use your own daughter to make a profit?
00:11:02What mom would say?
00:11:04You disgust me
00:11:05Don't take that attitude with me, young lady
00:11:07We're already flattering you by marrying you off to a rich man
00:11:10Otherwise, with your reputation, you'd be selling yourself on the streets
00:11:14If you continue, that will not end well for you
00:11:18You apologize or you're getting it
00:11:20Dad, you should teach this bitch to lesson
00:11:24Don't fucking think that you can do everything that you want after marrying Kiran
00:11:28Who knows, maybe you and he will be his only Hustle House son
00:11:32You apologize right now
00:11:35You have such a beautiful face
00:11:37I'm sure this ruined Kiran won't be willing to touch you
00:11:41You should go and control her
00:11:43Don't touch me! Let me go!
00:11:49If you guys continue doing this
00:11:51I can make Jones' family with the snap of my fingers
00:11:54Is that what you meant to say?
00:11:56You would continue to berate my wife?
00:11:58Anna's immature
00:11:59She was just playing around with Clarissa
00:12:01Playing around, huh?
00:12:02How about you, Mr. Jones?
00:12:04If that's the case, we can't play around and come to business, can we?
00:12:08Mr. Haslam, I promise you
00:12:10We are very serious about this business partnership
00:12:13This deal is worth millions
00:12:15It can't be called off just like that
00:12:17It can be called off just like that if I want to
00:12:20End of discussion
00:12:22Bring the madam home
00:12:29Your uncle invented NutriBank
00:12:32I see
00:12:34Your uncle?
00:12:35Yeah, that means the family in this context
00:12:38Should I prepare for the occasion?
00:12:40The gown and accessories will be prepared for you
00:12:47Is that Clarissa?
00:12:49Why is she here?
00:12:50Because she is Kiran's wife
00:12:52Of course she will attend Donald Ball
00:12:54Why did Herschel Hobbs agree to the marriage anyway?
00:12:57Anyway, Clarissa embarrassed herself enough at her engagement party
00:13:04Hey, why are you standing here all by yourself?
00:13:07What else should I do?
00:13:09Chat them up and let them mock me?
00:13:11You are my fiancée, no one would dare mock you
00:13:14Oh, please, Kiran
00:13:16They call us a perfect match
00:13:18You're scoots and a cripple, they say
00:13:20As long as you are with me
00:13:22I won't let anyone step on you
00:13:24They will regret ever saying this
00:13:27Let's go, Evan
00:13:31Allow me to make some introductions, everyone
00:13:34This is Clarissa Jones
00:13:36She is my fiancée and the future lady of the house
00:13:40Hey, what is Kiran doing?
00:13:41Oh, making clear is all
00:13:43Yeah, I think he is so mad
00:13:45I want to make one thing clear
00:13:47Anyone who wants to insult Clarissa
00:13:50Insults me and the House of Hobbs
00:13:53So the next time you want to insult her
00:13:55Think twice
00:13:59Let's go, Evan
00:14:04So, you are my cousin-in-law?
00:14:07God, what is it you're wearing?
00:14:09What an embarrassment
00:14:10I heard your cousin spent 450 grand just to buy her with Tyria
00:14:15But that was all the money he had
00:14:17So he can't afford to get her nice clothes
00:14:20Don't say that
00:14:21Or the company president is going to say we're bullying his fiancée
00:14:27You have too much time on your hands
00:14:29Kids running around, entertaining themselves at their board
00:14:33But you, all you do is make troubles
00:14:35Did you just say a kid is smarter than me?
00:14:37You wanted to start something, so I had to give you a beat down
00:14:40It was just so natural
00:14:42Don't get too smart, Clarissa
00:14:44Take that attitude with me
00:14:46And I'll tell the guards to toss you out
00:14:49Sure, do it
00:14:50I'd like to see how they'll listen to you or your cousin
00:14:53Do you really think my cousin loves you?
00:14:55He's just using you to stop everyone from pushing him into a marriage
00:15:00Even so, he still picked me
00:15:02Try to find a man on his level, make him your fiancée
00:15:07Just admit, I'm the better one
00:15:09Why you...
00:15:13How bold are you, Vysteria?
00:15:15Just for now
00:15:16Just a cheap roast, kid
00:15:18I'm doing her a favor by tearing it apart
00:15:21This dress is limited edition, designed by an internal designer
00:15:25There are ten less in this world
00:15:27How are you going to pay for the damages?
00:15:33What are you talking about, Kieran?
00:15:35You want me to pay for it?
00:15:37This dress can cost much
00:15:39Don't fall for her tricks
00:15:40I bought it for her, so I know how much it costs
00:15:43I'll tell the butler to take it out of your yearly allowance
00:15:46You can't do this to me, Kieran
00:15:48Are you actually cutting my allowance for this woman?
00:15:51I'm telling uncle, he will be judge of this
00:15:54The second son of the Hasselhoff's last generation, Donald
00:15:57He has been eyeing the spot of the heir
00:16:01Tell your uncle, but bear in mind who is in charge of the family right now
00:16:05Pick the wrong side, and smaller allowance will be the least of your problems
00:16:10Let's go, Theresa
00:16:13Thanks for clearing that up for me
00:16:16You're my fiance, if I don't defend you, what would everyone think of me?
00:16:25I will clear it up, I promise
00:16:27Don't stop the treatment
00:16:29What happened?
00:16:31It's hospitals, they issued a critical illness for Harold
00:16:34And I have to be right now there
00:16:36Doctor, how's my brother doing? Is he alright?
00:16:39You are not paying for the bill?
00:16:41How are we supposed to treat your brother?
00:16:43The Johnsons always do that
00:16:47Joseph, you almost got Harold killed
00:16:49So what? That bastard can die for all I care
00:16:53Because of you, our family's relationship with Hasselhoff Holdings has gone bust
00:16:57We've lost billions
00:16:59I've had to cancel Harold's care
00:17:01You can come at me if you have any beef, Joseph
00:17:04But don't do anything to Harold, he's innocent
00:17:07Then get the partnership back
00:17:09You can beg Kieran, you can sleep with him
00:17:11I don't fucking care
00:17:13Or Harold dies
00:17:20Help me, Kieran
00:17:26What are you doing to my brother?
00:17:28And our boss said he wants the best doctors to work on your brother
00:17:31You must be Clarissa, right?
00:17:33I'm Kieran's best friend
00:17:35Don't you worry so much because this hospital belongs to our family
00:17:39We'll do our best to help your brother, I promise
00:17:43I see them, thank you
00:17:46No, no, no, his family is my family
00:17:48How'd you get the money, Clarissa?
00:17:50I thought I told you not to save that brat unless it was my orders
00:17:54Well, looks like you've got a new man
00:17:57Enough, Joseph
00:17:59I don't want to see you, so leave
00:18:02Somebody's all special since he's got a new man
00:18:05Don't you forget our deal
00:18:06It seems like we've got a thug in our midst
00:18:10Take him out
00:18:11You have no idea who I am
00:18:13I'm a VIP in this hospital
00:18:15The director will drop everything when I show up
00:18:18The director is performing surgery on Harold
00:18:20Sorry, he cannot welcome you
00:18:22The director is doing a surgery on Harold? That's impossible
00:18:25I always show up with gifts and I've never seen the guy
00:18:28He wouldn't do any favors for that brat
00:18:30Didn't you just tell me the director would do everything just to welcome you, huh?
00:18:35What's the change with the stories?
00:18:37I think you should make an appointment with our neurologist
00:18:41By the way, we have a 40% discount for our VIPs
00:18:44Is this guy Mr. Wingstone?
00:18:47You mean Winston the firstborn of the Jeffersons?
00:18:50The heir to this whole hospital?
00:18:53Kick him out
00:18:54No problem, sir
00:19:00How's my brother doing, doctor?
00:19:02He's alright
00:19:03Surgery went very well
00:19:04Just has to take his medication and come back for a follow-up
00:19:07But he'll be fine
00:19:08Thank you, thank you very much
00:19:09Don't thank me
00:19:10Thank Mr. Winston here
00:19:13Actually, I don't think I've ever seen him so eager to help a baby before
00:19:17That's not what you think, Mr. Zinner
00:19:19Come on, let's go to your office
00:19:21Don't ruin this for me
00:19:30Thank you, Karen
00:19:31I'd be at loss if not for you
00:19:34It's alright, I mean, I told you we're a family
00:19:37You don't need to be that formal
00:19:39Harold is my brother too, you know
00:19:42Hey, it's okay
00:19:52I think you should get a room
00:19:54Never seen Karen care about any woman before
00:19:57But, well, seems like even he can fall in love
00:20:02Shut it
00:20:03I'm counting on you on Harold's treatment
00:20:05Fail it, and you're dead as well
00:20:09I'll find the best doctors for that
00:20:11I promise
00:20:13Thank you, thank you so much
00:20:15I have no idea what I'd do without you
00:20:19Let's go home, Clarice
00:20:33So cold
00:20:34I wonder if I'll fall sick if I sleep the whole night without a blanket
00:20:40He's helped me a lot
00:20:42I can't urge him to return, can I?
00:20:46I thought we'd be only a couple on paper
00:20:50I thought we'd be only a couple on paper
00:20:53Well, someone was curious if I could get it up
00:20:56You may know the answer for yourself now
00:20:59It's alright, I'm not interested in that
00:21:02Well, no if you don't try
00:21:05Well, I'm not interested
00:21:09I'm not interested
00:21:11Don't try
00:21:13Well, we can do it somewhere next time
00:21:17You're off the hook today
00:21:42I have a business event to attend tonight
00:21:45And I need a partner
00:21:47Do you want to come with me?
00:21:50Okay, I've called the stylist
00:21:52So she'll come over and style you up
00:21:55And I'll be picking you up at 6, okay?
00:22:02Wow, she's so beautiful
00:22:05If it were not for her disability, they would be a perfect couple
00:22:10Clarissa, I have a business deal to hash out
00:22:12You go ahead without me this time
00:22:14Sure, see you later
00:22:23Hi cutie, are you here alone?
00:22:25Why don't I be your partner once a night?
00:22:27Sorry, but I don't need a partner
00:22:29Sorry, but I don't need a partner
00:22:34You cannot hit me, you whore!
00:22:36I can't, if the guy is a pervert who won't stop harassing me
00:22:39You are putting on air now?
00:22:41Everyone knows you slept with another man
00:22:43The night before engagement
00:22:45Guess you are having a good head after married Hasselhoff
00:22:48Please, everyone knows
00:22:50Your father sells you for 450 grand
00:22:53You are nothing but an upscale prostitute
00:22:56I can buy you off for 300 grand and more if I have to
00:23:00Mr. Colson, harassing a woman in an event
00:23:04If everyone finds out about this, you'll be the joke of everyone
00:23:07Mr. Zwei, I didn't mean it
00:23:10I drank too much
00:23:19Thanks for the help
00:23:21The experience has been really good to you
00:23:23You got a lot prettier since the last time we met
00:23:25It's actually all thanks to you
00:23:27If it's not wearing for you, I've never been married to Kieran
00:23:31You mock me?
00:23:33After betraying me?
00:23:35You know, for old times sake
00:23:37Clarissa, I'm willing to give you another chance
00:23:40What chance?
00:23:42Chance for forgiveness
00:23:46You know, we were together for 10 years
00:23:48That's not the kind of bond you just break
00:23:51Why don't you be my secret lover?
00:23:56What makes you think I'll be your lover, Leroy?
00:24:00Ask for your forgiveness
00:24:02Kieran is 100 times nicer than you are
00:24:05And if it's wearing for the break-up
00:24:07I've never been married to Kieran
00:24:10Who cares if he's nice?
00:24:12Everyone knows he's impotent
00:24:14You could never have a real marriage with him
00:24:16As far as that goes
00:24:18That's something I could probably stand in for
00:24:24You think you're actually that good?
00:24:26You're trash
00:24:27I cannot believe I actually used to date you
00:24:29I must be blind
00:24:31You and Anne, you're a perfect match
00:24:33Considering that she's a homewrecker
00:24:36Are you harassing my woman?
00:24:39It's just asking for trouble
00:24:41Let go of my husband right now
00:24:45Clarissa, you cheated on Leroy first
00:24:49Your husband just asked me to be his lover
00:24:52All I did was refuse and lecture him a little
00:24:54But he even tried to attack
00:24:56She seduced me first
00:24:57Mr. Hasselhoff, you know that this woman is a whore
00:25:00She cheated on me the night before we were supposed to get married
00:25:03She said that she can't live in a sexless marriage
00:25:06You whore!
00:25:07You can't go on dating other men in your life, huh?
00:25:11You do know how to twist the story, Leroy
00:25:14Mr. Hasselhoff, you have to believe me
00:25:16This woman
00:25:18I dated this woman for 10 years
00:25:20And the night before our engagement, she cheated on me
00:25:23She's nothing but a whore
00:25:25And all she thinks about is sex
00:25:27You're right, you're right
00:25:29There is no way he would ask her to be his lover
00:25:32She's just good
00:25:34Don't fall for it, Mr. Hasselhoff
00:25:36Are you done?
00:25:40Do you really think you can put a dent between our relationship?
00:25:44I trust everything she says
00:25:46Clarissa and I are deeply in love
00:25:48She won't pick you
00:25:49You're ugly and not even well-built
00:25:51Isn't that right, Clarissa?
00:25:55That's right, honey
00:25:58Just because you buried Kieran
00:26:00Doesn't mean you're somebody now
00:26:03When he's no longer here
00:26:06You're going to Vegas
00:26:08To take you in
00:26:09I wonder if that will happen
00:26:19Oh, he's such a flirt
00:26:21Who says he's cruel and ruthless?
00:26:25Why do you trust me so much?
00:26:27Because you're my wife
00:26:29And the woman I love
00:26:32I'll get us something to eat
00:26:38I felt something just now
00:26:40Could it be...
00:26:42Am I demosexual for her?
00:26:44I see you're here too, Mr. Hasselhoff
00:26:48I imagine Clarissa must be around somewhere as well
00:26:51You know, you've never been over to the house for dinner
00:26:53Since you two got married
00:26:55I think it would be a great idea
00:26:57If you and Clarissa could come over for a visit sometime
00:27:00And why would I do that?
00:27:02Are you my family or something?
00:27:07What are you doing here?
00:27:09I'm inviting Mr. Hasselhoff over to our place for dinner
00:27:12You know, Clarissa, I can't believe you won't come home these days
00:27:16I just want to see my son-in-law
00:27:19I don't remember being your daughter
00:27:21Here's the thing, Joseph, I'm just so...
00:27:23What are you saying?
00:27:24I don't need a father like you
00:27:26How dare you!
00:27:28You will be my daughter until the day you die
00:27:31I see your company needs to get a few more hits
00:27:34Before the lesson will sink in, Joseph
00:27:36Well, what I meant, Mr. Hassel...
00:27:38You heard what she just said
00:27:40I do hope you will never appear in front of her ever again
00:27:44Mr. Hasselhoff, I...
00:27:52I don't need to fear him anymore
00:27:55You have me now
00:28:15Kiran, why are you here?
00:28:18You're my brother-in-law
00:28:20I should come here to see you
00:28:22I don't acknowledge
00:28:24Everyone says you're abusing Clarissa
00:28:27Kiran's been nothing but nice to me, Harold
00:28:30I wouldn't have actually brought him if he did abuse me
00:28:36You're just being ungrateful
00:28:38Kiran never asked anyone for any favors
00:28:41But this time he came to me
00:28:43Asked to find the best doctors just to save you
00:28:46Yeah, Harold
00:28:47If it's not for Kiran, you'll probably be dead
00:28:50That big Joseph stopped paying for your treatment fees
00:28:54Sir, thank you, Kiran
00:28:56Just rest up
00:28:58And don't worry about money and treatment
00:29:00Clarissa's brother, my brother too
00:29:07By the way, Joseph is a Johns
00:29:09And Harold is a Samsons
00:29:12Is your mother a Samsons, Clarissa?
00:29:14Harold is my stepbrother
00:29:16He's the son of my mother with her second husband
00:29:21I see
00:29:23We seem to be on really good terms together
00:29:25Yeah, Clarissa always has been nice to me
00:29:29Take plenty of rest and don't make me worry
00:29:39Hey, come here, I'll blow-dry your hair
00:29:43I can do it by myself
00:29:45It's okay, I can do it anyway, sit down
00:29:50Harold is getting much better now
00:29:52And it's all thanks to you
00:29:55I'd be at loss otherwise
00:29:57Harold might be my stepbrother
00:30:00But he's the only family I have left after my mother died
00:30:04Hey, you have me now
00:30:09My mother used to be burned to money
00:30:12She wanted for nothing
00:30:14And was raised up under a lot of care and love
00:30:20But then she fell for that pig Joseph
00:30:25My mom with all her naivety
00:30:28Thought Joseph was her true love
00:30:30But Joseph betrayed her with his childhood friend
00:30:34Penelope Cheshire
00:30:36So your mother divorced him?
00:30:39Divorced him? I know Samson's
00:30:41They would not let him off that easily
00:30:44Yeah, she wanted to stir up a storm
00:30:47And make sure he gets kicked out without a penny to his name
00:30:52But not long after she knew of the affair
00:30:55Her parents just died in a car accident
00:30:59Car crash?
00:31:01Yeah, they could never live long I guess
00:31:04Then my mother divorced him
00:31:06But no longer after that
00:31:08Joseph married to Penelope
00:31:10And their life got better together
00:31:14As the days went on
00:31:16My mother met her childhood friend
00:31:18That'd be Harold's father
00:31:20Harold just lost his mother
00:31:22So when our parents met they reconciled
00:31:26Such a person can be a father
00:31:29Yeah, and then they would just
00:31:32So my mom to the point when she just died from depression
00:31:36Don't worry Clarissa
00:31:37From now on I'll protect you in your mother's place
00:31:42Thank you
00:31:44I love you Clarissa
00:31:47I love you too
00:31:49I've never told this story to anybody before
00:31:53Everybody thinks my Joseph
00:31:57Is a shining example of success and happiness
00:32:01But none of them ever knew he was a ruthless hypocrite
00:32:05And an animal
00:32:06When I had to marry you
00:32:08I was scared at first
00:32:11Everybody was saying that you were a ruthless beast
00:32:15I was scared I might end up with a wrong man
00:32:18In broken relationships like my parents did
00:32:21We will never end up like that
00:32:24If you ever fall out of love with me one day
00:32:27I will leave you
00:32:29I won't let that happen
00:32:34I know being my wife
00:32:36You will have to endure a lot of mockery
00:32:38And also my uncle is stirring a storm
00:32:40Sooner or later we will have a fight in our hands
00:32:43I'm not scared
00:32:45I've lived through a fair share of hell in my life
00:32:48And with you I'm not scared of anything
00:32:50And I won't give up easily either
00:32:52But that's precisely why I don't want you to suffer anymore
00:32:56All I want for you is happiness
00:32:58I will avenge your mother sooner or later
00:33:00Perhaps there is more to her and her parents' deaths
00:33:03But that's tomorrow's problem
00:33:05For now let us enjoy the night
00:33:15Hey mom
00:33:16Carol and I are here again
00:33:18It's been another year
00:33:20I'm getting better now mom
00:33:23Don't worry about me
00:33:24Could you please wait for me outside Carol?
00:33:26I'd like to talk to mom
00:33:35I forgot to tell you this mom
00:33:37But I'm married
00:33:39Not to Leroy but to Carol
00:33:41Carol Hasselhoff
00:33:43He's nice to me so don't worry
00:33:45Everybody says he's cruel and ruthless
00:33:48But he's gentle with me
00:33:50I was first forced to do marriage
00:33:54But eventually I fell for him
00:33:56He had to work to do today so he couldn't come
00:33:59But I promise I'll bring him over next time
00:34:02I think you will like him too
00:34:14I knew I'd find you here today
00:34:16You always cared about your mother more than me, didn't you?
00:34:19Well now you've gotten hitched and I got ditched
00:34:21I seem to have told you we're no longer father and daughter anymore
00:34:24You know you and your mother are just the same
00:34:27You both left me for another man
00:34:29What gives you the right to say that?
00:34:31You cheated on mom first
00:34:33Wait! I've got video evidence
00:34:36You sure you don't want to see it?
00:34:38What did you say?
00:34:40I've got video evidence
00:34:42You sure you don't want to see it?
00:34:44What did you say?
00:34:45Your mother cheated on me first
00:34:47All for her first love
00:34:49Boy am I glad I got the video evidence
00:34:51Because it's proof
00:34:53Now if you're willing to put in a good word with Kieran
00:34:56Resume the partnership
00:34:58I'll consider not releasing this video
00:35:02Mom is not that kind of person that could do that
00:35:05You trash your wife's name for money?
00:35:10That bitch is not my wife
00:35:13Now you watch this and tell me she's not cheating
00:35:18That's impossible
00:35:19Let's not shoot your ass
00:35:21Now you've seen the evidence
00:35:23Are you sure you don't want your mother's name ruined after her death?
00:35:26Why did you push your daughter?
00:35:29If I see you showing up around place again
00:35:32I'm going to beat your darn ass
00:35:40You're bullies
00:35:41And I'll see that you pay for this someday
00:35:43Now Clarissa, I want you to remember what I said
00:35:47Or else
00:35:50Are you alright Clarissa?
00:35:51I'm alright, don't worry about me
00:35:53Did he threaten you?
00:35:55What did he mean by what he said right now?
00:35:59He just wanted me to convince Kieran to resume the partnership
00:36:02But I refused
00:36:04If he comes back for you
00:36:06Tell me
00:36:07I will make sure to teach him a painful lesson
00:36:11Truth heal up first
00:36:13I will deal with everything myself
00:36:20I'm here to pick you up Clarissa
00:36:25We ran into Joseph at the cemetery
00:36:29And he pushed her
00:36:31She fell
00:36:32Is that true?
00:36:35Nothing to it really
00:36:37He was just desperate
00:36:41I'll deal with the matter
00:36:43Now we should go home
00:36:47Can you tell me what happened?
00:36:50Joseph threatened me with dirt on my mother
00:36:54He has a video evidence of her affair
00:36:57He said he would release it to the public
00:37:00If I didn't convince you to restart cooperation with him
00:37:04And pay for the losses
00:37:06Video evidence?
00:37:10Video evidence where
00:37:12She was together with Harold's father
00:37:14They were intimate
00:37:16And if released to the public
00:37:18Everybody would think she was indecent to him
00:37:21Do you think that's true?
00:37:23Of course not
00:37:25I know my mom
00:37:27She spent her family resources
00:37:29To set Joseph up when they were dating
00:37:31She would never see someone else
00:37:34When she had me
00:37:36She spent all her time
00:37:38Tending to me
00:37:41She could never have been cheated
00:37:44Well if that's the case
00:37:46Then don't feel too bothered about it
00:37:49I think Joseph must have dug through the video somehow
00:37:52Mom must have been blind
00:37:54To fell for him
00:37:56She's been dead for years
00:37:58And Joseph still won't let her rest in peace
00:38:03Just put your faith in your mother, Clarissa
00:38:06We'll find out the truth
00:38:10Including the truth behind your mother's
00:38:12And her parents' deaths
00:38:16Yeah, we'll do it together
00:38:22Are you free today, Clarissa?
00:38:24Can you come home?
00:38:26Why should I?
00:38:27So you can bully me again?
00:38:29Don't take this attitude with me
00:38:31I found your mother's stuff
00:38:33Maybe I should clean it up
00:38:35Don't you want it or not?
00:38:37Mom's stuff?
00:38:39I will toss it out if you don't want it
00:38:41Fine, I'll be there in a moment
00:38:47So, is the bitch coming?
00:38:50Of course
00:38:51She will come to get her mother's stuff
00:38:53And what about the preparation?
00:38:56After she drinks water
00:38:58She's gonna wake up to a broken reputation
00:39:08Where is my mom's stuff?
00:39:11What's the rush?
00:39:14Here is some water
00:39:16I will get your mother's stuff for you
00:39:24I'll take her to you in a minute, Mr. West
00:39:27And you can move wherever you want with her now
00:39:31Get out of it
00:39:33I can't wait any longer
00:39:38So, the promise of investing in my family's company still stands, right?
00:39:43I'm not the kind of man who breaks promises
00:39:45So, let me sleep with your sister
00:39:48And you'll get money tomorrow
00:39:51Sure, of course
00:39:53She'll be here right away
00:39:56Let's see how smart you can be, Clarissa, after this
00:40:01Wonder what Kiran will do
00:40:04After he finds out you cheated on him
00:40:07Still, it's not a big deal
00:40:11Everyone knows Kiran can't get it up
00:40:14At least you can enjoy your sex now
00:40:19Well, I will leave you to it then, Mr. West
00:40:29I heard everyone says Clarissa is a beauty
00:40:33It looks like rumors are true
00:40:36I'm not sure
00:40:38I'm not sure
00:40:40I'm not sure
00:40:42I'm not sure
00:40:44I'm not sure
00:40:46It looks like rumors are true
00:40:48I bet you've been holding really hard
00:40:52Since you married this limp dick
00:40:58I'll show you what pleasure is
00:41:04I'll show you what pleasure is
00:41:16I'll show you what pleasure is
00:41:27I knew she was up to something when she called me here
00:41:30Still, this is a good chance to get my hands on that video
00:41:37I don't hear anything, Dad
00:41:40Is Mr. West a quick shot?
00:41:46It's only been five minutes, he can't be done yet
00:41:50Did something happen?
00:41:52Mr. West acquiesced the whole, so
00:41:55I think we should check on them
00:41:59If something happened
00:42:01I think you're right
00:42:03Mr. West
00:42:06We're coming in, Mr. West
00:42:17Where did that bitch go?
00:42:20I saw her drink some water
00:42:23How did this happen?
00:42:25You useless piece of trash
00:42:27We've got to find her right now
00:42:30I should have found that bitch when I had the chance
00:42:33How dare she fool us like this
00:42:36Look, she's hurt Mr. West
00:42:39I had to put so much effort into getting Mr. West to cooperate with us
00:42:45Don't worry, Dad
00:42:47I bet she's still in the house
00:42:49I'm going to teach her a lesson once we find her
00:42:52She's not getting off easy this time
00:42:54We're going to find her right now, follow me
00:43:08Dad, she's here
00:43:12You're not getting away this time, Clarissa
00:43:14I bet she has your phone, Dad
00:43:16Do not let her get away with that phone, seize her
00:43:19I'm going to hell for this both of you
00:43:22You're a big bastard, Joseph, making me sleep with this man just for profit
00:43:27And you, Anne, you're going to hell for this both of you
00:43:32You're not running away this time, Clarissa
00:43:36Ivan, if we have to go to hell, I'll ruin your life first
00:43:49My dear son-in-law, what brings you here tonight?
00:43:52If I'm not here, you're going to have Clarissa's life?
00:43:56And I'm not your son-in-law
00:43:58You're an insult to the title of father
00:44:01Mr. Hasselhoff, Clarissa stirred up some trouble at our house
00:44:05I just wanted to ask her a few questions, that's all
00:44:08Yeah, Mr. Hasselhoff, we didn't mean to hurt her
00:44:12Spiking my drink and making me sleep with an old man isn't hurting me, huh?
00:44:16They did that to you?
00:44:18Yes, I knocked the old fool out, though
00:44:21He's still in the bedroom upstairs
00:44:23I'll get to the bottom of this
00:44:35How did you know I was there yesterday?
00:44:38Well, I didn't see you home when I came back that night
00:44:43So what?
00:44:45You went looking for me?
00:44:49Anne called me yesterday and she said she found my mom's stuff
00:44:52So I went to see her
00:44:54Anne and Joseph are snakes
00:44:57You shouldn't have met her yourself
00:45:00If I hadn't show up, do you have any idea what could have happened?
00:45:05But I'm fine
00:45:20Do you want me to get you some tea, Karen?
00:45:35Get some rest, you've been working all day
00:45:39Are you still angry with me?
00:45:42Of course I am
00:45:44You were drunk and almost got assaulted by that old kid
00:45:48I want to skin Joseph alive right now
00:45:51I knew Anne was up to something, I was curious
00:45:55I know you were worried about me and I promised I would be more careful
00:45:59But it's not like I come back home empty-handed
00:46:02High risk, high reward, I say
00:46:05Well, you got off lucky this time
00:46:07This luck will run out
00:46:09Next time you want to pull out something like that, just let me know
00:46:13Yes, I will tell you always
00:46:17Don't be mad at me
00:46:22Oh my God, what am I doing?
00:46:32Running away after stealing a kiss, huh?
00:46:46Okay, I'm not mad anymore
00:46:48Can I see the video now?
00:46:54Don't move, just sit here
00:46:56Oh, he can be so bossy
00:46:59Hmm, probably edited
00:47:01Doesn't seem real at all
00:47:03I think so too
00:47:07I'll get my men to recover the files
00:47:09So we can see what really happened here
00:47:11It's alright, I can ask Harold to do that, he's a great hacker
00:47:14Is that so?
00:47:15Yes, I will take the phone right to him
00:47:24I got it, Clarissa
00:47:25This video was indeed edited
00:47:27They slapped some videos together and deepfaked the faces
00:47:30Joseph lied to you
00:47:32I knew that
00:47:34He would do anything just to threaten me
00:47:38That man is a snake
00:47:40I think there is more to your mother than her parents' deaths
00:47:43Yeah, I think he's probably involved in it
00:47:47Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of it for you
00:47:58Hey, I've looked into the deaths, Clarissa
00:48:03Yeah, my men looked into it
00:48:05And they found a dashcam for back then too
00:48:07Your grandparents got into a car crash
00:48:10Because the brakes were faulty
00:48:12Faulty brakes? Someone must have tampered with it
00:48:15Yes, you're right, I mean
00:48:17Just before the car crash
00:48:19Penelope gave Jonathan a huge sum of money
00:48:23My lazy woman of an uncle?
00:48:25Penelope and Joseph don't care about Jonathan
00:48:27Why would she...
00:48:31Could it be...
00:48:32He's a suspect too
00:48:34I rarely talk with him
00:48:35I have no idea where he is right now
00:48:38It's alright, my men are already looking into it
00:48:41I expected nothing less from him
00:48:44He's a go-getter
00:48:56Who is there?
00:48:57Open up, we need to talk
00:48:59I... I don't know you
00:49:01Open up, or I'm tearing this door down
00:49:10Clarissa, why are you here?
00:49:13Jonathan, were you involved in my grandparents' deaths?
00:49:17What makes you think that?
00:49:26Why did you do that?
00:49:28I am suing you for trespassing and breaching of privacy
00:49:32Do you know what happens to those who cross my boss?
00:49:35If you want to live, you'd best be spilling the beans right now
00:49:42I was in debt from gambling too much
00:49:45Penelope bribed me and told me to tamper with the brakes
00:49:55When you came to our house, my grandparents gave you food
00:49:59They gave you presents
00:50:01How could you do that to them?
00:50:03I did... I did... I regret to do too much
00:50:07I was blinded in my greed
00:50:10If I couldn't cough up any money
00:50:13The collectors... the debt collectors killed me
00:50:16You would do just anything for money, right?
00:50:21I'll do anything, just have mercy on me
00:50:26Tell me everything Penelope did
00:50:29And give me any evidence that you have
00:50:35Yes, of course
00:50:38I can be your witness
00:50:40I can prove that everything was Penelope's idea
00:50:43That bitch!
00:50:45Mr. West is really angry right now
00:50:49He cancelled our business partnership
00:50:51And he even told everyone else not to do business with us
00:50:54If this keeps up, my business is going to go under
00:50:57Calm down dad
00:50:59I have talked to Leroy about this
00:51:02He said he will convince his dad to help us out
00:51:05Really? That's great
00:51:07You know Ann, I always knew you were the better daughter
00:51:10Unlike that ingrate sister of yours
00:51:12Bad news sir, Clarissa came with the police
00:51:15The police?
00:51:17Let's go
00:51:23Officers, may I ask why you're here?
00:51:26You have the right to remain silent
00:51:29But everything you say can and will be used against you in court
00:51:33This lady here lodged a report just now
00:51:36And we will need to take Penelope Cheshire into further questioning
00:51:40Why Maurer?
00:51:42What did you do?
00:51:44Did you just land her, Clarissa?
00:51:46Don't you know that you can go to jail for that?
00:51:49Really? Say that after you hear this
00:51:53I was 45 grand in debt back then
00:51:56Penelope came to me and said
00:51:59She'd give me 70 grand
00:52:02If I tampered with the brakes of your grandparents' car
00:52:07I was blinded by my greed
00:52:09So I did as I was told
00:52:13Officers, this is a misunderstanding
00:52:16You cannot believe what this woman says
00:52:18This could be a false testimony
00:52:20Do you think we are that gullible?
00:52:22We have a look at the case
00:52:24We have enough evidence to take Cheshire into further questioning
00:52:28And you are coming with us as well
00:52:34No, no, no
00:52:37I'm innocent
00:52:39I'm innocent
00:52:41I'm innocent
00:52:43It's you did it, Clarissa
00:52:44I know it's you
00:52:45I curse you
00:52:50I curse you
00:52:56Are you illiterate?
00:52:58That's for setting me up and stealing Leroy away
00:53:01I have to thank you for that, though
00:53:03Or I would never have realized he's a scum
00:53:06Are you mad, Clarissa?
00:53:08How dare you slap me?
00:53:11You should worry about yourself before coming after me
00:53:14Now your parents might never come back
00:53:25Open up! Let me in!
00:53:28My parents are arrested here
00:53:30You have to help them
00:53:31Help them? Why?
00:53:33I saw the news
00:53:34They were taken away on murder accusations
00:53:36I don't want to implicate myself
00:53:38But you said you'd stay no matter what
00:53:43Things are different now
00:53:45What, do you still think you're the high and mighty Anne Jones?
00:53:50Your family's done for
00:53:55You're the only one here left
00:53:59I'm your wife
00:54:01Just as well
00:54:03I wanted to talk to you about the divorce
00:54:08No, we can't get divorced
00:54:10I'm pregnant with your kid
00:54:12Abort it, then
00:54:14Who are you?
00:54:16If it weren't for you and your family always hating on Clarissa
00:54:21I'd rather be dating her
00:54:23She's smarter than you, prettier than you
00:54:26There's not a single good thing about you, after all
00:54:29There's nothing
00:54:31So I'm ending our marriage
00:54:33It's after my family's wealth
00:54:36What else is there?
00:54:38After all, there's not a single value
00:54:40I can't believe it
00:54:42So, this is who you really are
00:54:47I don't care what you think
00:54:51Oh, I do still need you to abort the baby
00:54:56I won't do it
00:54:59I will drag you to the hospital myself
00:55:04What are you waiting for? Go after her!
00:55:12Yes, sir
00:55:14Hey, have you heard the news?
00:55:16Leroy wants to divorce Anne, but she went missing
00:55:19Yes, that's what they deserve
00:55:33What were you doing?
00:55:35I... Do you know what day today is?
00:55:38Of course, it's our 100th day wedding anniversary
00:55:43You remember?
00:55:45I remember all our anniversaries, silly
00:55:49So, do you have work to do today?
00:55:52Maybe we could celebrate our anniversary together
00:55:56Yeah, I mean, where do you want to go?
00:55:58The amusement park, but his legs...
00:56:03We could have a feast and then go to a park
00:56:08You want to go to the amusement park? I can go with you
00:56:12How did you know I wanted to go to the amusement park?
00:56:16Harold told me you've always adored amusement parks
00:56:19But you never had a chance to see one ever since your mom passed away
00:56:23He's sick too, so he couldn't bring you there either
00:56:26So he remembers everything about me
00:56:30We'll go anywhere together
00:56:42You can go on the rides with me
00:56:44I'd love to have you on the rollercoaster and carousel with me
00:56:47It's alright, my legs will... You eventually will have the chance
00:56:52You will. We will travel to all the corners around the world, to tons of places
00:56:58We will go to the beach, to the...
00:57:00We will travel to all the corners around the world someday, together
00:57:04I'll make the dream come true, I promise you
00:57:08By the way, are you hungry? I can get for you something
00:57:13I'd like to have some lollipop
00:57:16Yeah, of course, I mean, you can have anything you want
00:57:27I can't believe it, Clarissa
00:57:29It's been years since you graduated from uni, and you're already living in ghettos
00:57:33You're married to a cripple
00:57:38Janelle Smith?
00:57:41You can't recognize me? I'm definitely living a better life than you
00:57:46Nothing but a shallow wench who's wearing cheap knockoffs to make her feel more...
00:57:51Oh my god, have you just thought that I'm wearing cheap knockoffs?
00:57:55You obviously know what I'm talking about
00:57:57What do you know about branded goods, you cripple?
00:58:01Oh wow, I would have thought you were barking if I didn't know you were human
00:58:05Or wait, might you actually be a dog?
00:58:09My husband is doing great, by the way
00:58:12You should really have your head checked
00:58:14You're slurring, might have something to do with the brain
00:58:17Don't you talk to me like this, Clarissa
00:58:19My husband actually was born to money
00:58:22Have you seen this ring? Five carats
00:58:25No, I actually don't see your ring
00:58:27Or are you his mistress?
00:58:30Well, probably that's the best thing you could do
00:58:34That's why you never came to the class reunions
00:58:37And probably you were afraid of getting embarrassed
00:58:42Oh, don't tell me you're his mistress
00:58:46How do you insult Miss Hasselhoff? Apologize right now!
00:58:50Mr. Hasselhoff?
00:58:53Mr. Hasselhoff, I'm so sorry for my wife, we will apologize
00:58:58Your wife has a sharp tongue
00:59:00She called me cripple and my wife mistress?
00:59:03Good wife you have there
00:59:05I'm so sorry
00:59:07Now, look what you did to her. Apologize right now!
00:59:10No need for that
00:59:12Since you're such a rich kid anyway, I don't need to come to work tomorrow
00:59:17Spend some quality time with your wife
00:59:20I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Hasselhoff
00:59:23Please forgive me
00:59:24Please don't fire me, Mr. Hasselhoff
00:59:26I'm so sorry for insulting you, Mr. Hasselhoff
00:59:28Termination, not enough time
00:59:31Please forgive me
00:59:33I said scram!
00:59:35Oh my god, it's like fun for feeling pumping
00:59:45That Janelle bitch finally got what she deserved
00:59:51Hey, look what I got for you
00:59:56You seem happy, huh?
00:59:58Of course I am
01:00:00That Janelle bitch, she's been arrogant for years when we were back in uni
01:00:04I'm so shocked she's still the same after all those years
01:00:07Yeah, it's hard to change one's personality
01:00:10Have I changed you?
01:00:13Yeah, I mean, you really taught me what real love is
01:00:18I had no idea before I could be like that
01:00:23How about you?
01:00:24You actually showed me what love is
01:00:27I thought I knew what is that when I was back in relationships with Leroy
01:00:32And then I found out everything he wanted is actually my family's wealth
01:00:37We've been in a relationship for years, but he never actually understood me
01:00:42He would never remember anything
01:00:45But you, you're different
01:00:48You respect me, you love me
01:00:51And you remember all those pointless anniversaries like I do
01:00:56And you would make every moment special like an occasion
01:01:00See, this marriage started as a forced one, but actually I've never been more happy
01:01:07And I love you, Karen
01:01:10I love you more, Clarissa
01:01:30I just want to say that, yeah, thank you for celebrating anniversary with me
01:01:45It's been a while that I had a special day like that
01:01:48We will celebrate a lot more anniversaries like this
01:01:51And not just in an amusement park, the zoo, botanic park
01:01:57Everywhere where we can go together
01:02:02You know, my parents died in an accident pretty much like your grandparents
01:02:07Ever since, no one has ever celebrated anything with me
01:02:11No anniversaries, no festivals, not even birthdays
01:02:16I still suspect they were murdered
01:02:19You know, my uncle and his family are still eyeing to the family's wealth
01:02:24Yeah, that's why I suspect there was foul play put into your parents' deaths when you told me about it
01:02:30You know, that's a sad story
01:02:54Hello, Anne, you are?
01:02:57Come to the Hasselhoff residence right now, Clarissa
01:03:00The girl who tried to start something with me back at the ball
01:03:05I'm not going
01:03:07Grandma told me to call you
01:03:10At least learn some respect, will you?
01:03:12Now that you are married to Kiran, that makes you part of our family
01:03:17Are you seriously going to disobey grandma?
01:03:20I'll be there in a moment
01:03:25Grandma asked me to go over to the Hasselhoff residence
01:03:30I'm going there right now
01:03:32When's Clarissa coming?
01:03:35She's coming after I told her it's a request from your grandma
01:03:39Honestly, she only cares about Kiran's money
01:03:42Cheated on her ex
01:03:44I have no idea what Kiran sees in her
01:03:47His head already heals for that woman
01:03:50Don't fall for her tricks, grandma
01:03:55Knock, knock, knock
01:03:58Speak the devil, it must be her
01:04:02Hello, grandmother
01:04:04You've never come here once after the marriage
01:04:07Do you think of me that lowly?
01:04:09I'm sorry, grandmother
01:04:11Kiran's busy at work
01:04:13And it'd be inappropriate if I came on my own, so I never did
01:04:16Now that you're married to Kiran
01:04:19You'd better stay in line and don't cause any trouble
01:04:24You'd better stay at home and be a good wife
01:04:31If I find out
01:04:34You've stepped out of line in any way
01:04:37I guess she's not easy to get along with
01:04:41I'm going to make sure you learn a hard lesson
01:04:45Yes, grandmother
01:04:50Your visit is an insult to this household, it's self-used goods
01:04:55Mrs. Hussle has only let you in because she's kind
01:04:58I'm Kiran's wife now, which makes me the lady of the house
01:05:02Insult me and you're going to insult Carol and the whole household
01:05:06Why you even
01:05:07What? You're going to insult your employer further?
01:05:10Who are you following me?
01:05:20Grandma told me to send you off
01:05:22I can go home by myself
01:05:24You're refusing my offer? Why?
01:05:27You think you're too good for me, your grandma?
01:05:34Just because grandma's polite to you, doesn't mean you're part of us
01:05:38Just because Kiran's nice to you, doesn't mean you're really his wife
01:05:43Selene's his true love, you're just her replacement
01:05:49Who's Selene? Kiran never told me about her
01:05:53Please, don't tell me you don't know who Selene is
01:05:56Kiran never told you
01:06:00She's his beloved
01:06:03Kiran spent a long time departing her, but she went overseas to chase her dreams
01:06:09You do resemble Selene a little at a closer look
01:06:13So that's why Kiran likes you so much
01:06:16So stunning, so to speak
01:06:20If Kiran doesn't like me, I should hear that from him, not from someone else
01:06:26Yeah, keep up the tough act
01:06:28Once Selene comes back, you're getting kicked out of the house
01:06:37Where are you going?
01:06:41Get out of my car
01:06:44What part of get out of my car don't you understand?
01:06:47I thought grandmother told you to take me home, what are you doing?
01:06:51You're getting me nervous, I don't want to take you home anymore, get out, now
01:07:21Get out
01:07:44You're awake
01:07:49I've been having nightmares for you for a while now
01:07:54And the perfect chance popped up
01:07:58I have to thank this terrier for living in a remote area
01:08:05Anne, your parents brought this to themselves, it has nothing to do with me
01:08:10Nothing will change even if you kidnap me
01:08:13Nothing to do with you
01:08:15If you hadn't have looked in the case, they would never have been arrested, you're a witch
01:08:20If it weren't for you, my family would still be standing right now
01:08:28I told you they brought this to themselves
01:08:31And if you're playing the fair game, it's all your fault
01:08:35If you haven't set me up, steal Leroy away and give me to Kiran
01:08:40Steal Leroy away and give me to Kiran, none of this would have happened
01:08:44I would probably still be stupidly in love with Leroy and couple up this fake love
01:08:49But thanks to you I ran into Kiran
01:08:56You're still running your mouth
01:08:59How long have you been lost?
01:09:04Anne, do it
01:09:07She's yours
01:09:10You can do whatever you want with her
01:09:15Better if she dies in the end
01:09:25I'm going to enjoy this pretty one
01:09:41Kiran, let her go
01:09:57Did Kiran save me? I think I saw him stand up
01:10:02Kiran, it's me, I'm Zunko
01:10:05Please, please tell Mr. Dopp Hasselhoff the spirit
01:10:08What happened to her?
01:10:10You don't know, Mr. Hasselhoff broke her legs and slammed her behind bars
01:10:15She's still young, she can't have her life ruined
01:10:19She deserved it
01:10:22If Kiran hadn't shown up in time, she would have been dead
01:10:27She deserved it
01:10:29If Kiran hadn't shown up in time, my life would be ruined even more
01:10:41Oh, you're awake, who was it that called you?
01:10:44Anne's uncle
01:10:46Gets when she hurts my woman
01:10:49Oh, about your legs
01:10:54Um, about that
01:10:57Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but my legs are all healed up
01:11:13I'm pretending to be crippled
01:11:16Because I know someone there in my family, out from my blood
01:11:19He would only put his guard down if I was weak
01:11:22Only then he would try to attack me
01:11:24But when that happens, I can wit him out
01:11:27Sorry, are you mad at me?
01:11:29I wanted to tell you before, but I just didn't know how to
01:11:41I won't be mad at you about this
01:11:44I know you have your own business, and I trust you
01:11:53I love you, Kiran
01:11:55That's why I trust you unconditionally
01:11:58I love you too
01:12:00So, can I?