• 2 months ago
Blindness: A Fight for Survival in a World Overrun by Magic

The story unfolds in a world afflicted by a deadly virus that blinds people, including the unborn, leading to a struggle for survival and hope. A brave army led by Kreens seeks out individuals who can see and harness their abilities against the forces of darkness. Baba, a strong leader from the Kabyle tribe, unites his community and fights to protect his family, showcasing the importance of valor and leadership. Meanwhile, Sardar’s plan to escape with his children through a hidden path introduces tension as new magicians threaten the tribes. As they confront these dangers, disbelief among the council members leads to tragic losses. Kafan's family's determination to find him highlights the strength of familial bonds, while the Queen's decisions stir political unrest, paving the way for potential rebellion. This narrative illustrates themes of sacrifice, responsibility, and the consequences of power dynamics in society.
