• last year
SHIVER ME TIMBERS Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis:In Northern California during the summer of 1986, Olive Oyl, along with her cinema- obsessed friends and brother Castor, embark on a once-in-a-lifetime camping trip to witness the dazzling meteor shower accompanying the arrival of Halley's comet. But what starts as a serene evening of stargazing quickly turns into a harrowing nightmare when a meteor from the comet transforms Popeye, into a terrifying and unstoppable killing machine.

Directed by: Paul Stephen Mann
Release date: TBD 2025/2026 (US)
00:00There's films that inspire. Films that will move you to tears.
00:07This is not one of those films.
00:10This film's got blood.
00:14This film's got gut.
00:17You sure you ain't smoking that shit?
00:19They're smoking that shit.
00:22This film's got meteors.
00:25Don't touch it!
00:26They're evil.
00:27This film's got sex.
00:29Give me some sugar, baby.
00:31This film's got drugs.
00:35And rock and roll.
00:47That was close.
00:51I'm telling you, when you're gone, you're gone.
00:56Shiver Me Timbers. Coming soon.
00:59Shiver Me Timbers. Coming soon.