• 5 hours ago
Join members of the development team for a deep dive into Star Citizen 1.0 in this stage presentation from CitizenCon 2954, including a discussion and overview of Star Citizen 1.0, what Star Citizen is, what's being added in version 1.0, the main story, star systems, guilds, professions, the gameplay loops, player vs player, and much more from this sandbox MMO.
00:00:00Well, I hope you had a great day yesterday, and, by the way, there's a perfect run-through
00:00:18that Rich did immediately after the show.
00:00:21He went back to the office, ran it through, no crashes, no nothing, it's up on YouTube,
00:00:27and, by the way, that's a dedication of Rich, he's like, okay, I'm going to get it done
00:00:32properly, and he did it, and it looks great, and it doesn't have any screen tearing, because
00:00:38there was some screen tearing, there was a technical glitch in the set-up yesterday.
00:00:42So anyway, watch that, and if you're doing comparisons to the old stuff, compare with
00:00:47that video, not from the stream.
00:00:51But anyway, I hope you guys liked this morning, there was the base building, the crafting,
00:00:58the ships you'll be able to do it, I mean, for me, the ability to sort of create your
00:01:02own place somewhere in the verse, find the perfect spot for you to make your home or
00:01:08harvest resources, it totally changes the dynamic of what the game will be in terms
00:01:16of exploration, and people spreading out, and I think putting roots down in the verse,
00:01:22so I can't wait until we get that in there, I mean, that's one of the things that makes
00:01:25me incredibly excited, because I think it will just add so much to a living, breathing
00:01:33But that is a perfect example of Star Citizen, how it's grown over the last 12 years, because
00:01:41we definitely did not have that on the initial Kickstarter or the pitches that we were doing.
00:01:48And you know, Star Citizen is a living game, and we're constantly always adding content
00:01:53and features and tech, as you can see, we're constantly upgrading what we're doing on the
00:01:57graphics side, making it better and always improving it, and even after we would consider
00:02:02it a released or a shipped game, not an alpha game, we will still be doing that, so it will
00:02:09be a living game, we'll never do Star Citizen 2.0, it will always be Star Citizen that will
00:02:16continue to grow, it won't be like, oh, we're going to do Destiny 2 after Destiny 1, it
00:02:20will just be a living, growing product.
00:02:26I don't mean that as a knocker to them, I just mean that in today's world, you constantly
00:02:34upgrade and improve things.
00:02:38The big question really is, at what point would we at CIG, what point would I, what
00:02:45point would the rest of the team consider Star Citizen ready for everybody?
00:02:49Not just you guys out here, who are beautiful, wonderful, early adopters, willing to put
00:02:56up with bugs, jankiness, not a great new player experience, we know all those things are things
00:03:03that we want to fix and improve, and we want a game that everyone can just get into at
00:03:09the beginning, understand it, have fun, pulls you into it, and then has a huge amount of
00:03:15So the question is, what is that?
00:03:18And that is what we call Star Citizen 1.0.
00:03:21It's something that we've been talking and looking and designing and thinking a lot about
00:03:25over the past X number of years, and now we thought, you know what?
00:03:30What we should do, because I think half our sort of initial stuff is from a long time
00:03:36ago that you've seen, and then occasionally we'll talk about things we're doing inside
00:03:41Star Citizens or SE Lives, but we're like, okay, let's tell everyone the marker.
00:03:46This is what it is.
00:03:47Star Citizen 1.0, when we hit this, this is what we consider, we're ready to go wide.
00:03:54Everybody in the world can get in, play it, whether you're hardcore or casual, have fun,
00:04:00play in the verse, interact, have a great time.
00:04:03And so that is what we're going to tell you today, is what we consider Star Citizen 1.0.
00:04:08That doesn't mean, as I said, that we'll stop at that point, we'll continue to grow and
00:04:14build and add things.
00:04:16So phishing is not on Star Citizen 1.0's list, but I'm pretty sure, I know, but I'm pretty
00:04:22sure it will be not that long after 1.0.
00:04:28But that is the example.
00:04:29We're going to tell you what the marker is, and to do that, Rich Tyra, who's our Senior
00:04:34Game Director, is going to come out with a few of our other directors, and we'll lead
00:04:39you through what 1.0 will be.
00:04:41So without further ado, Rich Tyra.
00:04:45All right, Rich, don't crash.
00:04:52Hello, CitizenCon.
00:04:57So my name is Rich Tyra, and I'm the Senior Game Director for Star Citizen and Squadron
00:05:02Now, I've been at Cloud Imperium for many years, and I've read many, many Spectrum and
00:05:09Reddit posts, and one consistent question I always see is, what type of game is Star
00:05:18And I've read many, many answers.
00:05:22It's a PvE game.
00:05:23It's a PvP game.
00:05:25What about non-combat?
00:05:26Ultimately, it's all three.
00:05:30Three types of players, one universe.
00:05:35So how do we connect those players to create a cohesive game, and not just a set of features
00:05:41bolted together?
00:05:43And it comes back to that elegant, simple question.
00:05:47What type of game is Star Citizen?
00:05:50Well, today, we're going to find out.
00:05:54Okay, so before we get stuck into Star Citizen 1.0, I think I need to clarify a few things.
00:06:00Firstly, what about 4.0?
00:06:02Where does that fit in?
00:06:03Well, 4.0 is the patch that contains server meshing and pyro, and fundamentally, it's
00:06:09an alpha development patch, which means it's adding further tech, features, and content
00:06:16to our alpha version of the game.
00:06:19Today, though, it's beyond 4.0, all the way to 1.0.
00:06:24And the big difference is that 1.0 is the full release of the game.
00:06:29Okay, so what does that mean?
00:06:32How will it be different to a normal patch?
00:06:34Well, firstly, let's look at the 1.
00:06:38The 1 means we're committing to higher base performance and minimal bugs.
00:06:43No longer will we reference that the game is in development.
00:06:47This will be a fully released and polished experience.
00:06:51It means fully rounded gameplay loops, from new player experience to story missions and
00:06:57end game content.
00:06:58And crucially, it means no more resets between patches.
00:07:03It's a true persistent universe.
00:07:15So if that's the 1, what about the .0?
00:07:17Well, it's just as important.
00:07:20It means we're still committed to continued development, with new content and features
00:07:25being planned post 1.0.
00:07:29But those features will no longer be tier 0.
00:07:32We'll be committing to a higher benchmark of quality for each patch, and most importantly,
00:07:40it's a moment in time.
00:07:42If there is a content, feature, or star system that we've mentioned in the past that is not
00:07:48in 1.0, it just means it will come later.
00:07:521.0 is more than just a number change.
00:07:57It's the beginning of a new phase of development of the game.
00:08:00Okay, so we know what the 1 is and the .0, but before we move on, I want to address one
00:08:07important point.
00:08:09And for this, we need to go all the way back to the beginning.
00:08:13Here we are.
00:08:14The Kickstarter.
00:08:15As a backer myself, it brings back memories.
00:08:19And it also reminds me we had a lot of stretch goals.
00:08:22And one of those goals was 100 star systems.
00:08:30But, and there is a but, the star systems of old are not the star systems of today.
00:08:40They were based on the privateer and freelancer model.
00:08:44They were unexplorable planets with an isolated and small landing zone and had automated landings.
00:08:50And we all know how that went.
00:08:53To give you an idea, Stanton had four points of interest, and the entire 100 systems only
00:09:00had 90 POIs.
00:09:03Compare that to Stanton today, and we have 1,626 points of interest, and that is going
00:09:10to be dwarfed once we start using the Starcotech tool you saw yesterday.
00:09:18So, where does that leave us for 1.0?
00:09:25Well, we will not be launching with 100 star systems, because the game we have today was
00:09:31not just the game that was pitched back then.
00:09:35It's more rich.
00:09:36It's more diverse.
00:09:38And fundamentally, you will be getting a whole lot more, and I mean a lot more.
00:09:44So, now I've defined what 1.0 is.
00:09:46Let's get into the cool stuff.
00:09:50Star Citizen, by its very nature, is a sandbox MMO.
00:09:53Today, you as a player have to find the fun.
00:09:57You have to figure out what you can do and how to do it.
00:10:01If you want to be a hauler or salvager, you have to know those professions exist.
00:10:06You have to know what ships support that gameplay.
00:10:11And you have to rely on outside resources for help.
00:10:14As it is now, the game is not set up to help you.
00:10:18So, we're going to add a soft framework, a nervous system that connects all the professions,
00:10:26ships and content together.
00:10:28And to do this, we're going to add a main story.
00:10:34To help new and existing players, to help discover all the exciting features and content
00:10:50we have.
00:10:52To take them on a journey of discovery of what the game has to offer.
00:10:58This story will become the spine of the universe and help on-board players with understanding
00:11:03how to play the game and understand what's available to them.
00:11:09This story will also introduce each of our guilds and what professions we have to offer.
00:11:15Like the United Resource Workers, our core industrial guild, which supports two of our
00:11:21main professions, mining and salvaging.
00:11:25They also support many other features and professions, like repair technician, crafter
00:11:30and builder.
00:11:32Guilds are hugely important in Star Citizen.
00:11:35And as you know by now, guilds are comprised of many factions.
00:11:41As you work for each of these factions, you will gain guild reputation.
00:11:46You can then use this reputation as a currency to purchase guild-affiliated rewards.
00:11:52Like ships, blueprints and items.
00:11:55And each guild will have a unique inventory of what they offer.
00:12:01Alongside economic growth, guild reputation will become a core progression of the game.
00:12:07And to talk more about guilds and our main story, I'd like to introduce David Haddock
00:12:12onto the stage.
00:12:13Our very own narrative director.
00:12:24Thank you, Rich.
00:12:25Hello, CitizenCon.
00:12:26How's it going?
00:12:29So yes, 1.0 is very exciting and it's going to provide us probably our first real opportunity
00:12:35to finally inject a massive amount of narrative into the game.
00:12:40But we're looking to do that in several ways.
00:12:42Now Rich introduced the main story, so let's get into it.
00:12:46What exactly is that?
00:12:47First, it's a narrative experience.
00:12:50This will be a crafted story through the star systems and professions of the Star Citizen
00:12:54universe taking players on an exciting adventure that will finally kick off the growing tension
00:13:00between Earth and Terra.
00:13:05It will be NPC driven.
00:13:07So while Squadron 42 will always be the place to go for AAA cinematic adventure, we're bringing
00:13:13a lot of the techniques that we learned from that to capture and build a cast of dynamic
00:13:18characters some of which may be familiar for both this story and the PU.
00:13:25And the main story is also designed to be sort of like a tour bus structure where you
00:13:30can hop on and hop off at any time you want to.
00:13:33So we're not also requiring you to do it.
00:13:36So if you want to log in day one and just go off and do your thing, you can do that.
00:13:40Or maybe you want to put the story on hold so you can go explore a new facet of gameplay
00:13:45that you just discovered.
00:13:46Go for it.
00:13:47The point is that you can complete it at your own pace.
00:13:52So that's the what.
00:13:54So why do you want to do this?
00:13:56What's the motivation to want to go on this ride?
00:13:58Like Rich said, for new players, it's a great way to ease into sort of the vast lore that
00:14:03we've been developing over 12 years, the gameplay, the locations that the game has to offer,
00:14:08and also give you a sense of upcoming stories that are about to come.
00:14:12But you all, you've been playing Star Citizen for years.
00:14:16You probably know the lore better than me.
00:14:18So what's in it for you?
00:14:20Now of course, we'll have rewards along the way as you complete missions and whatnot.
00:14:25But we're finally going to offer a big prize for completing the story.
00:14:32So for many of you already know this, but for the uninitiated and the UEE, there are
00:14:46citizens and there are civilians.
00:14:48Citizens are members of the population who have demonstrated a commitment to bettering
00:14:53the empire, and as such are given benefits that civilians just don't have.
00:14:58Now what those differences have been, have been debated in the community over years.
00:15:041.0, we're finally going to answer that debate.
00:15:08I won't get into the full list of benefits that we're going to offer, but can reveal
00:15:11that one of them will be around land ownership.
00:15:15Citizens will be able to purchase land anywhere in the UEE and enjoy the security that comes
00:15:19with it, but civilians will have a couple of restrictions as to which systems and which
00:15:24planets they can buy on.
00:15:27So that's the why.
00:15:29So where is this adventure going to take you?
00:15:32Well 1.0 is going to include five star systems.
00:15:36This story is going to weave you through all of them, but where exactly are you going to
00:15:42First we've got Stanton, which needs very little introduction.
00:15:46I'm sure you're all very intimately familiar with these four corporate run worlds, but
00:15:51since I do lore, I figure I could take the next hour and just walk through each one of
00:15:54these, but I'm kidding.
00:15:58We've also got Pyro, land of the lawless, a volatile star at the center of the system
00:16:03is the perfect metaphor for the constant struggle between the gangs and survivors trying to
00:16:07hack out in existence here.
00:16:10If you saw Ian's location presentation yesterday, then you know that he reintroduced Nick's
00:16:16There's another unclaimed system that's currently home to the People's Alliance, a wannabe independent
00:16:21government formed during the Messer era, but now struggling with the burdens of governance,
00:16:26a growing outlaw present, and a new threat on their doorstep from vandal raids.
00:16:33Ian also made another big announcement of our fourth system, Castra.
00:16:38Founded along the former Perry line, this was a key strategic system to launch an attack
00:16:42if the Cold War between the humans and the Xi'an ever escalated.
00:16:46So that's four.
00:16:48Do you guys want to know five?
00:16:51Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:17:10We're finally doing it.
00:17:11Considered by many to be the new jewel of the empire, Terra has been a shining star
00:17:15against the more imperialistic tendencies of Earth, even in the darkest days of the
00:17:19Messer regime.
00:17:21Now many believe that Terra should be the new center of the UEE.
00:17:25I don't know how you all feel about that.
00:17:28Yeah, a lot of division.
00:17:31But that's our starting five.
00:17:33Each system and each planet will be featuring the massive level of outposts, POIs, stations,
00:17:39biomes, and exploration options that we've been perfecting with Stanton and Pyro, and
00:17:44you've been seeing in some of the other presentations this weekend.
00:17:47But we're adding one more level.
00:17:50We're also going to be adding location stories.
00:17:53These will be short, NPC-driven missions sprinkled across our landing zones and cities that will
00:17:58exist outside of the main story, but will help provide an additional bit of lore and
00:18:03character to the location that they take place in.
00:18:07So that's our main story.
00:18:09Let's talk more about the guilds that Rich mentioned.
00:18:12First a quick recap.
00:18:14Guilds act as a governing body for clusters of professions and factions with a reputation
00:18:19and progression system that will offer rewards the more you work for them.
00:18:23I want to call out two things.
00:18:25One, I'm not going to have time to dive into all of the missions that you're going to see
00:18:29on this board, but just know that every mission type is either in the 1.0 roadmap or already
00:18:35in production.
00:18:37And second, we're also looking to move missions away from the Moby Glass whenever possible.
00:18:43Sure, it will always be an easy way for us to get additional game content in, but we
00:18:47want you talking with people.
00:18:50So to aid that, we're going to be adding characters to represent the factions that you'll be working
00:19:00for that will help sell their personality.
00:19:03Now some, they'll still interact with you via the written word, but some will call and
00:19:08check in on your performance, and others you may have to meet in person from time to time.
00:19:13So let's walk through them.
00:19:16Here we have the first guild that Rich showed, the United Resource Workers.
00:19:19Whether you're eager to earn credits, mining valuable resources from remote corners of
00:19:23the universe, sifting through detritus to try and salvage some valuable components,
00:19:29or even just acting as a technician, you'll find plenty to do with employers like Shubin
00:19:33Interstellar, United Wayfarers Club, and more.
00:19:37Next, you have one of the oldest unions in the UEE, the Interstellar Transport Guild.
00:19:44This will be the go-to place for everybody looking to make their fortune hauling and
00:19:49Some of the factions that many of you already work for now, such as Ling Family Hauling,
00:19:54Redwind, and FTL.
00:19:55And we're going to be adding something special for the daredevils out there, the Imperial
00:20:00Sports Federation.
00:20:09So aside from the usual racetracks that are both legitimate and illegitimate, we're actually
00:20:13going to be leveraging some of our existing mechanics to build new sports and provide
00:20:17an outlet for all you Murray Cup enthusiasts, cargo Olympians, and competitors to see just
00:20:23who's the best out there.
00:20:26For those who dream of exploring, I'm sure we have a couple here.
00:20:34We have the Academy of Sciences that was brought up yesterday in the social presentation, if
00:20:37you saw that.
00:20:38This is a science guild that will include factions like the Imperial Cartography Center,
00:20:43who will task you with a variety of missions to better understand our universe, such as
00:20:47sending you into a nebula to do deep scans, or finally seeing what's at the bottom of
00:20:52that planetary canyon.
00:20:55We're going to have a new faction called Highpoint Wilderness Specialists, who will offer missions
00:20:59associated with the various fauna that we're starting to get into the game, from population
00:21:04control missions to harvesting specific resources for research.
00:21:10I don't know if we have some people who like to do combat, but our combat guilds are doing
00:21:14something a little different.
00:21:16Previous to this, these were all of our profession guilds, but for our combat guilds, they operate
00:21:21a little differently.
00:21:22These two are diametrically opposed to each other.
00:21:26Once you pledge allegiance to one, the other marks you as an enemy.
00:21:32On the lawful side, we have the Mercenary Guild.
00:21:35They represent factions like Eckhart Security, the Bounty Hunters Guild, and even some military
00:21:42So whether you're pulling together a team of specialists to go assault a ground base,
00:21:47hunting down an elusive criminal, or putting together a recon run to drum up some intel,
00:21:53Mercenary Guild's got you covered.
00:21:56On the flip side, we have the Council.
00:21:59This is a shadowy group comprised of representatives from various gangs, syndicates, and outlaws
00:22:04who mandate criminal activity throughout the Verse.
00:22:08You'll be able to throw in with rough-and-tumble gangs like the Headhunters and the Dead Saints,
00:22:13or work your way up to join high-line criminal syndicates like the Atonies or the Dropkings.
00:22:17But remember, the Underworld is a dangerous place run by greed and power, so Mercenary
00:22:23Guild reps might not be the only people you have to worry about, as the syndicates are
00:22:27always looking for loyal soldiers who will hurt their competition and tip the scales
00:22:31of power in their favor.
00:22:35So as you can see, there's going to be a universe of exciting storytelling opportunities for
00:22:40you to undertake in 1.0.
00:22:42But one more thing, we're also going to revitalize our social behaviors to make the populations
00:22:48not only feel more alive and reactive and off chairs, but better reflect the tone and
00:22:53flavor of the areas that they're inhabiting.
00:22:56We want to see the people of Lorville slowly trudging through the streets, overburdened
00:23:02by the ruthless contracts, just as much as we want to see the tourists of Orison gleefully
00:23:06moving from attraction to attraction.
00:23:10And all of this, this is what's going to make Star Citizen be the experience we set out
00:23:15to make.
00:23:16A diverse universe with a rich tapestry of stories, characters, and experiences for you
00:23:25to live in.
00:23:28To talk more about how all this feeds back into player progression, I'm going to turn
00:23:31it back over to Rich Tyre.
00:23:34Thanks Dave, smashed it.
00:23:46Thanks Dave.
00:23:47Okay, so we have a main story to connect the universe, we have all the guilds and their
00:23:52associated professions, and we have location stories to give the world depth and life.
00:23:59Crucially though, we have a new core progression in the game, guild reputation.
00:24:04But what about our other core progression in the game?
00:24:08The economy.
00:24:09So as we've discussed before, we'll be implementing a star sim powered dynamic economy that will
00:24:16automatically adjust the in-game prices based on player activity.
00:24:28But for credits to actually matter though, we need to have an economy where credits flow
00:24:33out as well as in.
00:24:35This means transactions such as repairing, refueling, and restocking need to have value.
00:24:42If everything is too cheap, and the money coming into the economy is too great, we'll
00:24:47have massive inflation.
00:24:49And this is where taxes and insurance come in.
00:25:02We'll have two main taxes, inheritance tax as part of Death of a Spaceman, and security
00:25:08tax for your base that will cover the cost of planetary shield tech.
00:25:14Insurance on the other hand will be split between medical insurance which covers your
00:25:18hospital imprints, and probably the most important one of all, ship insurance.
00:25:25Now as we have Death of a Spaceman, we also need Death of a Spaceship.
00:25:30Losing your ship should be significant.
00:25:33Right now for example, over 90% of all claims in the verse are for ships that have not been
00:25:46And this is where ship insurance and our new warranty mechanic comes in.
00:25:53First up we'll have three tiers of insurance, with level 1 being chassis insurance, level
00:25:592 chassis and component insurance, and level 3 chassis component and decorations insurance.
00:26:17Now insurance by itself will only pay out credits based on the wear and age of your
00:26:26I think you want to listen to this bit because it's important.
00:26:32Insurance with a warranty though will give you back a new ship, plus any other equipment
00:26:37or decorations based on the tier of insurance you had.
00:26:42Okay so this is the bit you need to listen to.
00:26:45All ships bought on the pledge store will come with a permanent warranty and their appropriate
00:27:03This means you will always get your ships back if they are attributed to your account.
00:27:09Other ships on the other hand will require a transferable warranty, and these are rare.
00:27:15You'll be able to earn transferable warranties in game, such as by completing the main story
00:27:20as an example, and apply them to any of the ships you own.
00:27:25But there will be a cooldown for transferring it between ships, so choose wisely.
00:27:31Now what about claim timers, it's another fun topic, and getting your ship back without
00:27:37a claim.
00:27:38Well we want claim timers to be proportional to the crafting timers.
00:27:43This means it's more beneficial for you to go back and get your original ship.
00:27:49For this we're going to be introducing a shuttle ship, just like a courtesy car.
00:28:02You'll be able to claim the shuttle at no extra cost to most locations, and then fly
00:28:07it back to your original ship.
00:28:10Once back in your ship, the shuttle will automatically return home.
00:28:22If your ship has been legitimately lost though, then you'll need to claim it back, and as
00:28:27we'll be increasing claim timers, this will mean some ships will take longer than others.
00:28:34With starter or small ships always being readily available, and larger capital sized
00:28:40ships taking a long time, so it's always better to try and get your ship back if possible.
00:28:48Okay so we've talked about our two core progressions, but what does that mean to you as a player?
00:28:55Well firstly it means we have a framework, where we can start creating cyclical gameplay
00:29:02loops, but what are they?
00:29:05Let me show you.
00:29:07Okay so right now in live, if you have a prospector, you probably enjoy mining, and the reward
00:29:13for mining is credits, and the enjoyment of the activity.
00:29:18But in 1.0 you might be mining for a whole different reason, and this is where cyclical
00:29:24gameplay loops come in.
00:29:25Firstly, let's add all the manufacturers and ships in.
00:29:30I'll just give you a moment to take that in, because there's a lot.
00:29:33I actually had to ask them to take the variants out because it didn't fit on this slide.
00:29:40And let's zoom all the way into the prospector, a stalwart of the mining community.
00:29:46But let's say I really fancy acquiring a military mark 2 Hornet.
00:29:50Let's go on a simplified journey of how I could get one.
00:29:55Firstly, I know I won't be able to buy it, as it's a military ship, so I'm going to need
00:29:59to craft it.
00:30:01That means I will need the fabrication hangar blueprint.
00:30:04Luckily I can earn it by doing mining missions to gain rep with the United Resource Workers,
00:30:10and I already have the perfect ship, my trusty prospector.
00:30:15With blueprint in hand, and some excess credits, I can now purchase a small plot of land on
00:30:19Stanton and build my fabrication hangar.
00:30:23Step one complete.
00:30:25Now I need to grab the mark 2 Hornet blueprint.
00:30:28For this, I need mercenary rep, and more importantly, a combat ship.
00:30:33With that in mind, I will do a few more mining contracts to earn enough credits to purchase
00:30:38a Mustang from the dealership.
00:30:41Now I can start doing combat pilot missions for the mercenary guild, so I can unlock the
00:30:46mark 2 Hornet blueprint.
00:30:48Okay, step two of our simplified loop is complete.
00:30:52I have the mark 2 blueprint, but I need the resources to craft it.
00:30:57So I come full circle back to my prospector, but this time I'm mining for resources instead.
00:31:03As you can see, this closes the loop.
00:31:07No longer am I mining just because I like it, and there's nothing wrong with that.
00:31:11But now I am mining for a purpose, and for multiple reasons.
00:31:15For credits, for reputation, for resources, for blueprints, and ultimately as a stepping
00:31:23stone to crafting my own ships to enjoy other professions.
00:31:28And this is just one of many loops.
00:31:30This is the core of Star Citizen 1.0.
00:31:45Player set goals that weave between sandbox gameplay and the soft framework we are adding
00:31:51that give meaning and progression to our professions and features.
00:31:56It's providing the framework for motivation to play the game.
00:32:02That's the journey though.
00:32:04What about the destination?
00:32:06So Dave has already discussed citizenship and the main story, so let's collapse that
00:32:10for now.
00:32:12Let's talk about end game content.
00:32:15The content that is designed for experienced players and keeps them engaged.
00:32:21Basically everyone in this room.
00:32:25So how does that look in 1.0?
00:32:28Firstly we'll have open world content, including missions, group missions, and server wide
00:32:33Like we have today, but tailored to end game players.
00:32:38While the sandbox element of Star Citizen will allow for large scale battles, we also
00:32:42want to provide challenging instanced content that will take full advantage of not only
00:32:47multi-crew ships, but fleets of ships.
00:32:50And you kind of know how we do that right?
00:32:52You saw that yesterday.
00:32:55And as you progress through the guilds, you'll be able to accept high level contracts from
00:32:59government agencies who will offer prototype and military blueprints as rewards.
00:33:06These missions will require the full coordination of multiple players, and an assorted fleet
00:33:13of capital, support, and fighter ships.
00:33:17You will finally be able to become the admiral of the fleet, directing your armada from your
00:33:22holo-globe, which yes, is a feature included in 1.0.
00:33:35We will also be offering more specialized on foot missions that see you enter the depths
00:33:39of distribution centers and municipal works in small tight knit squads that provide an
00:33:45outlet for our more FPS focused players.
00:33:49On top of all this will sit a dynamic layer powered by Star Sim.
00:33:53While Star Sim will be the driving force in our dynamic economy, it will also track player
00:33:58and AI activity, and dynamically spawn events based on their actions.
00:34:04For example, if it tracks large amounts of resources being moved from one home location
00:34:08to another, it will have a chance to spawn pirates to intercept.
00:34:14All this combined will provide just a portion of the end game experience, and I'd love to
00:34:19delve deeper, but that's for another day as we still have a lot to show.
00:34:24So we've discussed non-combat professions and guilds, cyclical gameplay loops, and end
00:34:30game PvE content, but what about PvP?
00:34:34What about player versus player content?
00:34:41As you know, 1.0 will contain 5 star systems, 3 of these being Lawful in Stanton, Castra,
00:34:47and Terra, and 2 of them being Unlawful in Pyro and Nyx.
00:34:51So what's the difference?
00:34:53Let's take a look at Stanton.
00:34:56Lawful systems will be a mixture of high, medium, and low security areas.
00:35:01Each of these areas will be monitored by law enforcement agencies, and depending on the
00:35:05location will dictate the emergency response time, with high sec areas being the fastest.
00:35:13Usually this response will be measured, but over time will escalate to overwhelming force.
00:35:20This means if someone is attacked, if they can just hold out for a short duration, help
00:35:25will be on the way.
00:35:28Pirates will be able to disrupt this monitoring by shutting down the nearby comrades, but
00:35:33this will be highlighted in your star map, with dynamic missions being generated to bring
00:35:37it back online.
00:35:40But this is the PVP you already know and experience right now, just without security forces.
00:35:46But before we jump into an unlawful system, let's explore what options you have if you
00:35:51pirate a ship.
00:35:53Ok, so first up let's discuss ownership.
00:35:56All ships and high value items that you own will automatically be assigned to you.
00:36:03This means if someone steals your ship, you can mark it as stolen, either via an insurance
00:36:08claim or in your mobi.
00:36:11This will then trigger a dead man switch on the stolen ship, meaning it will cease to
00:36:16function after a period of time.
00:36:19But what options does this leave as a pirate?
00:36:22Well you can still salvage it, you can tow it back to your fabrication hanker to dismantle
00:36:28it for resources, or if you have a high enough rep with the council, our criminal guild,
00:36:35you can get the dead man switch disabled and pay for a new title deed to become its
00:36:40new owner.
00:36:51Also if you're in a lawful system, you'll need to find a transient jump tunnel, as all
00:36:56major locations and POIs will have custom security that will scan you on arrival.
00:37:03Ok, so with that out of the way, let's look at the unlawful system in Pyro.
00:37:10Unlawful systems have no laws at all, and with that comes opportunity.
00:37:15Pyro as an example has an abundance of high quality resources, and is a hotbed of criminal
00:37:21activity, the literal definition of high risk, high reward.
00:37:27With crafting now requiring resources, you're going to want to create bases to mine and
00:37:33extract them.
00:37:35This is where base raiding will become a new form of PvP, and it's founded on a combined
00:37:41arms ethos.
00:37:44Defending players will be able to add defences such as walls, automated turrets, and most
00:37:48importantly ground shields, a localised version of the planetary shields used in lawful systems
00:37:55that absorb the most powerful of weaponry.
00:37:58No longer can you just turn up and drop a MOAB.
00:38:10One huge difference though, compared to planetary shields, is that these shields can be disabled.
00:38:17You will have to strategically assess each base and punch your way through its defences
00:38:22on foot to eventually bring down the shield generator.
00:38:26Once the shield is down, then you have options.
00:38:29You want to raise it to the ground, you can bomb it from the air.
00:38:33If you want to extract all the resources though, you'll need to infiltrate the base using explosive
00:38:39charges and hacking while fighting off the defenders.
00:38:43Now both piracy and base raiding is founded on sandbox gameplay, and again, that's the
00:38:49essence of Star Citizen.
00:38:52But we want to add more.
00:38:54Something where you can log on and immediately find the action and fight for a purpose.
00:39:01So first up, let's go on a history lesson.
00:39:04In the early 2600s, there was a fledgling corporation called SEAL that had developed
00:39:09a new system-wide planetary shield technology.
00:39:13The same technology that will provide protection for your bases today.
00:39:19To prove this tech, they wanted to use Nix and Pyro systems as a testbed.
00:39:24With the promise of high-quality resources, SEAL lured independent miners to man the shield
00:39:30network in exchange for shield protection for their settlements.
00:39:35As a prototype, SEAL couldn't provide total coverage over all the mining settlements,
00:39:41and so they created the SEAL Tokens program, allowing the most industrious factions to
00:39:48purchase shield coverage for their work.
00:39:51The network consisted of multiple linked bases on the ground, that then linked to several
00:39:58stations in orbit around each planet, that then connected to the nearest relay in the
00:40:04shield network, which eventually linked back to the shield core, which oversaw system-wide
00:40:11distribution of the shield technology.
00:40:17Factions could then earn SEAL Tokens for working on any part of the network.
00:40:24They could then use these Tokens to buy shield coverage, but with the competition amongst
00:40:30factions being so intense, SEAL was only able to offer shielding to the hardest workers.
00:40:37Unfortunately, due to outlaw interference, SEAL eventually pulled out of Pyro and Nix,
00:40:43and pushed for a more automated solution in more civilized systems.
00:40:50So fast forward to present day, without SEAL's backing, they had to pull out and leave it
00:40:56as it is.
00:40:57And welcome to Station Warfare.
00:41:09With the SEAL network still in place, but lacking resources, Orgs can take ownership
00:41:14of these structures to gain access to planetary shield tech, which as you know, would make
00:41:21their bases invulnerable.
00:41:23Unfortunately, there's a catch, there isn't enough to go around, and as in the good old
00:41:29SEAL days, the system still works via the SEAL Token program.
00:41:34To earn Tokens, you'll have to assault a location, and then deposit resources to power
00:41:39the network.
00:41:41This begins with ground bases, and ends at the shield core.
00:41:46Each structure occupied will then accrue SEAL Tokens over time, with larger structures earning
00:41:52more, and at the end of each week, you must then use these Tokens to purchase shield protection.
00:41:59With shield coverage being limited though, the system automatically selects the Orgs
00:42:05with the highest bid from across all shards.
00:42:11Meaning for that week only, a certain number of Orgs will gain access to shield protection.
00:42:18So this is a chance for your Org to become the de facto leader of a system.
00:42:23It means you'll be able to log on, and immediately find the action, and fight for your Org.
00:42:29And finally, it's not just sandbox PvP or ganking, you are fighting for a purpose.
00:42:37So once you have won your bid, what then?
00:42:39Well, to talk more about that, I'd like to welcome Ian Leyland, Star Citizen's Creative
00:42:45Director to the stage.
00:42:48Alright, hello CitizenCon!
00:43:03Thank you Rich, thank you Dave.
00:43:05So to continue the conversation of large-scale end-game Org activities, let's go back to
00:43:12Pyro III, where the ground bases were being built earlier today.
00:43:18This morning we saw the small habitat being built by Luke, and then we saw Deck start
00:43:24to expand the base into a commercial enterprise.
00:43:30But eventually, we saw a massive example of an Org base.
00:43:35But with everything Rich was talking about, with Org system-wide activities, we want to
00:43:42give you guys the ultimate end goal.
00:43:47But also, the thing we need to protect.
00:43:52And to do that, let's look up into the sky, and see what it is.
00:45:47Let me introduce you to Player Space Stations.
00:46:14Finally you can build your home amongst the stars.
00:46:19This will be the starting point for your base of operations, for system-wide Org activities.
00:46:26But why is this an end goal?
00:46:29Well first of all, to construct your own space station, it's going to require vast quantities
00:46:36of resources and materials.
00:46:39And also will be a large time investment.
00:46:42But how do we start?
00:46:46Well it all starts with the supply bay.
00:46:51And the supply bay can only be constructed by the pioneer.
00:47:05Once it's created, the supply bay then handles the creation of the station itself.
00:47:13Now we're in grey box development phase, so the artwork's not final, but let's go on a
00:47:18journey and start building our space base.
00:49:03Awesome, awesome.
00:49:32So as you saw, the cargo grid of the supply bay consumes resources.
00:49:38And the required resources will be substantial, and will need to be topped up over time.
00:49:45So this means Orgs will be encouraged to have efficient logistic networks to feed the supply
00:49:53And as Rich outlined with Professions, it's ideal if your Org is well-rounded in terms
00:50:00of roles.
00:50:02Even the starter player can contribute.
00:50:06The supply bay has automated construction zones, which are used to create the station.
00:50:13And unlike ground bases, many drones are used at once to create the base.
00:50:19Once the station is built, the supply bay then integrates into the station itself.
00:50:26So here we are, we've built our core station module, and it's big.
00:50:34And out of the box, the station comes readily built with some core functionality.
00:50:39Let me talk you through it.
00:50:42Right on the top is the bridge, which is the command deck.
00:50:45This is where all further construction is going to be managed.
00:50:50From here, we can then monitor the status of the entire station.
00:50:56We have access to power and water management.
00:50:59Power and cooling is something you'll need to consider carefully.
00:51:05It also is an area to set permissions for who can enter particular areas, either divided
00:51:11by the ranks of the Org itself, or open to the public.
00:51:15And there will be a radar station to track the activity outside the base.
00:51:21And the terminals to access logs of who has visited the station and see what they did.
00:51:26So let's jump back in game and take a stroll through our bridge.
00:52:45So let's do that.
00:53:13Super awesome.
00:53:15The back of the bridge leads to a centralized transit network.
00:53:20This spine physically connects the entire station, and will provide access to the various
00:53:29Each level in the station will have a centralized lobby area.
00:53:34And this is your station.
00:53:36You'll be able to use the decorator mode, so you'll have plenty of space to theme it
00:53:41however you want.
00:53:44And speaking of having plenty of space, this space station will have a one-to-one interior
00:53:50layout matching the exterior.
00:53:53No magic elevators.
00:54:02So you can circumnavigate around the entire perimeter.
00:54:06And it's wonderful.
00:54:09Let's jump back in.
00:54:37All right.
00:55:08As you can see, right at the bottom of the central transit system leads to the lower
00:55:14This is where you'll gain access to the engineering deck.
00:55:18So like bigger ships, this is where all the hands-on engineering and maintenance gameplay
00:55:25This will serve as the beating heart of your station.
00:55:30Then we have the hangar deck.
00:55:33And as the name implies, this is where you'll gain access to your hangar network.
00:55:39The base station comes with a large hangar already built, along with two docking collars.
00:55:46And also empty slots for another two medium hangars when needed.
00:55:52There'll be a vast network of internal road systems, meaning you can quickly drive from
00:55:58hangar to the other.
00:56:00No elevators needed.
00:56:03Let's get back in.
00:56:50All right.
00:57:19So your station hangar will offer some enhanced logistics.
00:57:25For example, there'll be spaces for several freight elevators.
00:57:31And there'll be empty modules for open ship parking for vehicles and ground vehicles.
00:57:38And there'll be also exit points.
00:57:40We can simply drive out into your station.
00:57:45Then there'll be also an upper level for the observation deck.
00:57:50From the observation deck, you'll have a control room.
00:57:54And from here, you'll have master control over the freight elevators and the vehicle
00:58:01This means that even before someone has landed, their new cargo can be up into the hangar
00:58:07and ready to be loaded up.
00:58:10Now, everything we've spoken about so far is what comes with your station.
00:58:17Let's talk about what you can do to expand it.
00:58:24As I mentioned before, the station comes with a predetermined interior network of corridors
00:58:30and roads.
00:58:32And in this network, you'll find an array of bulkhead connectors.
00:58:37Bulkhead connectors will come in tiers one to three, which drives the size of room you're
00:58:42able to build.
00:58:45In the interior build mode, this is where you start to expand the interior of your station.
00:58:52The rooms will require resource and time to construct.
00:58:56And once built, you can rename each room, which will be reflected in the station's minimap.
00:59:05The interior of your station will have ample areas for you to expand.
00:59:10You can build generic empty rooms, and you can fill with items to your heart's content.
00:59:16You can also build specialist rooms, where the theme and functionality is already set
00:59:22for you, such as mess halls or infirmaries or generator rooms.
00:59:28And of course, there are shops.
00:59:31So similar to the small shops we've built around the ground base, this is on a much
00:59:36bigger scale.
00:59:38But that's just the interior.
00:59:45Let's talk about the exterior.
00:59:51On the exterior, we have minor hard points.
00:59:55These are attachment points located on the upper and lower surfaces of the station.
01:00:02Using build mode, you can customize your station with a variety of modules, which tailor it
01:00:09to specific functionality.
01:00:13Some modules cater towards resource collection, such as gas harvesters, while others are geared
01:00:18towards defense, like shields or turrets.
01:00:24This goes back to bridge operations of power management.
01:00:28A situation may arise where power priority is needed.
01:00:36Then we have major hard points.
01:00:39The core station module comes with two hard point connectors.
01:00:44Major hard points are used to connect substantial wing additions to your station.
01:00:52The first example ...
01:00:53Awesome, thank you, awesome.
01:01:07The first example is the cargo wing.
01:01:11The cargo wing will dramatically increase your inventory capacity.
01:01:17So this is ideal for orgs who are specializing in holding.
01:01:22Then we have the refinery wing.
01:01:33So you'll be able to refine resources on a vast scale.
01:01:38As it's in space, it's much more convenient than traveling to a ground base.
01:01:44Now, a player could buy resources from your cargo wing, and then refine it directly in
01:01:51the refinery wing.
01:01:54And finally, we have the hangar wing.
01:02:05So the bigger your fleet, the more hangars you'll want.
01:02:11There will be a variety of hangar sizes, as well as docking collars, to help organize
01:02:16your fleet's deployment.
01:02:20All major hard point wings are connected via struts, and like the rest of the station,
01:02:26the struts are also internally traversable.
01:02:31Okay, so let's recap on the exterior expansion wings.
01:02:38Minor hard points give us options on how to collect resources, or provide automated
01:02:43defenses for your base.
01:02:47Major hard points gives us options on how you can specialize your base.
01:02:53Let's jump back in game, and see how our base is getting on.
01:04:09All right.
01:04:25Yes, Pedro has been working with us on this as well, so thank you.
01:04:38Looking cool. Customization is just as important as expansion.
01:04:45Similar to ground bases, you'll be able to earn tints for your station
01:04:51and you'll be able to apply decals for your Org logos.
01:04:57Outside of minor and major hard points,
01:05:10your station will come with two unique base expansion points.
01:05:15One on the top side behind the bridge and one on the underside.
01:05:20The top side will be for the crow's nest.
01:05:25Now, all the other modules built so far have very specific functionality.
01:05:31But I'll admit, this is for the Org members out there
01:05:35who want the ultimate in personal space.
01:07:04So I'm going to be flying around the verse
01:07:06and I want personal invitations to see what you've done in those rooms, okay?
01:07:12Super cool. I can't wait to see what you do with it.
01:07:15Now let's talk about the underside.
01:07:17This is going to be for the flight deck,
01:07:20which also comes with an additional three major hardpoints.
01:07:26The flight deck is perfect for your rapid reaction forces.
01:07:33It's ideal for fighters but big enough to fit most ships.
01:07:37It's the perfect home for your station's defensive air wing.
01:07:43And just like the hangars, there'll be an observation deck
01:07:47which can override freight elevators,
01:07:50making rearming quicker and easier during operations.
01:07:56So an orb with a tight flight deck crew
01:07:59can be substantially more efficient than others.
01:08:03Now, this one's my favorite. Let's take a look.
01:09:10All right.
01:09:13There's a few little easter eggs in that video.
01:09:22But why do you need a flight deck for your rapid defenses force?
01:09:28Well, if you've built your super awesome station
01:09:32in a super lawless system...
01:09:36...now you're the potential targets for others.
01:09:41Everyone will have their eyes on your resources
01:09:45and wonder what gear you've got in your inventories.
01:09:49And let's say we didn't win the station warfare bid
01:09:52that Rich mentioned.
01:09:54Let's take a look at the inevitable.
01:11:53Okay, so not only is your station a staging area
01:11:58for offensive campaigns, it's also a defensive fortress.
01:12:04The exterior of the station itself can take quite a beating.
01:12:08It's going to be very hard to damage.
01:12:11So the goal of attackers instead will be to punch a hole
01:12:14through the defenses and get inside.
01:12:18The optimal way to do this will be to infiltrate
01:12:22through the flight deck or EVA hatches and work your way up.
01:12:27Once inside...
01:12:33Once inside and you've cleared out a hangar,
01:12:36you may also want to consider airlifting in a tank or two
01:12:40to clear some corridors.
01:12:43Raiders will have to hack freight elevators or bulkheads
01:12:47in order to gain access.
01:12:50And of course, bring enough ships with them
01:12:53to stop hauling out the loot.
01:12:56Gaining control of the bridge will allow access to storage
01:13:00which would otherwise be unhackable.
01:13:04So as a defender, there are a variety of automated defenses
01:13:10you're able to install internally within the station,
01:13:15such as blast doors which seal shut, systems to be breached,
01:13:19and a range of turrets like anti-vehicle or anti-personnel.
01:13:25These will all help slow down the attack
01:13:28and give time for your reinforcements to show up.
01:13:33So let's do a final recap.
01:13:36This is one of the end-game goals for Dedicated Orcs
01:13:42and will be your base of operations for system-wide activities.
01:13:48The station can be customized both in the interior and the exterior,
01:13:53meaning you can tailor it to your own requirements.
01:13:58And it's your very own home amongst the stars.
01:14:04But wait.
01:14:08But wait.
01:14:11There's one more unique module we can build.
01:14:16And that is the dry dock.
01:14:29This unique slot will be at the back of the station.
01:14:34It has its very own dedicated observation room with crafting stations
01:14:40and has a transit tram which runs along the inside of the arms,
01:14:46leading to the docking collars where your ship will be constructed.
01:14:52So the only question still remains.
01:14:55What sizes of ship can we build?
01:14:59Let's take a look.
01:17:03Thanks, Ian.
01:17:05So now we're talking.
01:17:07Multiple stations linking and dry docks to craft your very own capital ships.
01:17:13The ultimate end goal for any Orc.
01:17:19So let's take a step back.
01:17:21At the beginning of this presentation,
01:17:23I mentioned we had three types of players and one universe.
01:17:28And hopefully you can see we have purposeful gameplay
01:17:32catering to each type of player.
01:17:35But that wasn't the only goal.
01:17:37It was to build a game that connected all three together cohesively.
01:17:43And this is where you come in.
01:17:46The community, the lifeblood of Star Citizen.
01:17:50Whether you're a PvE player delving for unique crafting blueprints,
01:17:55a non-combat player mining for high-quality resources
01:17:58or building a base with your friends,
01:18:01or a PvP player fighting for your Orc in station warfare to protect your base,
01:18:07each one of you supports each other.
01:18:11You need the blueprints to craft.
01:18:13You need the resources to make them.
01:18:15And you need the equipment and protection to be safe.
01:18:18This is what Star Citizen is.
01:18:21It's a universe that caters to all players.
01:18:25Now I could probably go on for another ten hours deep diving into each system.
01:18:31But I'd do Jared out of a job,
01:18:38and he needs future ISCs and SE lives and Citizen Cons.
01:18:43Today was to reaffirm what type of game we are making.
01:18:48And I hope you continue to come with us on this journey
01:18:52as we march towards Star Citizen 1.0.
01:19:01Star Citizen 1.0